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The desktop metaphor was first introduced by Alan Kay at Xerox PARC in 1970.

As for the computer mouse, Engelbart’s collaborator on the mouse project Bill English built a prototype—a hand-held device carved out of wood, with a button on the top. In 1967, Engelbart’s company SRI filed for the patent on the mouse, although the paperwork identified it a little differently as "x,y position indicator for a display system." The patent was awarded in 1970.


#Apple has contributed absolutely nothing to the #computing #history, except for designing pieces for the #posh, who upgrade #computers every five years, #tablets every two years, and #phones every year, just to show off, as well as #wasting #resources as very few other #companies might do.

Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.

Your #work is #beautiful, @davidrevoy

J🍩hn Fünk

@ama @davidrevoy Apple isn't even user-friendly, as Apply fanpeople love to claim. They frequently sacrifice ease of use at the altar of aesthetics, hiding important controls in unintuitive places because it "looks better."


I had no idea how friendly or unfriendly it could be, I chose not to be its friend a very long time ago.

@probablyjohnfunk @davidrevoy

J🍩hn Fünk

@ama @davidrevoy Mostly same, but I was forced to use a co-worker's desktop Mac rig once for reasons beyond my control. Took me for frickin' ever to find the frickin' POWER BUTTON. Turned out to be in a ridiculously unintuitive spot on the back of the machine.

Told an Apple fanboy about it, and he was like "Well, yeah, because it looks better if the power button is hidden."

And I'm like, "Well, then that's not user friendly. You just said the quiet part out loud, and I win this argument."


That makes a lot of sense, actually, since their devices look much better when they're turned off.

@probablyjohnfunk @davidrevoy

David Revoy

@ama @probablyjohnfunk Three years ago, I had to teach on a classroom full of Mac, and use one because my laptop had issues connecting to the projector (TL:Dr; HMDI to VGA converter required, not Linux's fault on my Laptop).
Yes, it is not user-friendly for someone like me who never used a Mac or Apple product in my life. I was lost many times by some logic. Those who said distro like "ElementaryOS" are clones, are wrong. Those distro makes more sens to me.

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