— Я хочу манговый монстр в холодильнике
— Он для работы
— Тогда давай поработаем
— Над чем? Сейчас не вполне очевидно что делать дальше, а у людей с которыми можно это обсудить заслуженный выходной
— Придумай над чем, я хочу >:((
— Я хочу манговый монстр в холодильнике If my life depends on it, I'm gonna self-host it. Everything comes with its own server. I host my own e-mail, I host my own instant messaging, I host own my file storage and exchange, I host my contacts and calendars, I host my social media and creative content. And yes, you're welcome to join in, sometimes. If we're friends, I and my servers will help you. Be warned, though: all my servers come with *me* as an admin. @drq and it's veeeeeeery fun when server goes down with, like, 1/3 of your life :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands: @drq Your position is awesome! I would like to do the same, but I don't have enough knowledge and patience. I have my own #nextcloud, I have #home_assistant, #gitea for very private projects that I don't even want to share with #github... But for contacts and calendars, for email and more complicated stuff like #self_hosted media, I really have no time, no knowledge and no patience. @kulinark Это же полуцелый спин. Его ещё выпилить пытались из интернетов как нарушающий каузальность на макроуровне @Evv1L Here is the uncomfortable truth about adblocking, yes there will always be a small subset of people who do it but as you put more hurdles in front of people less and less people will do it, this June my ad rates are at least 10% higher than they normally would be and this is with a Linux audience. Google's goal isn't to stop adblocking it's to convince you that adblocking is too much of a challenge to be worth it so that you stop using it willingly, in other words, boil the frog. You might ask why boil the frog instead of instantly breaking things, I propose 2 explanations: 1. Breaking things that badly is really difficult to ensure success 2. If you piss people off slowly they are a lot less likely to want to group up and protest the change you made @doctormo Yes. There's a reason we kinda come off a little bit cult-y to people who are not familiar with FOSS, and that can be annoying to them. Much like I often get annoyed in conversation with a preachy vegan. It's nobody's fault, really, we're just possessed by different memes.
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@jeffowski Like that time a bunch of men in a conference room decided which bathroom I was allowed to use at work. Fun. A few years ago, I and a group of homeless people attended a town hall meeting about homelessness. They went out of their way to make sure no one at our table got called on. В моей квартире белые стены были изначально. Мыть данную краску было сложно, хотя вроде бы она моющая. Сейчас планирую перекрашивать коридор. Прихожая самая проблемная, есть конкретное место где все держаться за стену когда разуваются и обуваются и там всё время следы от рук. Чтобы было проще решила это место расписать и покрыть лаком, лак явно мыть проще, да и может никто трогать теперь там и не будет Х) Вот что вышло) POV: Ты пытаешься обновить aiBIOS - "Как тебя обновлять? Как тебя обновлять?"
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@Evv1L@mastodon.ml со временем всё может измениться
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@mo Работается действительно хорошо