@rjbandicoot @a_siebel Notice, I've never said that Obsidian doesn't provide a good service. OneNote and Evernote did as well. For short-term use, this is perfectly well.
I just have different priorites (long-term aspects) and try to avoid migration cost for other people who don't have the experience I had to learn (through failing myself).
HTH YMMV You've been warned - after all, it's your time and data 😜
Besides: MD is such an awful syntax: https://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/
@publicvoit @rjbandicoot Sorry - I love markdown and won't switch to another format.
Apart from that: All the features I use in Obsidian exist in a similar way either in other Markdown readers OR I can implement them myself. That is why I am absolutely relaxed about potential changes to the Obsidian licence model.