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Billy Smith

@gamey @IzzyOnDroid

Yes. :D

That side of the EU Courts, and the rights that exist for EU Citizens is great. :D

Now we need to roll them out everywhere. :D

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Billy

@BillySmith @IzzyOnDroid True, one majore destructive facotor is the EU itself tho, many of the trade deals have extras that should definitely be illegal like pushing all of the liability to the tax payer and guaranteeing cooperations damage replacments if E.g. glyphosate infected wheat from Canada can't be imported anymore, that's the outragous side of it all! As for others that's a tough question, our trade deals definitely won't save them and their couts don't seem tp do so ether. :/

Gamey :thisisfine: replied to Gamey

@BillySmith @IzzyOnDroid Pro tip: Don't look closer at the Pfizer deal, that's the biggest scam I have seen in a long time! ;)

Billy Smith replied to Gamey

@gamey @IzzyOnDroid

Those elements started to be brought in when the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty was being negotiated, and have since become part of the standard ask-for in trade treaties.

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