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Martin Owens :inkscape:

"we are possessed by our societies ... I find it too unpleasant to deviate from what my culture tells me is normal ... vegans will tell you the harder part of their diet isn't the diet is dealing with other people's responses to it."
- Hank Green

This is insightful to us in the #openSource community. The struggle is usually not the software, it's dealing with other people's responses to our decision to deviate from their cultural norms.

#OSS #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@doctormo Yes. There's a reason we kinda come off a little bit cult-y to people who are not familiar with FOSS, and that can be annoying to them. Much like I often get annoyed in conversation with a preachy vegan. It's nobody's fault, really, we're just possessed by different memes.

Martin Owens :inkscape:


And a bit defensive, I'm certainly annoyed about "normal" software being anywhere near me. But I try not to let it show. Mostly this is my disappointment with the world's choices. But like hank says, it's having the social technologies to make a change in group behavior.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@doctormo People hate being schooled and bossed around - and I understand them.

Trick is, to somehow make the right thing and the path of the least resistance align - then the revolution will happen seemingly all by itself.

Good thing Microsoft is eager to help, as of late, by degrading the quality of their product in the interest of profit. But there's still a problem: you, directly telling a person that there's better software, and they should try it, is still telling a person what to do with their life, in their face. And to them, it *feels* like a more of an infringement on their personal freedom than what corporations do with their boil-the-frog approach, just because it's more direct.

@doctormo People hate being schooled and bossed around - and I understand them.

Trick is, to somehow make the right thing and the path of the least resistance align - then the revolution will happen seemingly all by itself.

Good thing Microsoft is eager to help, as of late, by degrading the quality of their product in the interest of profit. But there's still a problem: you, directly telling a person that there's better software, and they should try it, is still telling a person what to do with their...


@drq @doctormo there's a puritanism in open source circles, a hollier-than-thou "if only you lived like me" finger-pointing.

Once you realize their motivation is a hidden joy in watching infidels suffering, things make more sense.

(They're everywhere in open source culture)

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