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Stefan Bohacek

Looking for volunteers interested in helping translate to more languages.

Currently available:

- Arabic
- French
- Russian
- Slovak

In progress:

- Bosnian
- German
- Polish
- Spanish

Learn more about the process here:

Boosts appreciated!

#fediverse #JoinTheFediverse #SpreadTheFediverse #language #translation #internationalization #i18n #HelpWanted #volunteer #opensource

Julian Lam

@stefan would you be interested in using #transifex instead? We use it at @nodebb , and it works very well. It allows those without programming experience to contribute to the localization effort.

Happy to help you get started. I have no affiliation with that company. They offer free plans for open source products.

Stefan Bohacek

@devnull @nodebb Thank you, I really appreciate the offer!

The current workflow could definitely stand to be improved. I did look into self-hosting Weblate, but it was a bit too much for my server.

I'm a bit busy this weekend, but I'm definitely interested in looking Transifex later in the week. Thank you for the suggestion!


@stefan we and @devnull are here to help. If you use json files already then it's pretty simple to get your workflow going.

We use a cron job to pull translations in regularly.

Stefan Bohacek

@nodebb @devnull Thank you, I'll definitely reach out later in the week!

But in short, currently we use one JSON file for each page + a few sections of the site, to make it easier to see what you're translating:

These get converted into locale files used by the i18n node package.


@stefan Stefan, if I were a theist, I’d say you were doing the Lord’s work. But I’m not, so I’ll just say “thank you.” :)

Stefan Bohacek

@shoq Ha, thank you! I'm really just amazed by everyone who offered to help translate the site, I didn't even think of this myself.

I think this really shows the true power of the fediverse. It's just us regular folks coming together and doing a bit of the hard work to make the world just a little bit better for everyone.

If I were a theist, I'd say #blessed.


@stefan don't forget to credit the translators when they finish! Translation can be very challenging, and people deserve to be credited and thanked, if not paid!

CodeByJeff - Now with AI!

@stefan I'm talking to my local hacker group about setting up Japanese, if you are taking new languages

Jari Nikkinen


Great project!
I do have an account, but i haven't really used GitHub before.
I'd do finnish.

Stefan Bohacek

@Jarska96 That would be awesome, thank you!

Here's a pretty good explainer on how to create a fork of a project and suggest changes:

I am also more than happy to have the files emailed to me as per the translation workflow instruction linked in the above post, whatever works best for you!

Jari Nikkinen

@stefan Nice, gonna try the GitHub to get some experience :DD

But it's 3am now, so maybe later today after some night sleep lol

Stefan Bohacek

@Jarska96 Sounds good. Good night, and thank you so much for reaching out!

Forth Computer

I think that the deepl api does a great and free job of translating content.


ᵒᵏ wakest

@stefan who is working on the Arabic translation?

ᵒᵏ wakest

@stefan I was just yesterday in a long thread about different approches to translating and traslitterating 'the fediverse' into Arabic with these fine folks: @ahmad, @sorrowbird, @ButterflyOfFire, and @dragnucs
I am tagging them here to see if any of them want to help make the translation of this site into Arabic make more sense.

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