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Thomas Willenbrink

@gamey @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid It's funny that people still think the EU is too big to pass up.
We've seen what happened with Meta Threads.
I'm pretty sure that won't be the last service not offered in the EU.
It's fine to set rules. But if the rules are too strict, companies will eventually lose interest in the European market.
It would be interesting to see how people would react if Meta, Google or Amazon were to close down in the EU due to over-regulation.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid Don't take this the wrong way but I think that's a horrible comparison! Threads didn't launch in the EU yet because they automatically transfered user data to another service without permission (not at all over regulation in my opinion), as a Twitter clone they need the EU more than most others tho so it's certainly not going to stay that way!

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@gamey @th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill "because they automatically transfered user data to another service without permission" – and what is different with that? I won't ever give them permission to transfer my data. But as soon as someone from their service accesses a room I am in, what would happen? I wouldn't be asked first, would I? And for them to participate, <s>the spice</s> data must flow.

Thomas Willenbrink

@gamey @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid In Europe, we have nothing to counter the big Internet corporations.
That's why this game is dangerous.
Stepping on the toes of the companies without having an alternative is simply stupid.
In the long term, we run the risk that big business will only be done in the U.S. and China, and Europe will finally sink into insignificance.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid (1/2) You aren't wrong in concept but I think you definitely are in practice. The major way those companies keep their position is that their product are the users so more users equals more viable and there are small alternatives to many if not all of their services, they just aren't viable. Furthermore something like Android with very little competition isn't controlled by Google so it will continue to be available.

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Gamey

@th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid (2/2) Other sectors like hardware have very heavy competition from the US and Asia and won't dry up, especially since the US made China a lot less attractive to do business in. I also don't think we should call it over regulation unless it actually damages consumers, all market regulations limit business to some extend and the thread you draw there (at least to me) isn't realistic atm!

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Gamey

@th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid To me your point here is a neo liberal excuse to underregulate certain buisnesses and one of the driving factors behind even bigger big tech.

IzzyOnDroid ✅ replied to Gamey

@gamey @th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill "Android … isn't controlled by Google" – you are sure about that? Just because it's the AOSP behind Android? It's been a while since I looked last, but … who makes the decisions at AOSP? Who's on the board? If Wikipedia is to be believed: "Android is developed by Google until the latest changes and updates are ready to be released…" Only then it goes to AOSP, "… an open source initiative led by Google." 🤷‍♂️

@gamey @th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill "Android … isn't controlled by Google" – you are sure about that? Just because it's the AOSP behind Android? It's been a while since I looked last, but … who makes the decisions at AOSP? Who's on the board? If Wikipedia is to be believed: "Android is developed by Google until the latest changes and updates are ready to be released…" Only then it goes to AOSP, "… an open source initiative...

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to IzzyOnDroid

@IzzyOnDroid @th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill I can't argue against that but I still don't think the DMA is dangerous over regulation in any way and I also think Huawai could be really dangerous to Google if they mess with AOSP and leave the EU market at the same time.

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Gamey

@IzzyOnDroid @th_willenbrink @bill88t @JessTheUnstill Nothing will make the current version of AOSP closed source and if China and the EU are effected that's easily big enough of a market to continue that work even if Google abandoned all of us! (Which is highly unlikely in my opinion)

Bill Sideris :verified: replied to IzzyOnDroid

@IzzyOnDroid @gamey @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill
Oh what does the project leadership have to do with this? Even if Google were to pull out of the eu, the project would be fine just fine.

The android core, as-is, is perfectly capable of meeting the eu requirements.

Slap a oobe wizard (as the manufacturer) that asks if you want a browser and app store and it's good to go.

If Google wants to be in that list, they better make google play a use-installable app.

If they don't? TOO BAD!
We have aurora store, every fdroid frontend in existence and obtainium along with all the samsus and huawei stuff.

@IzzyOnDroid @gamey @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill
Oh what does the project leadership have to do with this? Even if Google were to pull out of the eu, the project would be fine just fine.

The android core, as-is, is perfectly capable of meeting the eu requirements.

Slap a oobe wizard (as the manufacturer) that asks if you want a browser and app store and it's good to go.

Bill Sideris :verified: replied to Bill Sideris :verified:

@IzzyOnDroid @gamey @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill

Literally sent from a degoogled custom rom'ed pixel 2xl.
I also have my jailbroken iphone se on my desk.

I look forward to a future I don't need to do this.

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Bill Sideris :verified:

@bill88t @IzzyOnDroid @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill I fundamentally agree with you but I also think your solutions are too easy, Google dose have the ultimate control over AOSP and even they struggle to maintain it.

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Bill Sideris :verified:

@bill88t @IzzyOnDroid @th_willenbrink @JessTheUnstill There is a big difference between all current projects and a seperately maintained branch of Android and they have no obligations to continue AOSP but as I pointed out in another comments that would also threaten China and both markets together are more than enough to justify a seperate mobile OS based on current AOSP so I don't think Google could afford to do anything like it.

Bill Sideris :verified:

@th_willenbrink @gamey @JessTheUnstill @IzzyOnDroid
Oh I am sure plenty of big companies will abandon eu if this continues. Not gonna argue with that.
If Apple sets down the foot and says no more, like they probably will, many will follow their lead.

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