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@davidrevoy Impressionnant :) Mais pourquoi perdre son temps à vouloir imposer ses choix à d'autres ?

David Revoy

@brunospy Franchement, aucune idée mais j'ai apprécié le "Please use [...]" a la fin. Un peu de politesse avec ce 'Please' m'a fait du bien.

@davidrevoy @brunospy je ne comprends pas la démarche non plus. Y a même pas de lien pour faire du phishing ? C'est juste "gratuit" ? Ça parait tellement une perte de temps d'écrire ça, et encore plus de le recevoir 😅

Ces prosélytes du logiciel libre qui essaient de convertir tout le monde, c'est exaspér…
Ah non, attends…
@linuxine @brunospy


@davidrevoy @brunospy I think is a satire email. I would think written by smbdy that thinks the opposite actually.

it's fake, but 10/10 for effort :HazeSmug:
Attila Kinali

@davidrevoy Uh.. what? People like this still exist? I thought they went extinct some 20 years ago 🤨

David Revoy

@attilakinali Yeah, right? I thought the hairy troll from the forum of the 90s and before 2010s era was extinct too! :troll:

H₂O 💦

It will be challenging for other "fans" to top that e-mail! 🤢

David Revoy

@h2o Yes, but we are only the 6 January, and with pro AI, anti Linux around, pro NFTs, and anti Krita, anti Mastodon, and the leak of my Twitter emails, I guess I'm in for a good year.


@davidrevoy @h2o my 2023 wish is to learn #Krita. I saw real nice artists here in the #fediverse

Sergio Fernández 💻 🐧

@davidrevoy Cheer up. Fortunately there are many people who appreciate and admire your work.


@davidrevoy Some people have way too much time on their hands… :blobcatderpy:

David Revoy

@tennoseremel True, also the "from" I blured was a European country and the email was sent at 4:04am ; so probably someone had a very hard day and wanted to teach to that "bluury and not well defined" artist a real life lesson late at night.

H₂O 💦

@davidrevoy, IIRC you live in France. What is the sender country? Just to "check" if you could disclose the full email with no harm (for you)… I'm not a lawyer but I wonder.


David Revoy

@h2o @tennoseremel Let say it with a riddle: "from the country of good waffle, potato fries and good beers" 😆

but probably not the French-speaking part of it because the email is in English and it is easy when finding my email to know I speak/read French.

🇩🇪 くら Woomy (:smug_kura:) just charge them 500 bucks service fee and krita is industry leader immediately

David Revoy

@dentaku Oh yes, that's why I'm rarely sharing the aggressive DM/PM/Emails, but this one is sort of priceless, I couldn't resist.

David Revoy

@welshpixie 😊 Yes, I'm in the learning process to laugh about them. That's one of my resolution for 2023.🥳

(I probably won't reach the thick skin level skill of Mastodon instances admins, but it is inspiring to read and train my skill! 😉)

David Revoy

@Stellar Yes, probably someone who wanted to get counter argument answer. I only answered

> "lol, big troll"

Because I thought what they wanted was a verbose, passionate and a serious answer (maybe).

gee Ⓐ⚑

@davidrevoy haha, c'est une blague, c'est pas possible 🤣

David Revoy

@lionel @gee C'est vrai que l'origine du mail (le from que j'ai censuré) est dans le même fuseaux horraire qu'en France ou pas loin. Et vue le mail lancé à 4:04 du mat ("404?" troublant ça aussi) ça ressemble à du troll.

G'MIC 🎩🐯

@davidrevoy Fake mail from Clip Studio Paint developers who realize they are losing customers? :D


@davidrevoy Je comprends pas… pourquoi elle essaie de te faire utiliser de meilleurs logiciels alors que de toute façon tu dessines mal et tes histoires sont nulles ? (je cite)

(mais moi j'y crois pas, c'est un faux mail, elle veut même pas te vendre un accès à la nouvelle IA qui fait tout mieux que les gens 😛 )

David Revoy

@lamecarlate Mais vrai ça aussi, j'avais pas remarqué. Si mon cas est si desespéré (et qu'elle ne dit pas que c'est à cause de mes logicielles, mais mes qualités intrasèque artistique) à quoi bon me faire utiliser CPS et un Mac, ou un IpadPro? Mystère, et merci d'avoir relevé cette incohérance qui dirige ce text de plus en plus vers le gros troll.

David Revoy

@Velenux That's how I preferred to read it in the end for sure. 🙂


@davidrevoy least annoying Apple-fangirl/-boy...


@davidrevoy 🤣By the time I read the "why you use linux" portion, I got a cough laughing.

theo⏚ ✅


Rarement vu une manière aussi polie de propager de la haine et de la désinformation.


Jason Chapman

XD haha, Obviously, don't you know that it's the software that you use that defines how good your art is and not something silly like the art itself or skill put into it?
Don't you know that because I don't like your personal style (or am jealous) that means your art is objectively bad and by association the tools and process that was used to create it?
You should obviously switch to real art tools created by professional companies, because obviously all good things come from corporations and not real people....
(I sincerely hope that email was entirely sarcastic, but unfortunately there are still people who actually believe that stuff)

XD haha, Obviously, don't you know that it's the software that you use that defines how good your art is and not something silly like the art itself or skill put into it?
Don't you know that because I don't like your personal style (or am jealous) that means your art is objectively bad and by association the tools and process that was used to create it?
You should obviously switch to real art tools created by professional companies, because obviously all good things come from corporations...

Daniil Baturin

@Jason @davidrevoy Since there are no referral links to buy proprietary software and a Mac, I'm inclined to think it's sarcastic.
But maybe she has a private agreement with those companies that allows her to get paid without referral links. ;)

David Revoy

@dmbaturin @Jason 😆 The mystery is why does she want me and my bad paintings and bad story to stain the beauty of her ecosystem of tools? A big paradox, unless, as Jason told, she think that the quality of art is related at 100% to the software in use.😅


@davidrevoy Everything is opposite to reality in this email. 😭

David Revoy

@haughtgard Hey, maybe that's the key! To read all the email with inverted meaning. Someone thinking in mirror maybe? 🙃 🤣


What a length only to artsplain 🙄​
I'd just quote RU:
"Well, it's none of your business."


@davidrevoy what?! She sent that out of nowhere?! What she have to do with it?!
You art is great! And use Linux and Krita makes me more impressed on how awesome your art are! I’m not an artist, but I installed krita because you recommended some posts ago, and it’s a very cool piece os software :)

Jons Mostovojs



I'm a non-binary male Jonn from London.
I wanted to tell you that your web comic is good (the story) and the images themselves are vibrant and calming at the same time.

Also, why don't you dox the trolls? Doxing the trolls was an accepted behaviour since 00s and respecting their personal information isn't required to be a moral person.

David Revoy

@jonn :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: Thanks.

About Doxing, I think outcomes are bad in all the case. I'll probably draw a single exception: maybe if I received the email from a well known public influencer or celebrity I would have not blured the name, because they often know how to deal with receiving mass of criticism or backfire. But here, it's anonymous, no link to a portfolio, no real name and a nickname using a common dictionary word.

Jons Mostovojs

@davidrevoy nah, I was being sarcastic / ironic! I have a huge respect to people who don't disclose personal information.

#:idle: Don T3rr0rz0n3 :vf:

@davidrevoy for sure everybody knows that you need a Mac to draw well 😂🤣😂🤣 Thanks for you great job David! #FreeSoftwareDrawing :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

David Revoy

@t3rr0rz0n3 Now imagine my skill with a real software and real OS! :troll:


@davidrevoy crenom, c’est gratuit et très respectueux des valeurs de chacun, tout ça.
Soutien et encouragements inversement proportionnels, David.

Alexander Diemand

@davidrevoy an example of a bad AI went boink! how are they going to have it unlearn the lovely "underdtand"? 🚮

David Revoy

@codieplusplus Hey, after the first read and re-read, I suspected a AI generated text, and thought this 'frop' / 'underdtand' could be a new feature to simulate mistyping, add noises, and looks more 'humanly typed'. 😆

Augier sextoy pour Yorkshire

@davidrevoy Il est incroyable, cet email ! 😂
À un moment, je me suis dit que c'était peut-être une publicité déguisée très élaborée…

Faut l'encadrer, celui-là !

Augier sextoy pour Yorkshire

@Troupier Ah si, il dit « please », quand-même ! ☝️🧐

David Revoy

@AugierLe42e @Troupier 😆 Oui. C'est un beau specimen de compet' celui là.


@davidrevoy Yay, new food for the spam folder. 🤢

Your pictures are awesome. 🥰

@davidrevoy Is this like the antithesis of the "may I interject for a moment" meme? :blobcatjoy:

@davidrevoy worst advertising ever. That woman frop.


@davidrevoy If as she say "the story and pictures are bad" will supposed superior hardware and software make it better? 🤷

David Revoy

@kisinu That's a real paradox on this email, sure!


@davidrevoy ridiculous! What motivates a person to actually write something like that? 🤡 I mean, what in the... 🤦‍♀️

chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
@davidrevoy this is a troll but also there are people like this who actually exist, fucked up

@davidrevoy when i see stuff like this i usually tell them to check out the article on @doot 's infosec blog - While i disagree quite strongly with most of it, it explains things so much better than i can

Grillo del Mal

@davidrevoy It's weird to find an instance where someone has written the exact opposite of what I think in so many paragraphs xD.

Keep up the good work 👍

David Revoy

@grum999 I'll lie if I'll say I haven't tried to search her nickname with words like 'Kawaii' , her country, etc... But I got nothing.
Certainly not blurry, well defined and quality work as all Mac/CPS users does. :troll:

C'était Marud depuis le début :mastodont_v2: en résumé :
" Cher David, tes histoires c'est de la merde tout comme tes dessins. tes choix logiciels sont à chier également.
peux tu stp utiliser du mac et clip studio ? bisous. "

J'adore ces gens


@davidrevoy the bar for 2023 just got pretty high!
Did you answer something?

David Revoy

@silmathoron True!
Yes, I immediately went to a simple:

> "lol, big troll!"

and pushed the sent button (screenshot) then archive to get it out of inbox as quick as possible.


@davidrevoy print it, frame it, and hang it on the wall 😂

Datazbytes This is wild, should reply with just one word: XEROX ​:hhhhh:​


@davidrevoy While I don't use a MAC, I can testify that using ClipStudioPaint does not automatically make for better art. Just look at the stuff I posted! 😂 😅


How could you, you and your mediocre software... 😄🍿

Daniel Santos

btw, your art is awesome. It is a Mastodon fact. 🤗


@davidrevoy Il ou elle s’est cru(e) sur Twitter ou quoi ? x)

David Revoy

@Geobomatic Le fait que ça sync avec mon email leaké de la database de Twitter hier (j'ai eu une alerte, et malheuresement, c'est vrai) m'a certainement traversé l'esprit.


@davidrevoy >censors location
>that ESL
>that mentality
I think we all know where they're from

Gabriel Pettier

@davidrevoy One of these "it has to be satire, right?" but i don't know anymore these days, this is well into poe's law territory.

jan Ki | 奇

Also, why aren't your works purchasable as NFT? Please use the best NFT block chain, more information at


@davidrevoy à ce niveau on ne sait plus si c'est une tentative d'humour au second degré raté ou pas.

Lien Rag


Tu dois avoir des copains informaticiens si je ne me trompe ?
Ils ont peut-être les moyens de retrouver si c'est une campagne de marketing viral particulièrement dégueulasse ?
Ainsi que ses commanditaires ?


@davidrevoy why do you use mastodon, which is clearly a cheap clone of twitter?


@davidrevoy Had to check, today is not April 1st. That's some kind of high effort personalized trolling.

John Shaft

@davidrevoy J'aime beaucoup le “Apple invented the desktop metaphore [sic]...”

Ça va faire plaisir aux dinos de chez Xerox et aux chercheurs et chercheuses qui ont bossé là-dessus dans les 60's


@davidrevoy some people ... what the hell? ... honestly... that is just a ridiculous message...

And let me counter that with a note to cheer you on for using an open source OS (which I had the head for it!!) and Krita!!

+ I LOVE your work!! <3

fuggy clip studio is actually really good though I highly recommend if you use Windows, tried it before I switched back to Linux I kinda miss it tbh but doesn't work well under wine apparently

Paul-Vincent Roll (he/him)

@davidrevoy @leah let’s hope no one ever tells this person that macOS also kind of is a Unix clone 🫣

fuggy this reads like something a console fanboy would say just replace a few works with "god of war" and "PS4"


David, que fais-tu sur Mastodon ? Tu ne sais donc pas que c'est une pâle copie de Twitter, juste conçue pour quelques geeks incapables de promouvoir leur travail ? Qui n'a même pas de likede QRT, ou de vrais DM ? Twitter est en tout point supérieur et soutenu par Elon Musk, l'homme le plus riche et le plus intelligent du monde qui mènera l'humanité vers un âge d'or.
Cesse donc tes bêtises ici et reviens sur Twitter.
Et fais le depuis du Apple, hein ? Fais gaffe, je te surveille !

Cory DeVore 🏜️

@davidrevoy lol what a troll. Amazing what folks spend their time doing sometimes


@davidrevoy haha I love it, we need to makes this a copypasta

@davidrevoy While we don't often find time to send fan emails, rest assured that you have some real fans over here :)

Liz Ellis She/Her🌳

@davidrevoy Honestly, the stuff about Apple sounds like me 15 years ago.


@davidrevoy Ce genre de message, ça me convainc encore plus d'utiliser Linux et Krita 😂

Ben Yafai

@davidrevoy Haa, that's some crazy guerilla marketing. "Use our app! btw it doesn't run on linux!"

Toot Terrorist


"Dear David Revoy,

Use a Mac, you piece of shit.

Best regards, xoxo"

People are wild.

Who Let The Dogs Out 🐾

@davidrevoy O-o-oh. Say to her: Lady, your mindset so poor, I have no comments. Sorry.


The desktop metaphor was first introduced by Alan Kay at Xerox PARC in 1970.

As for the computer mouse, Engelbart’s collaborator on the mouse project Bill English built a prototype—a hand-held device carved out of wood, with a button on the top. In 1967, Engelbart’s company SRI filed for the patent on the mouse, although the paperwork identified it a little differently as "x,y position indicator for a display system." The patent was awarded in 1970.


#Apple has contributed absolutely nothing to the #computing #history, except for designing pieces for the #posh, who upgrade #computers every five years, #tablets every two years, and #phones every year, just to show off, as well as #wasting #resources as very few other #companies might do.

Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.

Your #work is #beautiful, @davidrevoy


@davidrevoy Après la lecture de ce mail je me suis rendu compte que si je n'avais jamais su faire autre chose que des stickmen (et encore, « savoir » est un grand mot), c'est à cause de mon setup pourri basé sur du Linux. Je m'en vais de ce pas acheter un vrai outil de professionnel au MacStore d'Aix-en-Provence.

Merci d'avoir partagé ce mail. J'ai hâte d'apprendre à utiliser Clip Studio Paint.


@davidrevoy the only kind of “Apple procreate” I ever want to know about is Apple trees being planted

me They try to sell you all kind of Apple products - are they ?

Ekkoklang :ekkoblep:

@davidrevoy you should ask them to buy you what they want you to get! Only seems reasonable in my opinion.

Cadence of Life :transbian:

@davidrevoy There is a LOT to unpack there. Let's just agree that this person is an idiot on multiple levels, yeah?

Lucas Treffenstädt

@davidrevoy that's... a take. Wow. I'm sure you get told this all the time (because it's true): Your art is awesome and I love that you're using free software to create it.

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