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f4grx Sebastien (OLD ACCOUNT)

@davidrevoy possible answer, "hello, for the good of humanity can you please not procreate, thanks and goodbye"


Excellent ce mail !
Bon. J'en profite pour te dire que j'adore tes dessins tout pourris :)
Simplement, je ne savais pas que j'avais des goûts de merde


@davidrevoy Franchement tu es sûr de ne pas vouloir acheter un Mac et ses logiciels ? ça se trouve elle pourrait t'avoir un prix 🙂

David Revoy

@guerdal82 Franchement, j'ai envie de demander à un pote qui a un Mac au taf de me le ramener, prendre la trial de CPS et faire une review video dessus. Comme j'y connais rien, je suis certain que l'UX n'aura aucun sens pour moi et que tout semblera illogique. Mais bon, je préfère investir mon temps dans ce gros morceau qu'est le future épisode 38 🤣

Quoll :liberapay:

@davidrevoy Someone is definitely trolling, or, at least, I hope so! 😅

Rebecca Celeste

@davidrevoy At least I discovered your beautiful art through this ridiculous mail you got 😬


@davidrevoy to be honest, this just makes me want to learn Krita in order to make a blurry webcomic of my own


@davidrevoy Je suis vraiment curieux de connaître la réelle motivation derrière ce message. Car en l’état actuel, je ne comprends pas ce qui motive à dépenser autant d’énergie. Au-delà, je salue le geste d’avoir aligné autant de contre-vérités et d’opinions péremptoires en un seul envoi 👍

David Revoy

@cdamiens Idem, il y a un fond tellement illogique. Oui, c'est un email fascinant.


@davidrevoy Please tell me you corrected all the typos, grammatical errors and factual errors, and replied in the sweetest and most condescending way you could.

David Revoy

@TundraWolf I'll disapoint you; I just quickly replied (after taking a screenshot) :

> "lol, big troll!"

And archived the message to not be part of my Inbox. Not my best reply, but economic at least.


@davidrevoy A far more mature and sensible approach than my suggestion, I would say.

Elis H 🌱

@davidrevoy Some things I learned from this:
- All Linux kernel developers are dwarfs or children 🤔
- MacOS isn't a hacked together Unix clone, I thought it absolutely is 😅
- Apple invented the mouse, I thought it was Xerox 🤷
- Little or short people can't be productive developers 🤔


@davidrevoy Magnifique ce mail et assez curieux l'effort déployé pour tenter de vous convaincre. Chouette heure de réception aussi.

David Revoy

@Sokatra 😺 Oui, le 4:04am ne peut pas être une coincidence. C'est une oeuvre d'art.


Certainly the best that is coming from 2023, we can end the year now


@davidrevoy I like the that the author is totally oblivious to the fact, that Apple invented none of the desktop/icon stuff but basically copied XEROX PARC concepts.


@davidrevoy and as we all know, apple invented the Xerox Star in 1984…

yeah this reminds me of the classic ‘is your son a computer hacker’ bit from back in the day.

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called “xenix”, which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people’s computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people’s stereos to steal their music, using the “mp3” program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as “telnet”, which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

Your son may try to install “lunix” on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

If you see the word “LILO” during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

@davidrevoy and as we all know, apple invented the Xerox Star in 1984…

yeah this reminds me of the classic ‘is your son a computer hacker’ bit from back in the day.

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called “xenix”, which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other...

chibi-[N]ah🇫🇷 :gold_account:

@davidrevoy Si à la place de Clip Studio Paint, c'était Excel (parce que LibreOffice Calc, c'est pas connu et OpenOffice Calc, c'est pompé sur Excel 97, c'est vrai, c'est le neveu du cousin par alliance du mari de l'un des copains que j'ai pas vu depuis 20 ans qui me l'a dit), ça serait vraiment évident que ça serait du :troll:

Après, un courriel, envoyé un vendredi, à 4:04, avec un argumentaire assez bizarre et contradictoire (en résumé, c'est l'outil qui fait du bon dessin, pas l'artiste), ça sent quand même bien le troll :)

@davidrevoy Si à la place de Clip Studio Paint, c'était Excel (parce que LibreOffice Calc, c'est pas connu et OpenOffice Calc, c'est pompé sur Excel 97, c'est vrai, c'est le neveu du cousin par alliance du mari de l'un des copains que j'ai pas vu depuis 20 ans qui me l'a dit), ça serait vraiment évident que ça serait du :troll:

David Revoy

@alex Oui, j'ai d'ailleur répondu "lol, big troll!" immediatement, et archivé la discussion. Mais c'est quand même énorme.


@davidrevoy Crazy! It reads like a trolling attempt but we have seen some truly bizarre shit the last few years that i wouldn't put my hand on the fire for it.


Sadly there are many people who actually think like that.

I'd still call troll as they knew a bit too much technical background.

John Colagioia

@davidrevoy The only reasonable response to that is to offer to sell them NFTs of AI-generated art...

lazy cat ✅​ 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇬🇧 🇫🇷

@davidrevoy setting aside trolling, I can think of it as some sort of “black PR”. you have quite great followers base, so the message will be widespread. maybe the author want just that. but why using so complex scheme, involving you as FLOSS user, idk… 🤔 actually it’s so silly that seems just insane. 🤪 as for a joke, it may be fun, but still rude from their side. on the other hand, why I’m so serious? 😅

David Revoy

@fuzzylynx I know, right? :rblobglare: So many illogical things going on in this email. It almost made my brain going full blue screen. It will probably remain one of the mystery of life for ever.

Alex Standiford


I hope this is in jest lol.

Also, holy cow I haven't seen you in a while! I was pretty heavy into GIMP in the early 10s, and was/am so inspired by your work. Warms my heart to see you're still at it, and still using #foss.

David Revoy

@alexstandiford Oh, you knew my work then at the time of the Sintel movie and Chaos&Evolution DVD? Yes, I survived more than 10 years of painting with FLOSS :blobcatheart: Thanks for sending a little word about the past day. ☺️



Je connais pas l'univers de la pomme, du coup quand j'ai lu le début : (clip studio) paint, j'avoue que j'ai bien ri !


@davidrevoy "You shouldn't use flaky free* software! Buy into this corporate ecosystem!"

*dev sponsored by literally the biggest** processor manufacturer on the planet

**sub please check


@davidrevoy I saw this in my feed, opened your profile to see if I had seen anything from you and went OMG YOU DID THE DRAGON??

your art is fucking awesome 💕 🤩

David Revoy

@starfish Thanks! :blobcatheart:
(and expect more dragons, I love drawing them!).


@davidrevoy And here I was expecting redemption of some kind after the "but..." in the first line, like some kind of asshole. Nope, just more honest feedback 🙃

Barry Schwartz 🫖

@davidrevoy I block people who stan for Apple like that. It's only a matter of time before they start kidnapping people and running "Citizens' Courts".

Barry Schwartz 🫖

@davidrevoy Also interesting them crediting Apple for what they copied from Xerox.

Barry Schwartz 🫖

@davidrevoy I‘ll have you know, I’ve been informed before that Apple invented the plug and jack.

David Revoy

@chemoelectric I'm pretty sure they also invented the fruit, and named it this way as a tribute. 🙃


@davidrevoy 😂 Please post more of those! Too good!


@davidrevoy the mouse and all that stuff of legends, wasnt that xerox parc who invented it?

Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉

@davidrevoy mmmh Apple just copied Rank Xerox “desktop metaphore” they never created anything really new, as far I know…

David Revoy

@John_Livingston If it is, the AI has a new system to inject many mistype (eg 'from'→'frop' ) and use expressions only non native English speaker would use (eg. the "too little developers" , I understand she wanted to speak about the amount of dev, not their physical size).
That's why I prefer to think here it's typed 100% by human.


@davidrevoy la vie de cette personne... Nan en fait je veux même pas imaginer 😂


@davidrevoy She must suffer severe brain damage to not understand that gnu is superior.

Please tell her that she needs medical attention right away.

tok 🕊️

@davidrevoy I read suppressed admiration between the lines.

David Revoy

@marsokod Exactement, c'est la réponse la plus brillante; et la recherche possible que ça engendrerai pourrai péter une pierre de fondation du raisonement. Mais j'ai simplement répondu à la va vite: "lol, big troll!". J'ai beaucoup moins d'imagination à l'écris que dans mes dessins floues et mal définis à cause de Krita et Linux. Mais c'est parceque j'utilise peut-être Protomail sur Firefox et pas Gmail sur Chrome.


I just don't underdtand why you make such poor decisions Dave

Fabulous Fab's

🤣🤣🤣 on a du lourd là!
What did you respond ?

David Revoy

@fabulousfabs I replied "lol, big troll!" as quick I could, but the good answer and brilliant one would have been "Xerox".

Neil Brown


"I have opinions and an Internet connection and I am not going to think before I combine them."


Your correspondent needs to learn about the invention of the GUI, and that it wasn't Apple who created it!

Keep up the good fight. Use whatever software you like 🙂

David Collantes

@davidrevoy wow, she really “let you have it”! 😏 Assuming best—though direct—intentions, so many erroneous assertions! I felt shame reading that so, please, accept my apologies in her behalf.

Mr. J.D. Gumby :ns_flag:

@davidrevoy Apple shilltroll forgetting about Xerox? Not surprising. :)

@davidrevoy Clearly they know what they're talking about. Time to study up..
David Revoy

@pipivovott Oh no, I'll never be able to reach this level of sharp graphics and definition with Linux and Krita :kirby_fly:


@davidrevoy je trouve aussi que tu dépasses souvent quand tu colories. Je n'avais pas réalisé que c'était parce que tu utilises du mauvais matériel. 🤡
Bon, je retourne lire Peppa Pig, moi. 🧐

Jade (Jay)

@davidrevoy At least this post actually led me to your profile. And your art is beautiful! Also hope that person finds some better use for their time (no matter with what intention they wrote the mail) :)


Only a slave would shame a man for being free (c)

Alix Guillard

@davidrevoy it looks like a joke. I don'tsee the point in sending this by email. Do you often get these ?

David Revoy

@aloxe Hey, by email, less than one by month. It's more often from shorter comments or DM on Youtube or Twitter (but happened also here on Mastodon).


Pourquoi biffer son nom? J'organise un dîner de cons et j'aimerais la contacter.

David Revoy

@MichelPatrice Suffit d'utiliser Krita sous Linux, et elle vous contactera 🤣


@davidrevoy oh, I can't believe this is the mindset some people can even have... I'm at loss of word.

David Chartier

@davidrevoy @TerryHancock I like the bait and switch of ‘why don’t you use a Mac?’ and then kapow! ‘just get Procreate and an iPad.’

Greenpete (No Flag)

@davidrevoy Maybe you could troll them back and reply earnestly and go on to ask about something where you link to the Rick Astley video!

Kuroichi Neko

@davidrevoy that bash has no complete sense. Feels like they obsessed with CSP and Mac


@davidrevoy I cannot tell if this is a joke or if she is being serious and genuine.

David Revoy

@SF8910 I think no one can really tell, but for sure we all prefer to read it as a high-quality troll.

Previously, Alice Werefox

@davidrevoy lmao what the actual fuck did I just read hahaha what the hell

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@davidrevoy lil 8 year olds can have opinions on computer software and use Internet freely!? we sure live in a brave new world


@davidrevoy wow, that reads as if somebody had an entire closet full of axes to grind and mistook their dish rag for a whetstone. O_o

William Carmichael

@davidrevoy That's insane. I genuinely don't envy a position that creates the impression in weird people's mind that you've invited their opinion.


@davidrevoy You know you've arrived when they love you enough to hate you.

Matthew Graybosch

@davidrevoy The person who sent this email is a schmuck.


@davidrevoy this troll doesn't even know about Xerox Parc, pff :P

Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻

@davidrevoy your drawings are surely gorgeous AND kawai, David. Don't mind and please continue to entertain your vast community.

Doug 🇨🇦🌈

So much misinformation. This person/bot simply doesn't know much about anything.


@davidrevoy tiens, une IA se croit obligée de donner son avis... 😂 🤨

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