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Orion Edwards

@thomasfuchs I read the proposal (FWIW I have significant experience with FIDO and other attestation/signing type things like it).

I can’t see how this could work in reality? Like almost all crypto things, it boils down to key distribution. For the scheme to work, there has to be a private key that signs things, for the server to verify. But where are they going to put the private key that something like an adblocker can’t just steal it?

Orion Edwards


Apple+iOS/macOS can do it because they have end to end control of the whole stack, right down to secure hardware key storage *including hardware manufacturing*

Android phones also could, if they were motivated to. But any PC running windows or Linux, and probably also Chromebooks, literally don’t have a way to securely distribute such a private key.

🤷 as such, this doesn’t seem worrisome, rather someone’s academic plaything.

Pär Björklund

@borland @thomasfuchs I'm guessing they essentially want to provide a web api for the attestation MDM solutions provide on the device. Don't know how they technically manage the keys though

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