I've seen the #Microsoft #OneNote hype and warned the users of long-term lock-in effects. Then OneNote failed and people lost (parts of) their data.
I've seen the #Evernote hype and it happened again.
Now, I see the #Obsidian hype. (At least the file format is an open one.)
If you want to spare yourself some effort, think of starting with a solution with no lock-in: https://karl-voit.at/orgmode/
@publicvoit I tried orgmode in Emacs. For about 6 months. I just can’t get used to the way Emacs works. On many levels from user interface to configuration and the steep learning curve. What’s an app I can use orgmode just as good which is not Emacs?
Life’s too short to dwell in config files, even though it can be fun ;-)