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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Знаете, что очень хочу видеть в Мастодоне? Возможность один и тот-же пост постить на разных языках. Чтобы опираться не на машинный перевод (если у получающей стороны он вообще будет), а самому писать разные версии, а люди их бы видели в зависимости от выбранных фильтров и была бы возможность вручную переключаться посмотреть, как оно выглядит в другом языке. Просто спамить постами в лентах тех, у кого много языков пропускается через фильтры или делать простыни на нескольких разных языках это ну такое.

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Винни Пух

@Lemonid Можно, наверное, завести два аккаунта: первый аккаунт на русском языке, второй аккаунт на другом языке и постить то же самое.


Погодите, вы все просто взяли и... согласились? о_0 Вот это я выдал, впервые такую реакцию на идею тут вижу.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Why am I obsessing over a squabble with some immature bell-ends? Stop it.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I've finished my work for today.

Motherfucker was it excruciatingly hard.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

пиздец :^)
што я делаю со своей жизнбью...

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Iron Bug
@n0icz каждый волен делать со _своей_ жизнью что ему заблагорассудится. главное, чтобы другим не мешал :)
если ты никому не мешаешь, то никто не может тебя осудить за это.
а что касается самобичевания, то это бессмысленная трата времени. хочешь - делаешь. не хочешь - не делаешь. твоя жизнь - твои правила. попытки отрицать свои стремления - это какая-то шизофрения и нападки на себя самого, это обычно плохо заканчивается.
@n0icz каждый волен делать со _своей_ жизнью что ему заблагорассудится. главное, чтобы другим не мешал :)
если ты никому не мешаешь, то никто не может тебя осудить за это.
а что касается самобичевания, то это бессмысленная трата времени. хочешь - делаешь. не хочешь - не делаешь. твоя жизнь - твои правила. попытки отрицать свои стремления - это какая-то шизофрения и нападки на себя самого, это обычно...
Pasha Gusev

@n0icz многие таким или подобным вопросом задаются в какой-то период жизни, даже те, кто говорит что не задаётся) @iron_bug правильно пишет, что главное без самобичевания, оно штуко противное и тупиковое. Поэтому можно лишь зафиксировать сей факт и идти дальше по жизни.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I've been adjacent to artists my whole life btw, lots of friends who are musicians, many of whom have done it before Spotify existed. None of them do it for a living. They've all tried. Yes even before Spotify. It's not possible unless you're extremely good. Even then...


This is btw why I've never done music even before Spotify. I knew there'd never be any money in it, and I'd spend a fortune on equipment that just wouldn't pay for itself and I'd be depressed about it. I'd pour blood, sweat, tears into something that would ultimately make me more upset. Sure I could be an amateur... but most artists are not amateur.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Elizafox This.

People who want to do any kind of art, and think that this will bring them a lot of wealth are either inexperienced or insane.

Friends, fame, love, influence, satisfaction with the act of creation itself - may be, though none of this guaranteed. But not the money. "Rich artist" is the exception rather than the rule.

> Sure I could be an amateur... but most artists are not amateur.

I disagree with this one though. A lot of artists see themselves as amateur, most of them, really. It's an impostorship syndrome. You just don't see them as that because you have it too.

@Elizafox This.

People who want to do any kind of art, and think that this will bring them a lot of wealth are either inexperienced or insane.

Friends, fame, love, influence, satisfaction with the act of creation itself - may be, though none of this guaranteed. But not the money. "Rich artist" is the exception rather than the rule.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Basically the only way to make a living in any artistic endeavour is to be really, really good; or be really, really connected. No it is not fair. Not even close. It also has never been literally any different. iTunes opened up a brief window for independent music artists, but it isn't like piracy didn't exist then too, and it isn't like artists were doing great either. Etsy is still a thing for many other types of artists, but a lot of people are selling a lot of art, and the supply simply outstrips demand. Not saying it's fair, or that's how it should be, but that is how it *is.*

Basically the only way to make a living in any artistic endeavour is to be really, really good; or be really, really connected. No it is not fair. Not even close. It also has never been literally any different. iTunes opened up a brief window for independent music artists, but it isn't like piracy didn't exist then too, and it isn't like artists were doing great either. Etsy is still a thing for many other types of artists, but a lot of people are selling a lot of art, and the supply simply outstrips...


If you think Spotify is unfair wait until you learn what the RIAA has been doing to music artists for decades.

Know why a lot of bands break up?

The RIAA and the labels bankrupt them. They've always been doing it.

Most bands didn't just not make money; they LOST money. They ended up owing tens or hundreds of thousands to the label. They got fronted the production costs that they then had to pay back, and they often didn't promote the album at all or promoted it so badly (or the band was just mediocre at best) that the artists wound up in debt they couldn't hope to pay back.

I think people pay attention to Spotify screwing artists and kind of miss the fact that these artists get worse than screwed by labels. Like beyond screwed. Most artists get nothing from Spotify, but they don't wind up tens of thousands of dollars in debt to Spotify.

Actually, publishing in general is like this. Like all publishing. Just sayin'.

If you think Spotify is unfair wait until you learn what the RIAA has been doing to music artists for decades.

Know why a lot of bands break up?

The RIAA and the labels bankrupt them. They've always been doing it.

Most bands didn't just not make money; they LOST money. They ended up owing tens or hundreds of thousands to the label. They got fronted the production costs that they then had to pay back, and they often didn't promote the album at all or promoted it so badly (or the band was just mediocre...

Dr. Quadragon ❌

You know I always hear about struggling artists of all kinds like it's this new phenomenon. It isn't. Artists have always struggled, and I don't know why people think this is somehow a new thing. They struggled before the Internet, dealing with an industry always trying to crush them, and always finding ways to scam them. The only way artists have historically made a lot of money is to have multiple successful sales (albums, pieces, etc.) and tours. It's feast or famine. Certainly as long as recording has existed, it's been dominated by greedy jackasses and shady practises. Art has always relied on patronage as well.

You know I always hear about struggling artists of all kinds like it's this new phenomenon. It isn't. Artists have always struggled, and I don't know why people think this is somehow a new thing. They struggled before the Internet, dealing with an industry always trying to crush them, and always finding ways to scam them. The only way artists have historically made a lot of money is to have multiple successful sales (albums, pieces, etc.) and tours. It's feast or famine. Certainly as long as recording...


Basically the only way to make a living in any artistic endeavour is to be really, really good; or be really, really connected. No it is not fair. Not even close. It also has never been literally any different. iTunes opened up a brief window for independent music artists, but it isn't like piracy didn't exist then too, and it isn't like artists were doing great either. Etsy is still a thing for many other types of artists, but a lot of people are selling a lot of art, and the supply simply outstrips demand. Not saying it's fair, or that's how it should be, but that is how it *is.*

Basically the only way to make a living in any artistic endeavour is to be really, really good; or be really, really connected. No it is not fair. Not even close. It also has never been literally any different. iTunes opened up a brief window for independent music artists, but it isn't like piracy didn't exist then too, and it isn't like artists were doing great either. Etsy is still a thing for many other types of artists, but a lot of people are selling a lot of art, and the supply simply outstrips...

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Some people enjoy showering in mental shit, I guess.

Better avoid places where they do.

Problem is, they often look like perfectly chill places at a glance.

Dr. Quadragon ❌
Бля, я порой в ахуе с того, что происходит.

Утро, я ещё не понимал, что надышался из-за коммунальщиков краски от открытого окна и вентилятора, голова жёстко гудит, решаю взять отгул и лечить голову. Звоню начальнику, чтоб предупредить об этом и тут мне говорят, что интернета нет из-за того, что "сгорела сетевая карта на маршрутизаторе, который ты собирал" и давай-ка ты выезжай не смотря ни на что. После звоню ещё раз, чтоб сказать, что это работа сисадминов и говорят, что всё-таки моя.
Приезжаю на место, перенастраиваю канал на USB сетевуху. Нихуя не работает, после того как втыкнули кабель в коммутатор. Откатился с бекапа и ещё раз настроил. Подключаем к свичу - опять хуета. Предлагаю перезагрузить коммутатор - всё работает. Делаю бекап новых настроек с USB сетевухой и откатываю бекап на день назад. Втыкаю "сгоревшую сетевуху" в коммутатор - всё работает. Как оказалось, коммутатор ушёл в защиту из-за молнии. Круто!

Написал записку об выходном и поехал домой. Подойдя к подъезду замечаю, что входная дверь окрашена. А я под ней живу. СУКА!!!!
Бля, я порой в ахуе с того, что происходит.

Утро, я ещё не понимал, что надышался из-за коммунальщиков краски от открытого окна и вентилятора, голова жёстко гудит, решаю взять отгул и лечить голову. Звоню начальнику, чтоб предупредить об этом и тут мне говорят, что интернета нет из-за того, что "сгорела сетевая карта на маршрутизаторе, который ты собирал" и давай-ка ты выезжай не смотря ни на что....
@Kafazen пиздец
У меня тоже есть такая хуйня что с краски штормит
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@julia This joke is literally like fine wine. The older, the better.

Evv1L :blobcatlaptop:

@julia it's not necroboosting. It's reusing.

Next part is recycling :blobfoxthinksmirk:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@lea I don't know if complaints work between Mastodon and Misskey, so: Someone on your server is doing the impersonation.

Please cut it out.


@drq @lea I can't believe someone would do this. I will be sure to add banning paradoy accounts on to #labour's #manifesto . Remember a vote for the #tories is a vote for #parody

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Считаю калории... своими лучшими друзьями

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