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Christian Tietze

@publicvoit Essentially what @jbaty said

It's still lock-in in the end. And it's factually wrong to say it isn't. Just as there *can* be Emacs bancruptcy. -- Of course you don't mean it in a strict, literal sense, but a colloquial one.

I have no issues parsing this :)

But the aftertaste is one of misleading rhetoric tricks that you do not need.

There's no Emacs+org supremacy over Obsidian+Markdown on this (!) level of analysis.

But there's #Lindy: Do pick old tools 👍

1 comment
Christian Tietze

@publicvoit Sorry this all sounds way too negative!

It's this: your warning against hype is accurate, and Emacs + org is also a great recommendation if longevity is important.

By claiming there's no lock-in, your position gets weaker (easier to topple) because your argument is stronger (more specific). So you make your point more vulnerable without need, because what's left is still ace 👍

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