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IzzyOnDroid ✅

@gamey Keyword: #FediPact – all the social graph of interactions from our rather privacy-oriented networks would become fully accessible to MAGMA.

I kept out of their realms for a reason. I don't want to be dragged into that "indirectly" now. Bad enough that everyone using WA and having my number in their address book already ships that there, without my consent (and often even despite my explicit dis-consent). No need to worsen that.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid One thing the matrix people made very clear is that a phone numer wouldn't be a sufficient identifier but I get what you worry about now. If your contact writes you through Whatsapp in the future that will expose metadata about your Matrix account, I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff for the possibility of that interaction in the first place tho and the exact implications will depend heavily on the implementation!(Should hopefully need your consent for any further data than the nick)

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@gamey It won't stop at simply "dropping a DM" on the other end. Inter-operability would also mean participating in group chats/Matrix rooms. So if a single person from WA wants to participate in a Matrix room … do I need to go into detail? If I'd host such a server, I'd block that (I could, as those rules to not apply to me and my "little server).

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid I am still not entirely sure what "basic chat functionality" is supposed to mean but you are right. I have even seen arguments about possibly having to accept every server in the group chat indivitually but I highly doubt it will include public rooms. I know many people that I communicate with using SMS because all they have is Whatsapp and their reason against alternatives is a lack of acceas to all their contacts, I wouldn't communicate with Whatsapp directly but they would!

Gamey :thisisfine:

@IzzyOnDroid To me it's more of a killer argument to install every none tech savy person Signal than beneficial to my personal usage and that would be highly beneficial to my personal usage. You are absolutely right tho, with the wrong implementation this could end in a catastophy for privacy! I feel like the GDPR already prevents a lot of the worse case scenarios, including yours.

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