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Helles Sachsen


Human creativity is also hallucinating and then checking this with ratio. That ai can draw so nice images (and collages from already existing art is still a art, you get a copyright for this as a human), is kind of proof of creativity.


@helles_sachsen @balkongast @Gargron
Agreed. Human creativity and innovation depends on the ability to make connections between two seemingly unrelated ideas - sometimes wildly different in fields, time periods, cultures. And then humans progressively build on those ideas - refining with other loosely connected ideas until it gets societal acceptance. AI is already a superior brainstorming tool than any corporate suits sitting around a whiteboard. And it will continue to get better.


@ForeverExpat @helles_sachsen @Gargron

And who is better in connecting ideas including the possibility of ethical evaluation than humans?

Helles Sachsen


Humans are so worse in ethical evaluations, maybe everybody, or everything else would be better.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

What about an AI trained by fascist ethic? The machine cannot recognize that.

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


Dont have any fear about this. Training a model today is 10bio euros, training a general ai in 5-20y will cost maybe much more. Even russia dont have the ressources for this.

EDIT: Look at the spendings of our government or the EU, they are not nearly enough to train a AI even on the level on ChatGPT4.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Looking at the world in its current state, I see this severely different.

ForeverExpat replied to balkongast

@balkongast @helles_sachsen @Gargron I disagree with Helles, algorithmically based ethics are not “better” but philosophical experiments and behavioral economics has shown that human ethics are at best consistently uneven and societal evolution has shown that humans are piss poor at it.

Helles Sachsen replied to ForeverExpat


Kants ethic is kind of a logically alorithmic ethic? And maybe the problem is, that we dont follow the logic.

@balkongast @Gargron

Helles Sachsen replied to Helles


I for one would expect that a general ai just would discover kants ethics because its build on logic. And follow it better than we do.

@balkongast @Gargron

ForeverExpat replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @balkongast @Gargron
Maybe. But individual ethics clashes with global reach and time scale of many of our problems. How to balance international humanitarianism for “slow burn” problems with local needs? How would people react if the algo decides to send funds to help far off places with larger problems at the expense of helping a local, short term crisis? How do you vote an algorithm out of office? Not to say humans are better, but algorithmic driven ethics is problematic also

Helles Sachsen replied to ForeverExpat


We vote for the algorithm with our feet. We use co pilot or chatGPT because its useful, really powerful tools, they improve our life, speed of work or learning. We will use also more powerful ai if they improve our life.

EDIT: The people wont felt forced. The will search for the benefits of the ai decisions.

@balkongast @Gargron

ForeverExpat replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @balkongast @Gargron
“Voting with your feet” …and the people prioritize local and/or short term over global and long term and thereby inject sub-optimal, inconsistent human ethical decision-making into the equation…and thus override the ability for the Kantian algorithms to maximize well being and human flourishing and fail to take into account cascading, long term effects.

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

If you see it this way, humans are not necessary at all.
What consequences that implies is not what I would accept.
I guess your restrictions to the areas where you actually use AI is simply restricting the way to look at AI.

ForeverExpat replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @balkongast @Gargron
I’m saying algos acting in a pure Kantian way [insert any philosophical framework] are bound to conflict with human (mis)perceptions of ethical outcomes. Problem is that humans often refuse to give up personal well-being/agency to benefit the many. How does an algo weigh the diversity of definitions of human flourishing in a complex adaptive system? Kant doesn’t scale. Humans a shit at this. No reason to expect AI will be better. Unless you just give into AI

Helles Sachsen replied to ForeverExpat

@ForeverExpat @balkongast @Gargron I for one everyone think we are so shiitty with this that it's very likely everyone and everything is better than us. Often throwing a coin would be better then human decisions.

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Coding this way seems to fit perfectly to any requirement?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast

@balkongast @ForeverExpat @Gargron These algorithm today that come out to be racists for example where made from humans. I mistrust humans more than a machine and throwing a coin.

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Hold my beer ... didn't you say that it would be too expensive to train such an AI?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast

@balkongast @ForeverExpat @Gargron For governments for sure, but not for Google. But Google got a shitstorm for a racist KI. They have to produce ai that they can sell.

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

As long as you restrict that to code, fine with me.
Ethical issues should be solved by the people affected (not the monetary interests behind).

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Imagine Gestapo asking you, whether you hide a political prosecuted person. What will Kant tell you to do?
Being honest and tell that you hide someone (as it is required by the categorical imperative)?
Or lie and attempt to save the life of the prosecuted person?
Moral and ethical questions are complex as this simple Paradoxon shows. And you believe a machine will always decide ethical?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


Wait, you can clearly made rational thinkings about this situation and deciding right. Especially if the gestapo ask you? It would be more difficult if a democratic police ask you and its reasonable, or if its about a friend or family member, but there are logical paths through this situations, which are better than which the usual human will do in this situation, just acting by emotion.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

Helles Sachsen replied to Helles


I think the most humans in a authorian regime would do the wrong decision, and the most ai would do the right decision because they dont have the fear of existence because of all the copies.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

What is wrong in that case?
Saving the own ass, following the ' do not lie ' as required by the categorical imperative?
Or acting ethical, lie and risk your own life?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


I dont follow your premise that "dont lie" is a unavoidable conclusion from the imperative.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Then you certainly have a good idea how to explain an exception from a general rule.
Edit: the problem in it is that the rule is not general after the exception.

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


Really, these are just your own conclusions, find peer reviewed articles that give your own conclusions a little bit foundation.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

You are the one to tell me, what lets a general rule still be general if there are exceptions and how to identify exceptions as valid and necessary.
You have stated that an automatic Kant is always right.
So it is up to you.

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Kant says simply don't lie.
Where is the exception and how would the exception be found to apply?

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Act always in the way that can be taken as the base for a general basement of law (translation by me).
So this says do not lie. There is no exception to that.
And if there should be an exception, how can it be general?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


Your conclusion that this say "dont lie" is just your opinion. Kant didnt wrote it anywhere. Do you have any source, peer reviewed, with the same view?

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Tell me what general rule stays general when there are exceptions and how can the exceptions be identified as valid and necessary?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


That you still say lying is a exception to this rule, and want me debate from this starting point, is a little bit like putting words in my mouth. As i said, your premise that lying is not allowed from this ruled is totally wrong imho.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

So the conclusion is that Kant accepts lies in the categorical imperative?

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


For sure imho! WTF For example to safe a life from the police of a fascist regime? @ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

But you risk your own life and you accept lies in general.

I believe we are both not deep enough in philosophy, but I am sure that Kant does not accept lies if we look at the categorical imperative.

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast


Are you christian? What is your problem with lies?

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

Helles Sachsen replied to Helles


Explain me with kant, why every lie is unethical. I am curious.

@ForeverExpat @Gargron

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Kant does not accept lies if we consider the categorical imperative.
Religion is not part of the categorical imperative.

The debate about right and not right, what is justice and not justice is part of the debate in philosophy, where we both surely don't have enough knowledge to go into depth.

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast

@balkongast @ForeverExpat @Gargron "Kant does not accept lies if we consider the categorical imperative"

This is only your opinion. You gave no further source.

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

Again, YOU have stated the automated Kant being always right. It is up to YOU to prove that being correct.
I just pointed to a paradoxity.

Helles Sachsen replied to balkongast

@balkongast @ForeverExpat @Gargron Never stated "always right". But. Kant give clear logical rules to a ethic where also lying is allowed and a machine can understand this.

Helles Sachsen replied to Helles

@balkongast @ForeverExpat @Gargron There is no paradoxity. You can lie with Kant if you also want that another person lie to you to safe a third persons life?

Helles Sachsen replied to Helles

@balkongast @ForeverExpat @Gargron This is clearly inside Kant. I would love that people lie to me if this safe the life of a person. Every ai would understand the logic behind this?

balkongast replied to Helles

@helles_sachsen @ForeverExpat @Gargron

We are at a dead end in reading the categorical imperative.

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