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David Revoy

@tennoseremel True, also the "from" I blured was a European country and the email was sent at 4:04am ; so probably someone had a very hard day and wanted to teach to that "bluury and not well defined" artist a real life lesson late at night.

H₂O 💦

@davidrevoy, IIRC you live in France. What is the sender country? Just to "check" if you could disclose the full email with no harm (for you)… I'm not a lawyer but I wonder.


David Revoy

@h2o @tennoseremel Let say it with a riddle: "from the country of good waffle, potato fries and good beers" 😆

but probably not the French-speaking part of it because the email is in English and it is easy when finding my email to know I speak/read French.

:cate: This is Mur :scremcat:

@davidrevoy @h2o @tennoseremel
Maybe they did knew French, but written in English cause they wanted the greatest coverage if the email gets posted on social media :blobcatsuit:

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