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Daniil Baturin

@Jason @davidrevoy Since there are no referral links to buy proprietary software and a Mac, I'm inclined to think it's sarcastic.
But maybe she has a private agreement with those companies that allows her to get paid without referral links. ;)

David Revoy

@dmbaturin @Jason 😆 The mystery is why does she want me and my bad paintings and bad story to stain the beauty of her ecosystem of tools? A big paradox, unless, as Jason told, she think that the quality of art is related at 100% to the software in use.😅

Daniil Baturin

@davidrevoy @Jason Of course. Buying that proprietary software makes you a PROFESSIONAL! ;)

David Revoy

@dmbaturin Of course! PROcreate on ApplePRO with CintiqPRO AidobePRO. 😆


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