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So the CEO of online ads giant IAB made a pretty… remarkable speech, saying:

"These extremists (referring to privacy advocates) are political opportunists who’ve made it their mission to cripple the advertising industry and eliminate it from the American economy and culture."

And this, friends, is our mission statement RIGHT THERE.


@slothrop It really was a remarkable speech! Like they say, tirst they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they make ridiculously over-the-top-speeches at industry confabs, and then you win.

The only place I've found it so far is LinkedIn (bletch) ... do you know if it's anywere else?


@nemobis "Bots hadn’t been invented yet" in 1994? GEEZE THE IGNORANCE OF THIS ASSHOLE.

ELIZA was invented in 1966.

RFC 439: PARRY encounters the DOCTOR was 1973.

So-called "bots" have been online longer than HTTP.

The advertising industry is a leech.

Bill Hicks was too kind IMHO, people were still laughing at him. @jdp23

Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

I remember lovely #warez bots on EFNet from right about then. They may not have been great conversationalists, but they delivered cracked Microprose, so who cared!
@nemobis @jdp23


@Shufei a friend in high school used to have a "game" wherein the goal was to collect shells in as many countries as possible.

What to do with the shells?

Create private hidden directories.

Potentially patch df and du to report disk space differently to root users? ;)

Set up (X)DCC bots.

Serve warez.

Good sort of friend to have for all sorts of reasons. ;)

Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

@byterhymer Haha, that sounds like a fun contest game, really. But indeed even better to have the shell accounts in pocket for rainy days. Did your friend ever figure out the disk space hack?


Of course our ambition shouldn’t be limited to the US.

Burning the online advertising industry to the ground needs to be a global undertaking.


@slothrop Yes! And not just online advertising. Also consider what they've turned our cities and public transport into, with nonconsensual digital outdoor advertising.

mofu mofu fumo
@slothrop there is nothing extreme about abolishing online for-profit voyeurism at a global scale.

@slothrop Burning the advertising industry completely. billboards in the streets also need to go


@sieri @slothrop
what if every billboard was a mural or some other art project


@BernieWonIowa With no reference to commercial products, it would be the best way to recycle the resource already put into placing them @slothrop


@BernieWonIowa Billboard Liberation Front has attempted this approach.

Some others have as well. It is an uphill battle.

@sieri @slothrop

Spark Purcell (they/them)

@sieri @slothrop I saw this on fedi a few days ago, I don't remember who posted it originally, but this... yes...

Spark Purcell (they/them)

@sieri @slothrop I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. Replace all ads with cat pics, the world will be better off...

Mark Hughes

@slothrop ahem, "burning the advertising industry to the ground..."

Advertising doesn't suddenly become evil because it's online.

Craig Nicol

@slothrop burn them before their carbon footprint and misinformation burns us all?


@slothrop please edit your toot and remove the word "online". Appreciated.

p x l s

@slothrop Thanks for highlighting how deranged those people are. Happy to be considered extremist by them!


Privacy is killing the advertising industry
We left this page blank so you can help.

(...well, it won't kill it, but it sure as hell should cut down some of its worst excesses.)

Fjord In Progress

@slothrop @tillianisafox Me to Manufacturers: unless your product is notably differentiated from other products and also provides highest utility for the population’s needs… go make something that does. Stop wasting effort that could see us all housed, fed, clothed, without pollution, with distributed energy and other utility networks… The medical / tech / infrastructure / welfare / exploration advances we could achieve if wealth / resource hoarders weren’t in charge.

Screen snap of the wonders of the undifferentiated product aisle, aisle 4, from the end credits dance sequence scene from the movie White Noise
Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@slothrop Disappointed that he forgot to mention that we eat cats and babies, too.


@slothrop the end of advertising would be the greatest day ever.


@slothrop if I was interviewing this guy, i'd like to ask him "and why do you think that is?" and watch him stumble into nonsense or admit that ads are fucking annoying


@rysiek Someone put up the text on Google Docs:

Apparently, Apple also is an anti-advertising extremist. That´s a bit of a pity. I feel much less avant-garde now.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@slothrop dear lord.

> Takeaway 1: Extremists are winning the battle for hearts and minds in Washington D.C. and beyond. We cannot let that happen.

> So let’s take each of these one by one. We can start with The Political extremists focused on making “Big Tech'' their sworn enemy.

Wow. Just wow.

Torb 🦋

@slothrop @rysiek Worth noting Apples hypocrisy here as they have their own ad systems in some places.

Not that I’m arguing against the main point or a anything.

I’m a Apple user, and happy that they are less shitty in some ways, but still worth mentioning.

Marta Threadbare

@torb @slothrop @rysiek in this instance Apple is probably mostly anti-the-main-thing-their-competitors-get-money-from. They would probably be as pro-advertising as any other business if Google didn't have a monopoly on it.


@slothrop @rysiek Top ad business executive: Dark Money is trying to put us out of business!
<plays ad paid for by "Dark Money" for demonstration>

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@sqrt2 @slothrop the whole text really feels like he's flailing, trying to blame everyone for IAB's failures.


@slothrop Maybe not a welcome reply but: Apple's competitors are advertising-driven, but Apple uniquely because of their market positioning does not have to rely on advertising revenue to do business. Therefore they have an incentive to make advertising as universally unprofitable as possible, to deny competitors of funds that could be used to compete with them. So Apple *is* in fact strongly anti-advertising. This happens to align with consumer well-being, but that is basically a coincidence.

treason commitress :red_flag:

@slothrop @rysiek holy hell are these people this gullible?

who could take this seriously?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@almaember @slothrop this was not a public speech. It was a "rally the troops" internal kinda thing. And yes, they do believe this. And they believe they do good in the world. And all they ask in return is our data.

treason commitress :red_flag:

@rysiek @slothrop Interesting. I guess they see us the same way (not that we aren't obviously right, though).

It is scary what propaganda can do to people.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@almaember @slothrop it's scary what material conditions can do to people. Their material conditions are such that they benefit from surveillance capitalism. So they will defend it to the death, while twisting themselves in knots to "prove" they are the good guys.


@rysiek @almaember @slothrop

> And all they ask in return is our data.

And they won’t take “no” for an answer…


@slothrop @rysiek This bit made me eye roll so hard:

“It’s never buyer vs. seller, us vs. them - it’s all of us working together. To grow the digital economy.”

Which I interpret to mean:

“It’s never ad buyer vs. ad seller, us vs. them - it’s all of us working together against the common enemy, the consumers. To grow the digital economy at their expense.”

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@bigiain @slothrop silly consumer… wanting to have a say in how their data is used. How quaint.


@slothrop @rysiek


Almost 30 years ago, an AT&T ad on — the first internet ad in history — had a 44% click-through rate. Not 4.4%, or point-four-four percent. Nearly HALF the human beings who saw the ad clicked on it. Bots hadn’t been invented yet, and fraud barely existed. There was one acronym for video — TV — instead of today’s alphabet soup. Regulations were few, and compliance was easy.

Ah yes, SURELY today’s low click-through rate is due to regulations, definitely not due to ads being shoved down our throats at every corner of the modern web

@slothrop @rysiek


Almost 30 years ago, an AT&T ad on — the first internet ad in history — had a 44% click-through rate. Not 4.4%, or point-four-four percent. Nearly HALF the human beings who saw the ad clicked on it. Bots hadn’t been invented yet, and fraud barely existed. There was one acronym for video — TV — instead of today’s alphabet soup. Regulations were few, and compliance was easy.

Zeiros Lion

@slothrop Yo, I'm an extreme political opportunist now? I'm so proud of myself!

Shadow Heart

@slothrop monetization at any cost has lead to commercialization of everything. Clawing back a non commercialized experience is just better for our mental health so of course they are against it.

Brian Dear

@slothrop Funny how that is pretty much exactly Big Oil’s complaint about those pesky tree-hugging enviromentalists, who would dare to deny them the freedom to profitably destroy the world.

M. Fioretti


1) link to source of that statement, please?

2) hell yeah, that's my mission too. Where do I sign?

M. Fioretti

@slothrop ah ok, never mind the question, I found the source in your thread.

Just an old goat

@slothrop American *culture*! The balls of that statement...

@slothrop So it's extreme to not want advertising bullshit everywhere?

TIL I'm extreme.

@slothrop all this corporate surveillance and propaganda (ads) feels a lil ominous, ngl



Imagine if advertising companies went on strike, how would we cope without them? 😁

Morning Song

@slothrop h*cek yes flush the entire ad industry down the toilet


@slothrop The funny thing is that even among people working in the ad industry, that IAB speech is considered bizarre.

As the head of the North American & European ad lobby going on stage and openly ranting about privacy activism/legislation and calling to disrupt privacy protections is _not_ what you are supposed to do. It‘s a clear sign that they dropped the ball and are no longer in control.

Mary Branscombe

@slothrop "what you people [finger wag] need to understand is that privacy is a speedbump to innovation on the information superhighway": FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection Director David Vladeck to me at a conference in 2012 (yes, he said information superhighway in 20 freaking 12)

Michael Downey 🚩

@marypcbuk @slothrop

#Privacy isn't extremism, it's one of our #humanRights.

"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks." -- UDHR Article 12


@downey @marypcbuk @slothrop

Imagine that - a CEO opposed to a basic human right because it interferes with his business plan.

Eat. the. Rich.

Sebastian Lasse

@downey @marypcbuk @slothrop

These are the recordings of #privacycamp 2023 Brussels
Salle des Arches

The videos are about 7:30 hours, each.

@edri The recordings are not clipped, basically they start at about 30 minutes …


Inshallah, we shall destroy the ad infidels

Ooof, you people really don’t like ads, do you now?

Screenshot of the original post in this thread, showing 506 boosts and 619 likes
schratze 💍

@slothrop one of the secret strategies to go viral on the fedi

Craig Nicol

@slothrop I love the fact that he starts with "the first ad on the internet had a click through of 44%" and didn't mention

1) it was not a personalised ad
2) it didn't track individual users
3) it was relevant to the content of the page
4) it wasn't misinformation
5) it wasn't malware
6) it didn't download a shitton of JavaScript
7) it didn't link to content-farm garbage

I wouldn't be running an ad blocker if those things were still true.

@slothrop I love the fact that he starts with "the first ad on the internet had a click through of 44%" and didn't mention

1) it was not a personalised ad
2) it didn't track individual users
3) it was relevant to the content of the page
4) it wasn't misinformation
5) it wasn't malware
6) it didn't download a shitton of JavaScript
7) it didn't link to content-farm garbage

Uli Kusterer (Not a kitteh)

@slothrop I don't even care about the advertising industry.

Advertise good stuff to me. I'm fine with that. I'm just against the unnecessary tracking of my life, the data collection, and the annoying obstacles between me and the content I want to see that popups present. The car- and bike-mounted billboards taking up parking space in the city.

If the advertising industry actually did what its name implies, advertise to me things I don't know about, I'd probably be their biggest fan. Parasites.


@uliwitness @slothrop the auto load videos that slow down whatever I wanted to read/do are super annoying.


@slothrop Y’know, most of the time this kind of rhetoric totally misses the mark but I have to applaud them for getting it right. That is 100% what I want.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@slothrop *nodds in agreement...

#Advertising is a nuisance and most #ads are just bad and I want to bill those shitty sites for the traffic they wasted.

mike_hales 💔*!?¿*

yep, sounds pretty good to me! except - who’s opportunist? We’re full of persistent intention.


@slothrop There's entitlement, and then there is on-line ad "it is our FUNDAMENTAL MORAL RIGHT TO TRACK PEOPLE" entitlement.


@slothrop I attended a talk by @Catthekin on the black box of adtech last night in Vancouver - timely to read this and no real surprise I guess

Leo Petrov ☑️

@slothrop okay, but like some advertising is fine? Which one would survive your crusade?


@slothrop The internet needs to be dumb again. I remember when double click before they were bought by Google got caught tracking people across multiple sites and it was a huge scandal for about two weeks. Internet advertising was a billion dollar industry before ad exchanges. There is no reason we can't go back to that, and it will have the added benefit of making local news a viable business model again.


@Wichtawstraw @slothrop

"There is no reason we can't go back to that"

Absolutely there is reason we can't, and it's people who make shitloads of money keeping things the way they are combined with the political environment post Citizen's United.

It's not insurmountable, we just have to vote with our attention and wallets for things that truly support our ideals. Get a local newspaper subscription. Buy local. Stop watching youtube. Run Linux. Do what you can, don't stress on what you can't.


@slothrop Yep. My goal is to cripple the ad industry and put the people running it out of work.

Julie Webgirl



Cripple the advertising industry and eliminate it from the American economy and culture.


Kristof Provost

@slothrop @phessler But Tyrone, the people love ads! How can we hope to achieve our goals if you just toot out our nefarious goal?!?

chesapeake :verified:
@slothrop Can you imagine a world without advertisers?
Simpsons screenshot, "Can you imagine a world without lawyers?", it shows an unhappy man in a suit imagining a diverse group of people holding hands and frolicking over a green hill with a rainbow, clear sky, and smiling sun in the background.
LaPingvino 🟙 :ir:

@slothrop I have a plan how we can do that honestly. Not by fighting it but by creating a free alternative that serves people instead of corporations directly. Imagine a federated opt in target-by-choice system. Basically a search engine for relevant things nearby to you.


@slothrop See, those ad folks are capable of seeing the benefit clearly when their careers are on the line. All they need is a little nudging.

Stephanie 🎀

@slothrop cry me a river, IAB- the advertising industry should never have existed and I do not welcome its invasive nature into my mind or senses.


@slothrop Whatever else it might be, advertising is theft and assault and pollution.


@slothrop Why stop at crippling it? The ad industry has transformed into a mass surveillance and mass hypnosis service, sold to the highest bidder.


@slothrop I mean, it's not my primary goal at the moment, but I sure as hell wouldn't say no to that

Greg Stolze

@slothrop I have never felt more threatened with a good time.

Imdat :heart_nb: :verified:

@slothrop Oh, finally a topic where I can officially call myself “An Extremist”. Lovely, thank you!

tyil Not just the American one, the entire world would be better off without the advertising industry.

Kite 🌌

It is kinda sad when someone considers Adverts as part of their "Culture".



Well, no, it's not.

Their characterization of privacy advocates is obviously wrong, but so is the idea that we should live up to it.

Diane 🕵


I might be willing to let marketers continue to make catalogues or information packets that people can request.

But death to advertisers jumping in front of people and yelling at them all the effing time.


@slothrop I am reminded of Jack Valenti's testimony to Congress in 1982: "the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone"— partly because it means you can skip the commercials.

and hemorrhage, unless this Congress at least protects one industry that is able to retrieve a surplus balance of trade and whose total future depends on its protection from the savagery and the ravages  of this machine.

Now, the question comes, well, all right, what is wrong with the VCR. One of the Japanese lobbyists, Mr. Ferris, has said that the VCR -- well, if I am saying something wrong, forgive me. I don't know. He certainly is not MGM's lobbyist. That is for sure. He has said that the VCR is the greatest friend that the American film producer ever had.

I say to you that the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone.
 Now, I want to tell you about it because I think it is absolutely fascinating. This survey was taken in October 1981. It is the newest and freshest data available. Here is what it says. Median income of a VCR owner is between $35,000 and $50,000 a year. Not a lot of what we call today the truly needy are buying these machines. One-third of all the owners have incomes of more than $50,000. Now, here is the next one: 87 percent, 86.8 percent of all these owners erase or skip commercials. I have here, Mr. Chairman, if you are not aware of how this works -- this is Panasonic. This is a little remote control device that you use on machines. It has on here channel, rewind, stop, fast forward, pause, fast advance, slow, up, down, and visual search, either going left or right.

Now, let me tell you what Sony says about this thing. These are not my words. They are right straight from McCann Erickson, whom you will hear from tomorrow, who is the advertising agency for Sony and here is what they say. They…
…advertise a variable beta scan feature that lets you adjust the speed at which you can view the tape from 5 times up to 20 times the normal speed.

Now, what does that mean, Mr. Chairman? It means that when you are playing back a recording, which you made 2 days or whenever -- you are playing it back. You are sitting in your home in your easy chair and here comes the commercial and it is right in the middle of a Clint Eastwood film and you don't want to be interrupted. So, what do you do? You pop this beta scan and a 1-minute commercial disappears in 2 seconds.

Mr. RAILSBACK. Is that all bad?

Mr. VALENTI. If you are watching a Clint Eastwood film it is the most cheerful thing you can do. However, if you are an advertiser who has paid $280,000 a minute to advertise, he feels a very large pain in his stomach as well as in his checkbook because it destroys the reason for free television, the erasure, the blotting out, the fast forwarding, the visual searching, the variable beta scans. the technology is there and I am one who has a belief that before the next few years the Japanese will have built into their machines an…

@slothrop source for that transcript:

Travis F W

@slothrop advertising *can* be done ethically. It's just that hacking culture, conditioning pleasure responses, getting people addicted to unhealthy habits, distracting people from staying safe on the road or just reading what they actually need to know, etc etc… is not ethical. It's not the industry I have a problem with, it's every company in it.

Ashton Wiersdorf

@slothrop I’m not against advertising per se, but it’s become so tied to pervasive and consent-less tracking that you might as well lump me in with the “extremists”. Reducing dependence on ads is definitely a good thing.

Rose, The Sword Vixen

@slothrop winning back our privacy is going to be an uphill battle without our privacy.

awooo :blobfoxcheck: 🏴‍☠️ :bisexual_flag: 🐾 ⎇

@slothrop political opportunists? nah people with a spine

I for one am happy to be considered an extremist in the eyes of evil itself, that's very validating :3

Meow :verified:

@slothrop I am fine with the decimation of advertising culture

Owl 🦉
Where can I read the original of this amazing statement?
Andrew Zonenberg

@slothrop So there's two separate issues in play here (both of which are bad, but they're not the same):

1) Datamining consumers for profit (often, but not always, for the purposes of creating more effective advertising). The harms here are twofold for the most part: direct economic (purchasing unwanted or subpar goods as a result of being influenced by advertisers), and indirect (usually the result of data miners being compromised and the collected data abused by third parties).

2) Advertising in general. My mind is an even more core part of my "self" than my body. Thus, any attempt by a third party to worm their way in there and interfere with me making an objective, informed decision on any subject (including but not limited to what products or services to buy) is an even worse violation of personal autonomy than unwanted physical contact.

@slothrop So there's two separate issues in play here (both of which are bad, but they're not the same):

1) Datamining consumers for profit (often, but not always, for the purposes of creating more effective advertising). The harms here are twofold for the most part: direct economic (purchasing unwanted or subpar goods as a result of being influenced by advertisers), and indirect (usually the result of data miners being compromised and the collected data abused by third parties).


@slothrop aw, he said that like it was a bad thing.....


advertising is harassment, much better would be a system that you talk to about your needs which gives suggestions

Tara 🕷️ :butterfly_trans:🌹

@slothrop it is utterly mind boggling that anybody would think that is a bad thing. capitalist brain worms at work here.

Dawn Tåke 🌙:sparkletrans:

Conservatives* continue to make us sound a hell of a lot cooler than we are.

*I'm assuming in this case.


@slothrop I recollect similar silly comments when GDPR was being debated. When it was passed, the on-line advertising markets slumped for a little while... and then went back to normal. Vendors still wanted to advertise to prospective customers, and eventually ignored the doomsayers. And surprise: no doom!


@slothrop This dude cannot be serious?? Ads are the most intrusive bullshit in existence next to literal malware.


@slothrop That would be a dream, honestly.

Though I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm not opposed to ads *per se*. I'll gladly take a reasonable amount of self-hosted ads with ZERO data collection just fine.

What I abhor is what ads have become, and what ad agencies REALLY do, which is personal data dredging operations they can resell *ad nauseam*. Those can GTFO and burn in a fire.

🌸Lilyana Marie🌸

@slothrop I am in agreement with this statement. We must eliminate advertising.

Dushman @xenosaga

> made it their mission to cripple the advertising industry and eliminate it from the American economy and culture.

Uhh based. ​:terry_dance:​

Theodora H Crank

@slothrop "Gentlemen, They are coming for our phony baloney jobs"

Garrett Latimer

@slothrop They really are overconfident, aren’t they.

I’ll do my part and learn how to mass-produce pi-holes or the equivalent.

Archie "Spanner" Eligius

@slothrop I mean, I'd strike political opportunists and replace it with privacy advocates, bit otherwise... yeap! Accurate!