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@Kerchief7592 @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs I know brave is based on chromium. I happily feel like I’m doing them a disservice as I’m using their software without them benefitting from it (at least in terms of them profiting of stealing my private information).

I use brave for the profiles feature and I use it for limited activity. Firefox, at the time I began needing and using this feature, didn’t have profiles unfortunately.

I do get your point though as it is similar to a point I’m making now for myself of not using #lemmy based on its developers beliefs. I’d like to use it, but can’t bring myself to support that sort of thinking. Thusly I am using #kbin for the time being at least.

My main browser use by far is #safari, which I know people will take issue with too, but it’s the less of all evils for me personally.


@blhue @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs
The readme is quite explicit, target is chromium. Even if browsers could remove this on their browsers, it is giving their weight when they try to pass stuff. Despite stealing your info an data, they could dictate the way the web would work.

Other browsers just want to be efficient and as fast as Chrome; that’s why they use Chromium - the rest is just cosmetic stuff.

Think Chromium as an fuel car engine 😄

noodlejetski :verified_gay:


> I happily feel like I’m doing them a disservice

you're doing them the opposite of the disservice by contributing to their usage statistics and helping them establishing a browser engine monopoly.

@Kerchief7592 @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs


@noodlejetski @Kerchief7592 @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs This would be true were I not aware of and tightly control traffic on my network. Well, not the opposite, as giving them a few metrics is not the same as letting them peruse every single thing I go. lol

I run a #pihole on my network and #LittleSnitch on my mac and both work to actively block egress traffic I do not authorize. I blocked all access to google services forever ago. Brave, for example, prompts me for all unauthorized outbound access.

I suppose Brave themselves could relay this info to Google, but that seems less than likely. The reason brave is a thing is they intentionally remove all the privacy inhibiting "features" of Chrome.

@noodlejetski @Kerchief7592 @WeiMingKai @thomasfuchs This would be true were I not aware of and tightly control traffic on my network. Well, not the opposite, as giving them a few metrics is not the same as letting them peruse every single thing I go. lol

I run a #pihole on my network and #LittleSnitch on my mac and both work to actively block egress traffic I do not authorize. I blocked all access to google services forever ago. Brave, for example, prompts me for all unauthorized outbound access.


@blhue True - but not all users do control all this like you do.

The reason you call brave being a thing is almost the reason why Chromium is Chromium as well.

What @noodlejetski meant is still valid. When you look at the web statistics - in term of engine (not just browser, it's mainly cosmetic - they interpret the pages the same way.) - you have Chromium engine that is dominating.


@blhue @noodlejetski and using Brave to say "I don't want to take part into the Chrome domination" is quite flawed. The problem is not only Chrome, it's also the fact it is abusing the Chromium domination position to dictate what they want. If you switch to Brave or any other Chromium-based browser - this is likely to hit you.


@Kerchief7592 @noodlejetski Valid point.

In my original post I said I use brave in a quite limited capacity. I use it to access a single site.

The other 99.9% of my web traffic is using the webkit engine via Safari. So, I’m doing the best I can at present (more than most) to not contribute to Google’s bankroll. I am contributing to another corp giant instead!

I never said I don’t want to take part in chrome domination. I’ve done all I have done to avoid Google as a whole for privacy (and ad) reasons.

That said, I should see if I can move away from it entirely for the dominance angle, I agree.

@Kerchief7592 @noodlejetski Valid point.

In my original post I said I use brave in a quite limited capacity. I use it to access a single site.

The other 99.9% of my web traffic is using the webkit engine via Safari. So, I’m doing the best I can at present (more than most) to not contribute to Google’s bankroll. I am contributing to another corp giant instead!


@blhue I won't be the one who blames you. Just showing that some alternatives are not really alternatives to some problems.
Yes it solves some points about privacy and ads, but it still serves Google's interests unfortunately

Hiding from them can be complicated, sometime it's okay to give them a little. But this is way too much.


@Kerchief7592 Agreed!

I almost forgot we were originally discussing their latest, outrageous bid for dominance, Web Environment Integrity. :D

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