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IzzyOnDroid ✅

Oh wow:

No more enforced apps on your smartphone, no more lock-in to their services… That sounds nice! Now please, someone call the delivery service 🤩

#vendorLock #systemApps #softwareFreedom


@IzzyOnDroid I'm surprised that @EU_Commission hasn't shared this on their #fediverse account...

This is big news for sure!


@francescougolini @IzzyOnDroid @EU_Commission ah, looks like I missed it, they appear to have announced it a couple days after that article. Thanks for the share!

Francesco Ugolini

@deltatux @IzzyOnDroid You are welcome 😄 Some days, I miss not having a 'recap' section on Mastodon. Aomething like "these are the toots you missed this week." I always end up discovering content by chance 😅

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid Yea, the digital markets act is fantastic! Sadly the social media interoperability didn't make it in, that was in the original proposal too but I am glad messaging apps seem to actually be included because that wasn't certain for a long time ether! :)

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid The best part is how heavily they will enforce it tho, I think the punishment is up to 20% of a companies yearly global revenue or something rediculess like that so no one will miss to implement that one unless they plan to leave the EU market entirely!


I suspect they'll just make an EU version of their OS that only works on EU carriers. Still, an impressive achievement to pass, and hopefully more countries will pass similar regulations. @gamey @IzzyOnDroid

Gamey :thisisfine:

@JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid They certainly will but I live in the EU and it will set a great example for other countries so some might follow sooner or later, it worked like that for the GDPR at least!

Thomas Willenbrink

@gamey @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid I'm wondering how many more of those rules they are willing to accept before they decide to leave the European market.
It would be a blast if those products disappeared due to the EU regulations... 😁

Bill Sideris :verified:

@th_willenbrink @gamey @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid
We wouldn't lose android as by itself.
And losing Apple or Samsung doesn't sound all that bad.
If anything, it's a good thing.
The underdogs will comply to bite the marketshare.

Bill Sideris :verified:

@th_willenbrink @gamey @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid
Google will comply with the pixels and google play, so that no complications arise.
It would hurt them a lot more if google play isn't first in the app store list.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@bill88t @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid I don't think it will happen (everyone need the EU market) but I definitely agree! If Google services and most manufacturer software leave the EU many will fight for that spot and they can't be worse and will comply with the DMA.

Thomas Willenbrink

@gamey @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid It's funny that people still think the EU is too big to pass up.
We've seen what happened with Meta Threads.
I'm pretty sure that won't be the last service not offered in the EU.
It's fine to set rules. But if the rules are too strict, companies will eventually lose interest in the European market.
It would be interesting to see how people would react if Meta, Google or Amazon were to close down in the EU due to over-regulation.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid Don't take this the wrong way but I think that's a horrible comparison! Threads didn't launch in the EU yet because they automatically transfered user data to another service without permission (not at all over regulation in my opinion), as a Twitter clone they need the EU more than most others tho so it's certainly not going to stay that way!


@th_willenbrink @gamey @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid there’s evidence that Apple is already working on geo-locking the new iOS features that the EU law requires. So as an example you’ll only be able to side-load apps if you’re GPS confirms you’re physically in EU. So I don’t imagine they care about the EU regulations as they can use software to ignore them outside of Europe.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@AlexanderMars @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid As I pointed out before I believe that that will certainly be the case for most implementations but the EU is still one of their biggest markets so "won't care" isn't the wording I would choose! It kind of happened with the GDPR (significantly weaker enforcment but the closest comparison I have) too but England and China still adopted almost 1:1 copies of it and I hope others will follow, it's just worth a lot less without EU courts.

Billy Smith

@gamey @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid

People forget that the EU is a Union of European Citizens. :D

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@BillySmith that's the theory, yes. So let's throw out the lobbies, shall we? So it's finally "we, the people" defining how we want to live and be governed? 🤪

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid @BillySmith Well, the lobbies are definitely part of the problem but the member states have those too, what makes the EU unique are questionable cases of double representative democracy if you ask me! ;)

Billy Smith

@gamey @IzzyOnDroid

Most of the lobbies, are the remnants of where the EU was started, as a trade cartel, that evolved into what we have today. :D

It's just another continuation of the Enlightenment extending towards all of the peripheries of empire. :D

It's a good start, but it's just another step on the way to creating The Culture. :D

Gamey :thisisfine:

@BillySmith @IzzyOnDroid I would say the immense power of lobbies are a part of all member states and more of a sing of our current age of too big to fail mega cooperations. It's facinating and impressive how much more the EU is nowdays but you are right, there are many areas where you notice the rather extreme focus on trade over everything, still without them we would all have catasrophic laws that the EU court prevented!

Billy Smith

@gamey @IzzyOnDroid

Yes. :D

That side of the EU Courts, and the rights that exist for EU Citizens is great. :D

Now we need to roll them out everywhere. :D

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Billy

@BillySmith @IzzyOnDroid True, one majore destructive facotor is the EU itself tho, many of the trade deals have extras that should definitely be illegal like pushing all of the liability to the tax payer and guaranteeing cooperations damage replacments if E.g. glyphosate infected wheat from Canada can't be imported anymore, that's the outragous side of it all! As for others that's a tough question, our trade deals definitely won't save them and their couts don't seem tp do so ether. :/

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Gamey

@BillySmith @IzzyOnDroid Pro tip: Don't look closer at the Pfizer deal, that's the biggest scam I have seen in a long time! ;)

Billy Smith replied to Gamey

@gamey @IzzyOnDroid

Those elements started to be brought in when the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty was being negotiated, and have since become part of the standard ask-for in trade treaties.

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@gamey TBH, I personally do not much care about that one (unless it means to get the data OUT of their greedy hands to get them IN to free, libre, transparent services). And I haven't yet heard of a libre SN where you could import your DATA (profile, metadata yes, but all your messages?)

The other part I rather do NOT want. My messages going TO some MAGMA service, for inter-operability? No, thanks 😉

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid In case of the messages the final goal seems to be something similar to Matrix (some people from Matrix, XMPP and Neochat (KDE Matrix client)) where invited to a meeting next to some people big tech/silicon valley so I assume the social media interoperability would have been comparable to Activitypub and don't really see what exactly you worry about tbh. I can't recall who wrote about it but there is a great post about that meeting on open collective!

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@gamey Keyword: #FediPact – all the social graph of interactions from our rather privacy-oriented networks would become fully accessible to MAGMA.

I kept out of their realms for a reason. I don't want to be dragged into that "indirectly" now. Bad enough that everyone using WA and having my number in their address book already ships that there, without my consent (and often even despite my explicit dis-consent). No need to worsen that.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid One thing the matrix people made very clear is that a phone numer wouldn't be a sufficient identifier but I get what you worry about now. If your contact writes you through Whatsapp in the future that will expose metadata about your Matrix account, I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff for the possibility of that interaction in the first place tho and the exact implications will depend heavily on the implementation!(Should hopefully need your consent for any further data than the nick)

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@bulbyvr Who knows? But since when did libre Linux enforce apps on you which you couldn't uninstall, in any way lock you in, etc? 🤔

Eleanor Saitta


@cstross yeah... Unfortunately the DMA still doesn't have an answer about how they're magically going to make e2ee work across platforms. This is gonna be a bit messy

Dawid Rejowski

@dymaxion @IzzyOnDroid @cstross

Using the same encryption protocol (like MLS, just standardized by IETF) or client-side bridging.

Eleanor Saitta

If they use the same protocol, you end up with both lowest common denominator security and making it largely impossible to add features — and that's assuming interop even works. Client side bridging requires that every client implement every protocol, yielding the superset of vulnerabilities — and that's before we start dealing with how you present so many different sets of features in the UI in usable ways. Then we get to talk about how anti-spam is going to work in an ecosystem like this, not to mention impersonation, etc.
@IzzyOnDroid @cstross

If they use the same protocol, you end up with both lowest common denominator security and making it largely impossible to add features — and that's assuming interop even works. Client side bridging requires that every client implement every protocol, yielding the superset of vulnerabilities — and that's before we start dealing with how you present so many different sets of features in the UI in usable ways. Then we get to talk about how anti-spam is going to work in an ecosystem like this,...

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@dymaxion Will certainly be something like with ChatControl: not breaking or weakening the encryption while still being able to read the contents 🙊 💨

RevK :verified_r:

@IzzyOnDroid this will be a challenge for all sorts of reasons, especially messaging apps interworking.

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@revk I hope that part will never come. I don't want my Fedi-Toots show up on Shitter or Threats 😱 And who cares about their "Tracking apps with a social component"? 🤪

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@IzzyOnDroid Companies like Apple will *never* comply with laws like this, *especially* it it's from a tiny share of their market like france or britain, that isn't even pennies as far as they're concerned. They'll either pull out of those markets, or pay the fines, and they have an extensive history to back this up.

Luna :circleA:

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid They can't pull out of the entirety of the EU and the fines are absolutely gigantic this time around so I think they'll be forced to comply

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid We will see, I don’t think y’all in Europe realize A: how tiny Europe is, and B: how incredibly incredibly wealthy Apple is.
It would take the loss of either India, China, or the US as a market for them to care.
France, Britain, Hell, all of the EU, they really couldn’t care less, and every attempt so far from y’all to rein them in at all has resulted in failure.
It’s mean-sounding, but Europe doesn’t have enough customers for Apple to care, not even close, and this is pretty easy to see in both their history as a company, and sales data

@luna @IzzyOnDroid We will see, I don’t think y’all in Europe realize A: how tiny Europe is, and B: how incredibly incredibly wealthy Apple is.
It would take the loss of either India, China, or the US as a market for them to care.
France, Britain, Hell, all of the EU, they really couldn’t care less, and every attempt so far from y’all to rein them in at all has resulted in failure.
It’s mean-sounding, but Europe doesn’t have enough customers for Apple to care, not even close, and this is pretty easy...

Luna :circleA:

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid The EU has over 100 million more people than the US, and Apple already complies with the GDPR. Lol

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid really, what is your population? Also there’s 0 way that is true, and again, what are the fines? Hmm? Actually, nm -_- this exchange has just convinced me European Apple fans exist entirely within their own rectums. Have a good one

Luna :circleA:

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid TIL I'm an Apple fan. Also, did they just deny population statistics, block me, and call me a rude dick for that? 😭Lmfao. USians never cease to amaze me

delta :akko_bean: :verified_gay: do they think the EU is a tiny insignificant power or something? France alone contains a 5th the population of the US, its not a tiny market that they're just gonna casually leave

i've seen various companies threaten to pull out when a major regulation crops up like a dozen times, but so far i've yet to see any actually do it, they wouldn't even leave australia

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid the fines would probably have to be approaching a trillion dollars for them to care.

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid I am curious what the fines would be, actually.
France (I believe?) already tried to get them to use usb c, aaaaand they refused and payed the fines. I’m actually *for* Apple being reined in, I just do not believe for a second any market but the big three, have any chance of making them do better.

Bilal Barakat

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid You have no idea what you are talking about in terms of market size. They’ll do exactly what the EU demands. Just like they’re doing with USB-C charging on iPhones. Europe is a quarter of Apple’s market.

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@bifouba @IzzyOnDroid I actually do know what I’m talking abt, random person on their internet, and secondly, fuck off with that attitude 🙃

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@bifouba @FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid also, it is nowhere close to a quarter of their market, you don’t know what you’re talking abt


@IzzyOnDroid Wow!!! We need those very same regulations here in the states! I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to shut down all of the bloatware stuck on phones. It's nigh impossible and some simply turn themselves back on. So much for "owning" your own equipment!

Site Reliability Enby🏳️‍⚧️🏁🔦📈🐺👗

@IzzyOnDroid "Messaging apps will have to interoperate"

That sounds like:

1. A technical nightmare
2. A privacy nightmare
3. A surveillance state's wet dream

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@SiteRelEnby Finally one who understands. Thanks for speaking out! Those are exactly my fears when I read that sentence.

Site Reliability Enby🏳️‍⚧️🏁🔦📈🐺👗

@IzzyOnDroid It's the fucking EU, who are so technically incompetent, even more so than the US or UK government, that they think mathematics can be induced to work differently by the presence of a piece of paper, so not surprised, I guess...

Skylar Caulfield :blue_verify: it's also rather limiting since depending on how they mandate this they could be like YOU MUST OFFER SMS too. I feel like interoptable apps can exist in a secure way, but forcing it kinda breaks things and I doubt this will apply to anyone who isnt a large player like Google

Skylar Caulfield :blue_verify: If only this mandated a unlockable and relockable bootloader, meaning that I could flash a custom OS but upload my own keys so I have verified boot.

Lorenz Kahl

@IzzyOnDroid man, that sounds too good to be true! I hope Samsung will also be obligated to clean up their Tizen OS for Smart TVs. The ad integration and their predefined apps are like the terminator - they keep on coming back no matter how hard I’m trying to kill them off.


@IzzyOnDroid God I wish we cared enough in the US to have laws like these. Service providers are screwing us so bad on this stuff it never ceases to amaze me that people still put up with it.

Bilal Barakat

@IzzyOnDroid For the benefit of those questioning whether Apple might be able to afford just ignoring the European market (like at least one person here who doesn't care about facts and apparently blocked me simply for pointing out the following), according to Apple's own financial reports, Europe last accounted for $95B out of $394B of net sales, or close to a quarter:

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