@Evv1L@mastodon.ml со временем всё может измениться
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@winet "Бл*ть, я себя за*уярил" Антивирус принял харакири. 🔍 Описание На изображении медведь стоит на задних лапах. На спине у него надет черный рюкзак. Передние лапы он держит на рюкзаке. Медведь стоит в лесу, на заднем плане видны горы. Надпись на картинке: "I can't bear it anymore" "*Keeps bearing it*". 📝 Текст на картинке I can't bear it anymore Troubleshooting is a skill. I don't know how exactly it can be taught, but we should absolutely be teaching it. I have never used a scissor lift in my life prior to this point but I know enough about machines now to realize something is wrong. And with an error code, the machine will tell you what's wrong. It's up to you to connect these things together - and that's honestly a guiding light in my work.
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@TechConnectify I know this kind of a joke but my friend sent this to his Mom and it actually... worked https://xkcd.com/627/ Technology, IMO it can only be taught by example. By starting with something that doesn't work and showing the thought process, or guiding you through it. Watching videos of people troubleshooting and fixing things should also help. It may also be taught as part of computer science classes because it's exactly the same skill as debugging software, just applied IRL. @cwebber I love how you're simultaneously an adult, a public figure for an entire organization, and silly
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A close up image of a printed circuit board, embossed with the text: “Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough.” When you fav the post of fedi person it's like you pat them.
When you boost, you take them into hands and rise them Lion King style.
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@Schnumn @Schnumn this. so much this... :neocat_woozy: question: do you know if this is a (common) ADHD thing? kinda gathering mind evidence for whether I have it at the moment, I'm not sure because I can focus on things very intensely but on the other hand it's steadily getting more difficult to focus on almost anything that isn't my special interest Hey did you know I'm running a kickstarter campaign for three brand new fantasy / adventure comics HEHE ✨️ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/schnumn/catgirls-dungeons-and-zombies?ref=user_menu |
@drq если ноут будет живой, то мб подтянусь
Возможно загляну 🤔
@drq господа, а как у вас с моим джитси, если вы им ещё пользуетесь? Вроде потсупали жалобы что с каких-то браузеров звук не работает, и мне надо понять причину проблем.
Напомните ещё плиз во сколько регулярки, постараюсь до них накатить обнову на джитси