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𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@IzzyOnDroid Companies like Apple will *never* comply with laws like this, *especially* it it's from a tiny share of their market like france or britain, that isn't even pennies as far as they're concerned. They'll either pull out of those markets, or pay the fines, and they have an extensive history to back this up.

Luna :circleA:

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid They can't pull out of the entirety of the EU and the fines are absolutely gigantic this time around so I think they'll be forced to comply

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid We will see, I don’t think y’all in Europe realize A: how tiny Europe is, and B: how incredibly incredibly wealthy Apple is.
It would take the loss of either India, China, or the US as a market for them to care.
France, Britain, Hell, all of the EU, they really couldn’t care less, and every attempt so far from y’all to rein them in at all has resulted in failure.
It’s mean-sounding, but Europe doesn’t have enough customers for Apple to care, not even close, and this is pretty easy to see in both their history as a company, and sales data

@luna @IzzyOnDroid We will see, I don’t think y’all in Europe realize A: how tiny Europe is, and B: how incredibly incredibly wealthy Apple is.
It would take the loss of either India, China, or the US as a market for them to care.
France, Britain, Hell, all of the EU, they really couldn’t care less, and every attempt so far from y’all to rein them in at all has resulted in failure.
It’s mean-sounding, but Europe doesn’t have enough customers for Apple to care, not even close, and this is pretty easy...

Luna :circleA:

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid The EU has over 100 million more people than the US, and Apple already complies with the GDPR. Lol

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid really, what is your population? Also there’s 0 way that is true, and again, what are the fines? Hmm? Actually, nm -_- this exchange has just convinced me European Apple fans exist entirely within their own rectums. Have a good one

Luna :circleA:

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid TIL I'm an Apple fan. Also, did they just deny population statistics, block me, and call me a rude dick for that? 😭Lmfao. USians never cease to amaze me

delta :akko_bean: :verified_gay: do they think the EU is a tiny insignificant power or something? France alone contains a 5th the population of the US, its not a tiny market that they're just gonna casually leave

i've seen various companies threaten to pull out when a major regulation crops up like a dozen times, but so far i've yet to see any actually do it, they wouldn't even leave australia

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid the fines would probably have to be approaching a trillion dollars for them to care.

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@luna @IzzyOnDroid I am curious what the fines would be, actually.
France (I believe?) already tried to get them to use usb c, aaaaand they refused and payed the fines. I’m actually *for* Apple being reined in, I just do not believe for a second any market but the big three, have any chance of making them do better.

Bilal Barakat

@FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid You have no idea what you are talking about in terms of market size. They’ll do exactly what the EU demands. Just like they’re doing with USB-C charging on iPhones. Europe is a quarter of Apple’s market.

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@bifouba @IzzyOnDroid I actually do know what I’m talking abt, random person on their internet, and secondly, fuck off with that attitude 🙃

𖤐 MadameMalady 𖤐

@bifouba @FOSSingularity @IzzyOnDroid also, it is nowhere close to a quarter of their market, you don’t know what you’re talking abt

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