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Thomas 🔭🕹️

If you use Chrome, you’re supporting this utter shit (tl;dr Google is moving to ban adblockers by introducing DRM for websites):

Thomas 🔭🕹️

I guess AMP was a failure, so they’re trying again in another way to destroy the Web.

John Caveney woke is me🛠️

@thomasfuchs I won’t even spell the word G00gle in it’s correct form.

Blake Leonard All the issues saying "this is an awful idea, throw this out now" make me smile, but I know this will turn out the same as the issues and PRs on the Twitter algorithm repository.

Nyla Smokeyface :heart_ace:

@thomasfuchs More people wouldn't use adblockers if they weren't so intrusive, annoying, didn't slow down the page, and didn't invade our privacy.

young man yells at the cloud

@Nyla_Smokeyface @thomasfuchs I will always use every adblocker available in my power. If I want to support the creator, I will donate directly.

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@bamboombibbitybop @Nyla_Smokeyface That's why they want to be able to lock down websites—so you can't inject your own scripts for your own usage etc.


@thomasfuchs Next it will be web cam on required so they can make sure you looked at the ads for long enough.

Henry Maddocks

@thomasfuchs if you are using any Google products you are supporting this utter shit

Jeremy Neander

@thomasfuchs "Google" and "integrity" in the same sentence?

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:


And the fucking disguise it with a guilt trip "If you aren't seeing ads, how can we TRUST you?"

Fuck off. You don't. Actual trust, as in close human relation ship trust, is EARNED, you sacks of shit certainly haven't earned trust between us.

Turns out I cant trust anyone who is tracking everything I do and profiling me.

I'm not google free, but google free seems like a good life goal, and the more they do these things the more true that is.

Can we get somewhere sensible to push back against this maybe? The EU perhaps?


I recently started using DuckDuckGo

It’s a more relaxing way to browse and watch because it cuts back on a bunch of nonsense and #enshitification

So maybe give it a try if chrome is going to start behaving like Elno owns it


@WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs Agreed! I wrote off Google and all its services many years ago and have had nothing but good experience using #brave #browser and #duckduckgo for the past many years. It’s a nice feeling.


@blhue @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs guys, Brave is built on top of Chromium. If Google pushes this it will be in Chromium first. Even if it’s not using a direct Google product, it’s giving them power on how they can dictate stuff on the web. Edge, Vivaldi, Opera etc are build on top of chromium
You can switch to Firefox if you want to ditch them

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@Kerchief7592 @blhue @WeiMingKai Bonus, Brave is run by a homephobe and financed by right-wing douchewaffles

Firefox depends on google funding to continue to exist, doesnt it? Its what I use on PC, but I don't think there are any untainted options.


@Kerchief7592 @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs I know brave is based on chromium. I happily feel like I’m doing them a disservice as I’m using their software without them benefitting from it (at least in terms of them profiting of stealing my private information).

I use brave for the profiles feature and I use it for limited activity. Firefox, at the time I began needing and using this feature, didn’t have profiles unfortunately.

I do get your point though as it is similar to a point I’m making now for myself of not using #lemmy based on its developers beliefs. I’d like to use it, but can’t bring myself to support that sort of thinking. Thusly I am using #kbin for the time being at least.

My main browser use by far is #safari, which I know people will take issue with too, but it’s the less of all evils for me personally.

@Kerchief7592 @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs I know brave is based on chromium. I happily feel like I’m doing them a disservice as I’m using their software without them benefitting from it (at least in terms of them profiting of stealing my private information).

I use brave for the profiles feature and I use it for limited activity. Firefox, at the time I began needing and using this feature, didn’t have profiles unfortunately.

Scott Starkey :verified:

@WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs

Apparently Brave has injected its ads into its users' browsing for years, hijacking other ads. I'm not ok with that.

I've been having some success with Vivaldi browser @Vivaldi, and they have embraced Mastodon as well. I did have a learning curve though. It's got a lot going on.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

I've been meaning to try Duck Duck Go. Now may be the time. When I ran the Google Analytics account for my last employer I was surprised that Duck Duck Go was always in the top five traffic sources for our site.

Blake Leonard What's so funny is the first sentence is utter bullshit.

> Users often depend on websites trusting the client environment they run in.

Bullshit, and doesn't even make sense. Users depend on developers knowing what the hell they're doing, and the protections the browser they chose offers them. All of that can be checked if necessary on a case-by-case basis (and if a browser like Tor wants to, they can spoof or stub), according to all known best practices of web development.


@thomasfuchs the bad faith and intellectual dishonesty of the first paragraphs already left me enraged.


@0gust1 @thomasfuchs who will be the saviour of the open internet if not Google?

David Smith

@thomasfuchs i love how in the "challenges" section on fingerprinting they have no idea how to enforce that the attester wouldn't provide "high entropy" content.

which is a funny way to say "the attester can tell the website as much as they want about the device"

Google (via Chrome) would be an attester under this model 🤡


@thomasfuchs Is this separate to the Manifest V3 issue?

Paul Mullins

@thomasfuchs yet a other reason not to use chrome. I've switched from it ages ago, Firefox instead. Now I just need to ween myself off Gmail.


@thomasfuchs I’m lost - does the ad-forcing site do this by requiring “attestation” that… the ads are loading? Certain extensions aren’t present?


@thomasfuchs alright, time to disrupt all the open issues (that are from the people interested in implementing this, please no friendly fire)


@thomasfuchs I loath Google anymore… this is exactly what the internet SHOULDN’T BE!

Digital Medicine Peddler

@thomasfuchs Ugh, this is troublesome news...I don't want to support Google in their time of being a massive asshat.

I need to investigate alternatives that work well with my Google 2FA and Password less Sign-in. I'm a bit too tied to their ecosystem right now. 😭

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@WanderingInDigitalWorlds I’m using Authy, but switching to Apple’s Keychain for 2FA (more convenient for me)

Digital Medicine Peddler

@thomasfuchs I use Authy for a lot of my 2FA protected accounts. My Google Account is specifically protected with Password-less device based Authentication and a Security Key. An alternative browser has to work with this for me to be able to switch from using Chrome completely. I'm using a Google Pixel, so that complicates matters.

billy joe bowers - Harris2024


I really don't understand why people do things like use Chrome.

Rhombus Ticks


I use android so i cant remove it but its the browser of last resort due to ad spam


@thomasfuchs Just switched to Firefox last week (after trying Brave and the DuckDuckGo browser and not really being happy with either), and I’m suddenly very glad I did.

Joel Michael

@thomasfuchs rule 0 of web development: never trust the client. Ever. I mean it. You have zero guarantees that anything will work all the time

Jon F :anarchist_flag: & ☮️

@thomasfuchs But if you even use youtube you are still supporting utter shit, because google owns it. Come on Thomas, you can do better than this!

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@AvonVilla yes you do, but it’s a monopoly so there’s so alternative to see the content.

There’s other browsers than Chrome and other email servers than Gmail and other apps than Google’s and other phones and other [etc.]

Jon F :anarchist_flag: & ☮️

@thomasfuchs No alternative? Sounds like you are bowing to the mightiness of the unstoppable google. Better to say, "don't watch youtube, don't upload to youtube". If you ignore things like peertube, why even bother being on mastodon. You could equally argue there's "no alternative" to twitter.

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@AvonVilla YouTube has, right now, a 99% market share of any creator-made video content. This means there’s literally no alternative to it _that has the content_.

I’d love it if creators would cross post to other platforms.

Alas, they almost never do.

Jon F :anarchist_flag: & ☮️

@thomasfuchs I wouldn't love it if they cross-posted. I'd love it if they didn't post to yt at all! Maybe I am holier than thou, but you are a little bit pregnant with google's love child. 🙂

Jon F :anarchist_flag: & ☮️

@thomasfuchs Also, would you consider removing this logo from your website?

Google chrome logo and the text  "available in the chrome web store"

@thomasfuchs Something about this reminds me of when car manufacturers made cars harder to steal so carjackings went up. I feel like there will definitely be some unintended negative consequences here.

Jeremy Kun

@thomasfuchs the explainer explicitly says "don't interfere with browser plugins". Where'd you get the "kill ad blockers part" from. You think the doc is lying?

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@j2kun goodbye to you and your horrible company 👋

Jeremy Kun

@thomasfuchs Criticize Google all you want, idgaf, and you're probably right. But distinguish between your summary of a link and your editorializing.


@j2kun @thomasfuchs pretty sure the doc IS lying. The motivations and considerations, specifically how they evaluated bad use-cases of this, seems quite disingenuous at best and deliberately misleading at worst.

I do understand the concerns about editorialized news though, but you are on a microblogging platform not a link aggregator, it is by-design prone to this pattern and Google gets no (love or) exceptions here.

Jeremy Kun

@unexpectedteapot "seems disingenuous" or "the authors are naive" is a FAR cry from "IS lying" and "Google is making a concerted effort to kill ad blockers."


@j2kun So you don't think Manifest V3 plus a vendor lock-in standard for websites add up to a plausible motivation of restricting ad-block?

Either way, the repercussions of this are far more reaching than just affecting ad-block. The HN comment section I previously linked has some insightful comments.

Jeremy Kun

@unexpectedteapot I believe Google will continue to enshittify everything. But knowing Google, this has all the hallmarks of a small group of engineers with a well-intentioned project that is way too early stage to determine if it will land.


@j2kun they are literally an ad company. What could they possible be doing besides trying to kill ad blockers

FC (Fay) 🏳️‍🌈

@thomasfuchs I'm way more worried about the effects on accessibility tools and any kind of alternative clients/frontends/apps than ad blockers in major browsers specifically, but yeah.


@thomasfuchs I bet this has something to do with blocking AI training bots, too. @lisamelton


@thomasfuchs chromium*

If you use any Chromium-based browser you still support Google by giving them more power over the web.

Switch to Firefox. Save the Web.


@thomasfuchs can someone please explain this to me in different words? I read the page up to goals and non-goals and I’m not understanding most of it. Thanks in advance 💛


@thomasfuchs does that apply to all Chromium based browsers too?

Kote Isaev

@thomasfuchs Web is dying because there is too much of the web. Too much of "free" websites where users are being product. Too much of ads while good account of ads is 0. Zero.
I mean that I never bought something after clicking (intentionally or accidentally) on ad shown me at web or in mobile device.
Utopia of free websites ends. Either you subscribe for a website, or it dies in going bankrupt.
Yes. donations exists, but not everyone can donate or rely on donations.


@thomasfuchs stop 👏 using 👏 Chromium 👏 based 👏 browsers.


@thomasfuchs I'm assuming this will apply not just to chrome but to browsers built on Chromium, right?

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@FatherEnoch then you’re using a browser engine from Google, but with extra code by homophobes

シナモロール :kirby:

Personally I wouldn't worry, Gügle's analysis of redirect strings recently showed an increase in correlated user entry errors across different search providers. This is most likely people switching their default search engine to Gaggle from e.g. Microwave's Bong, but the entry error - or specifically, spelling error of Goggle - has caused some concern in corporate.

TL;DR putting the L in gurgLe

(Didn't think I'd be writing off-brand fanfiction lol)

Personally I wouldn't worry, Gügle's analysis of redirect strings recently showed an increase in correlated user entry errors across different search providers. This is most likely people switching their default search engine to Gaggle from e.g. Microwave's Bong, but the entry error - or specifically, spelling error of Goggle - has caused some concern in corporate.

Thomas 🔭🕹️

Oh man the issues that people created on this 😂

Feature request: block copy and pasting
Have you tried having good ideas instead of bad ones
Replace the internet with ads
How to delete someone else’s repository
Jeff Atwood

@thomasfuchs "have you tried having good ideas instead of bad ones" 🤣

Elias Mårtenson

@codinghorror @thomasfuchs that one was amazing indeed. Why can't I think of such clever things?


@thomasfuchs "Could you guys please stop trying to create a 1984 dystopia every 5 minutes?" is a personal favorite.

Escaping Galt's Gorean Gulch

@mhoye @thomasfuchs and there's already tone policing from the "web standards community".


@emma @thomasfuchs Including some people who should know better, too.

Don Marti

@mhoye @emma @thomasfuchs afaik Google is supposed to be disclosing this kind of stuff to the Competition and Markets Authority in the U.K., too. Trying to figure what’s up with not reporting it

Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@thomasfuchs This is all on the GitHub account of some random guy, who isn’t even part of the Google org.

Are we sure it’s legit?

Justin Riley


A patent drawing with four frames. 1. A person is watching TV. 2. A commercial appears on the TV with the text: SAY “MCDONALD’S” TO END COMMERCIAL 3. The person stands and shouts “MCDONALD’S!” 4. The person is allowed to continue watching their TV show.
Orion Edwards

@thomasfuchs I read the proposal (FWIW I have significant experience with FIDO and other attestation/signing type things like it).

I can’t see how this could work in reality? Like almost all crypto things, it boils down to key distribution. For the scheme to work, there has to be a private key that signs things, for the server to verify. But where are they going to put the private key that something like an adblocker can’t just steal it?

Orion Edwards


Apple+iOS/macOS can do it because they have end to end control of the whole stack, right down to secure hardware key storage *including hardware manufacturing*

Android phones also could, if they were motivated to. But any PC running windows or Linux, and probably also Chromebooks, literally don’t have a way to securely distribute such a private key.

🤷 as such, this doesn’t seem worrisome, rather someone’s academic plaything.

requiem 🏴

@thomasfuchs this is fucked.

Mozilla’s not doing great stuff either. We really need a non-bullshit browser.

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@requiem That's Safari/WebKit for me, tbqh. I wish they'd make versions for other operating systems (like they used to have at least also a Windows version). 😒

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@requiem Or better yet, that WebKit (which is open source) was done in a way to allow easy cross-platform use.

Francis 🏴‍☠️ Gulotta

@thomasfuchs @requiem I've been loving firefox on desktop and it's really great, but safari mobile has none of the annoyances that firefox mobile does.

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@reconbot @requiem Yeah, I use Firefox a lot on desktop, when I'm using my gaming/astrophotography processing PC.

They are making weird decisions constantly, so I hope I can use it for a while longer, I don't want to switch to a Chromium-based browser. :(


@thomasfuchs If there's anything good to come out of this, it would be the absolutely hilarious shitposting in the issues and pull requests. People protesting shitty decisions/changes by spamming pull request that delete the entire repo will never not be funny.

Thomas 🔭🕹️

@ScottStarkey I think it's hard to escape their clutches completely, but there's definitely some stuff that I won't use (unless I have to for e.g. testing).

Bruce Heerssen

So how is google's bot going to index such sites? Given the obvious answer, what's going to stop malicious bots?

They can try, but they can't have it both ways.


@thomasfuchs SafetyNet completely ruined Android :drgn_sigh: Can't wait to see it ruin the web.

People really need to stop using Chrome.


@thomasfuchs This is exactly why I never use Chrome. I typically use LibreWolf, which is a privacy-hardened fork of Firefox.

BTW, if people think Brave is going to save them from this, it's not. I downloaded Brave, tested it with uBlock Origin on YouTube, & it did not block anything (when it normally blocks numerous YT ads). And while the built-in Brave Shield will catch much of this, it's not perfect & misses things. I cannot advocate enough for everyone to get out of anything Chromium-based.


@thomasfuchs my visa bank won’t let me use anything but Chrome. Like I’m helpless I just changed banks as my former bank had my card hacked tree times

Mark Crocker

@thomasfuchs Wow someone finally found a way to get large numbers of people to diversify the #browser ecosystem. Great Job Google, enjoy watching #Chrome usage drop while people migrate to anything else.

I routinely use the #DuckDuckgo browser on my phone with #IceRaven or #Vanadium for things where I might actually want to hold onto cookies or use extensions and #Firefox on my desktops.

Edit: for spelling/autocorrect errors.

Todd on :mastodon: ain

@thomasfuchs "how to create sites that are instantly blacklisted"


@thomasfuchs enclosure of the web.

Please can we kill these corps?

un Bork anti-trust


@thomasfuchs The good news is that it's a Google project, so it'll be abandoned in eighteen months or so.


@thomasfuchs chrome is popular enough that they have stopped investing in features for users. Most of the features I hear about are for ad optimization.


@thomasfuchs to quote a great man: what a shitload of fuck.


@thomasfuchs Since adblocking is a cognitive accessibility requirement, forbidding such page alteration is an ableist and discriminatory practice.


@thomasfuchs Honestly, since the choice is Firefox or Chromium and I won't use Firefox (always had shitty experience with it), I'll stay with Opera and AdNauseam "adblocker".

You can blame me as much as you want, if it makes you feel superior. But you probably should turn your rage against developers, not users.


@thomasfuchs So, use a different browser. Chrome is a bit cruddy these days, it's just laziness that stops me changing. And those others that are built on Chromium - they can leave the crud out, it's open source after all... And finally - any website that I can't adblock simply doesn't get any visits. Web advertising is a big case of emporer's new clothes anyway - does anyone pay it any attention?

Cairo Braga

@thomasfuchs I'm using ungoogled-chromium and Bromite. is that better?

Olivia :verified:

"If you use Chrome, you are supporting the capitalist evil shit Google are doing"

Non-tech-savvy people, drained people, Neuro-divergent people, probably disabled people, inattentive people, etc. :

Crystals google try not to completely fuck up the internet in an attempt to slightly up their revenue by getting rid of adblockers challenge (impossible)


@thomasfuchs this is a tad too technical for me. Would this also work against a pi hole?

Scott D. Strader


"Users want to know they are interacting with real people on social websites..."

"Users playing a game on a website want to know whether other players are using software that enforces the game's rules. ..."

"Users sometimes get tricked into installing malicious software that imitates software like their banking apps..."

These are not the for the browser to decide, they are the websites' moderation and security responsibilities.

#Google #Chrome #Software #Evil


Does anyone have a good recommendation for alternative webbrowsers?
I've had bad experiences with firefox.

Something with webrtc support, and preferably with support for wrbextensions, and of its more privacy conscious, that'd be a big plus too.

Rev. Kellyn Delgado

@thomasfuchs Please don't throw ordinary users under the bus with this. Boycotting Google will do nothing to stop this for one and two, people can't just stop using Chrome just because Google does bad shit. I use a Chromebook but I DO NOT support this!

Zuri (he/him) 🕐 CET

@thomasfuchs I can totally understand, that people might prefer Chrome's GUI over #Firefox's. However, there's a simple solution: Using #Chromium or @brave


@thomasfuchs Adblocker attitudes bother me. Access to content and services produced by others is not a right. The expection others should pay for free access seems unethical. Ignore sites that include ads if you object to viewing them.


@thomasfuchs what is wrong with these people. Part of me wants to honestly email all of the contributors to this and ask what's their honest thought process in this. Are they seriously in a delusion that this is a good idea?

At what point you, as a tech lover, wake up in the morning and say "feeling like ruining the internet today for everyone" and then get a gang of buddies to do that. Can't wrap my head around that.


@thomasfuchs The sad part is they're going to treat this like Reddits protests and do it anyways. If you dismiss your entire opposition as trolls, consent is cake. 😞

Dorky moo girl

@thomasfuchs I mean, I'd see it implemented happily.

Let's shit websites filter out themselves, because I am pretty sure Firefox will be blocked pretty quickly to enforce chrome (or one of it's derivatives) as the only standard.

Maybe we don't even need ad-blockers anymore, because the shit websites filter out themselves XD

Dorky moo girl

@thomasfuchs Fun thing though

"How will we prevent this signal from being used to exclude vendors?" talks about excluding certain browsers, because it's very clear which browser is used.

Would be funny to use their own tech to block chrome browsers though, with a warning "You are supporting anti-privacy browsers! Please use a better browser."

Morothar ⚨

@thomasfuchs While I understand where you're coming from, putting the blame on the end-users (99% of whom have no idea about these things) really rubs me the wrong way.

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