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Taggart :donor:

For very good reasons, the .io TLD is (likely) going away.

Once this treaty is signed, the British Indian Ocean Territory will cease to exist. Various international bodies will update their records. In particular, the International Standard for Organization (ISO) will remove country code “IO” from its specification. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which creates and delegates top-level domains, uses this specification to determine which top-level country domains should exist. Once IO is removed, the IANA will refuse to allow any new registrations with a .io domain. It will also automatically begin the process of retiring existing ones. (There is no official count of the number of extant .io domains.)

(H/t @mwl )

Emelia 👸🏻

@mttaggart @mwl tbh, I think .io should continue to exist, but just like .dev or .tech, just changing who administrates it, otherwise they'll cause so much link rot and break the web.

Taggart :donor:

@thisismissem @mwl Maybe so, but Mauritius/the Chagossians would have to agree. Perhaps they will, but I'm okay with it being their call. I think the long history of playing fast and loose with national TLDs should come to an end.


@mttaggart @thisismissem @mwl Seems ideal if it can be their call, and their chance to make some return on the domain's registration fees.

Perhaps the hard bit would be finding a representative for the community / or effectively, defining "the community"? I'm super ignorant about that though, so it might not be as problematic as I imagine?

John Mark Ockerbloom

@mttaggart Including with .to, the domain name of the site in your link, in my opinion.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@thisismissem @mttaggart

Yep, but there's lots of history of these transfers going badly.

I'd like to see the islands take it over. Yes, they'd have to outsource management to an operator, but they'd have a nice revenue stream from us geeks.

Erin 💽✨
@thisismissem @mttaggart @mwl I doubt ICANN will allow it's continued existence. They really do not want to wade into geopolitics
Ben Keith 🚲

@thisismissem @mttaggart @mwl Given that .su still exists for the Soviet Union, I'm highly skeptical that IANA will retire the .io TLD. Couldn't Mauritius continue to administer .io?


@thisismissem @mttaggart @mwl also my lastname works perfectly with it because it ends with "io", I'd be sad to lose that domain. I expect many others would too, even disregarding crypto bro companies

Bill Seitz

@mttaggart @mwl wow .io was a real fad for awhile.... though they may all be subsidiaries at this point...

Taggart :donor:

@billseitz As a single example of a major project (besides GitHub pages), consider Phaser

Oliver Webb

@mttaggart @mwl that’s literally gonna break billions of links. Why kill it for geopolitical reasons?

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@jernej__s @mttaggart

that's one of the lessons IANA learned.

"Dear Russia: sure, keep .su, but make it go away."

"Russia: Da. Suuuure."

anna in hexile
@mttaggart @mwl we have all kinds of stupid top level domains like "live" and "exchange" why can't .io join them
Kazy.EXE 💾 :connection_apng:

@mttaggart @mwl i feel like with the proliferation of vanity TLDs, an argument could be made of moving it into the same vein as the new ones, no longer country-designated.

Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@mttaggart @mwl Save this toot for future fact-checking: I seriously doubt .io will really be deleted.

Taggart :donor:

@bortzmeyer @mwl The timeline is 3-5 years, which I suspect IANA will maintain is ample time for adjustment. It would introduce a good deal of link rot, however, so I do hope you're correct.

Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@juliank @mttaggart @mwl Yes, it may be something like that. (Probably under a mauritian umbrella.)

Pseudo Nym

@mttaggart @mwl

Won't someone think of all the techbros who move fast and break things?

Where will they register their quick SaaS apps? .xyz ? .zip ?

Panegyr 🤡🎪


This is good! But wholesale discontinuation seems like a unique circumstance that hasn’t been observed before to my knowledge. For instance I think it’s still possible to register .su TLDs for the soviet union country code


@mttaggart @mwl I had no idea that was a region indicator as I'd only ever seen it in something like a "" context where it clearly meant an automated service endpoint.

I feel like it really needs to be an all or nothing deal at this point. The top level domains should *all* be like this or none of them. No more bare .com , it's or similar and then the problem largely solves itself.

Pete / Syllopsium

@gooba42 @mttaggart @mwl If you're keeping things standardised like that, it should be[1]

Strictly speaking too, every single .uk domain should be cancelled, and all renamed to .gb.

The ship has sailed on designing the system properly, there's too much precedence. Arguably although I wasn't really in favour of the expansion of tld which I saw (correctly) as a cash grab, at least some non geographic tlds that will be unaffected by war and politics are a good idea.

[1] Just give me five minutes prior to it going live for everyone else, so I can register and show everyone the wonders of semolina granules.

@gooba42 @mttaggart @mwl If you're keeping things standardised like that, it should be[1]

Strictly speaking too, every single .uk domain should be cancelled, and all renamed to .gb.

The ship has sailed on designing the system properly, there's too much precedence. Arguably although I wasn't really in favour of the expansion of tld which I saw (correctly) as a cash grab, at least some non geographic tlds that will be unaffected by war and politics are a good idea.


@syllopsium @gooba42 @mttaggart @mwl
Why should either .uk or .gb exist? There are multiple countries in the GB.


@bitterdonald @syllopsium @gooba42 @mttaggart @mwl For the purposes of country codes, a country is a legally independent political entity. So Jersey is a country, Scotland is not — both belong to the British Crown, but only one has actual independence.

Nicolás Alvarez

@gooba42 @mttaggart @mwl Every two-letter top-level domain is a country-code TLD.

Analog Feelings

@mttaggart @mwl wonder whats gonna happen to now

Rachel Rawlings

@mttaggart @mwl One can only hope that the UK will give up Anguilla next and they change their name back to Malliouhana, rendering the .ai country code extinct.

Mikołaj Hołysz

@mttaggart @mwl I don't think this is actually going to happen.

There's so much stuff relying on .io at this point that I won't be surprised if major DNS providers just sidestep ICAN and take matters into their own hands.

ICAN isn't omniscient and omnipotent, if the majority of the world decides that they shouldn't be in charge of DNS any more and that we'd rather use a different set of root servers, their power basically goes away.

Taggart :donor:

@miki @mwl It's possible this won't go into effect for some reason, but the proposal of replacing ICANN/IANA with another governing body is certainly a bigger upheaval than the loss of a single TLD.

Mikołaj Hołysz

@mttaggart @mwl You wouldn't even necessarily have to go through with it; a credible threat of it happening could motivate ICAN to do the right thing here.

Mikołaj Hołysz

@mttaggart @mwl You wouldn't even necessarily have to go through with it; a credible threat of it happening could motivate ICAN to do the right thing here.


@mttaggart Uh oh. This sounds like it's going to make a mess.


Pete / Syllopsium

@mttaggart @mwl The two edged sword of using a regional tld as a friendly name, rather than a non geographic tld. Everyone should be aware there are always disadvantages with this.

The obvious solution would be to allow the Chagosians to take on the effort of maintaining it, and then change the description of .io to 'input output tld'. That way pretty much everyone is happy.

Admittedly at one stage I did have a top level .ly domain, there were a lot of issues for many people but I got lucky & it worked whilst I had it. Then they formalised the registrar, prices shot up, and I decided I didn't need the domain that badly.

@mttaggart @mwl The two edged sword of using a regional tld as a friendly name, rather than a non geographic tld. Everyone should be aware there are always disadvantages with this.

The obvious solution would be to allow the Chagosians to take on the effort of maintaining it, and then change the description of .io to 'input output tld'. That way pretty much everyone is happy.


@mttaggart @mwl .io is load bearing, unlike .su. I suspect it'll stick around.


@mttaggart @mwl
> It will also automatically begin the process of retiring existing ones.

Do we know what this "retiring" will look like?

This feels like it will be a major blow to a lot of people, in particular many of the creators who host our work on For instance, I have physical zines that I sold years ago with my itch URL printed in the back as my contact info.

Ben S.

@mttaggart @mwl it's not a good reason. What sovereign nation is responsible for .pizza?

Ben S.

@ireneista @mttaggart @mwl that's an arbitrary distinction from an end user standpoint, and also from the standpoint of most .io domain owners probably!

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@HunterZ @ireneista @mttaggart

It's an arbitrary distinction for us. Not for IANA.

They got a LOT of pain over .su's mishandling, and have institutional memory.

I *hope* .io sticks around. I suspect past pain will drive the decision, however.

Irenes (many)

@HunterZ @mttaggart @mwl it seems that way until you think about it

the money for domain registrations - allegedly; we heard this from friends over the years but don't have a citation - went to the occupying military, not to the people

that was never going to be a stable situation, and we should be glad that it's not

mos_8502 :verified:

@ireneista @HunterZ @mttaggart @mwl For handing over sovereignty, I have no objection. For disconnecting the .io TLD from any one country, I would have had no objection. But total removal, rather than simply making it a general use TLD, I find dickish.

Taggart :donor:

@ireneista @mos_8502 @HunterZ @mwl It's definitely a tension between procedural correctness (Country Code removed from ISO -> bye bye TLD) and practical reality of those impacts. And that's just at the policy level, without considering the justice of any decision to the people who are a) impacted and b) should have the right of self-determination.

And ironically, this treaty continues to deny the Chagossians just that, in that they were not party to the negotiations.

But Frankie Bontemps, a second generation Chagossian in the UK, told the BBC that he felt "betrayed" and "angry" at the news because "Chagossians have never been involved" in the negotiations.

"We remain powerless and voiceless in determining our own future", he said, and called for the full inclusion of Chagossians in drafting the treaty.

@ireneista @mos_8502 @HunterZ @mwl It's definitely a tension between procedural correctness (Country Code removed from ISO -> bye bye TLD) and practical reality of those impacts. And that's just at the policy level, without considering the justice of any decision to the people who are a) impacted and b) should have the right of self-determination.

Ben S.

@mttaggart @ireneista @mos_8502 @mwl Creating TLDs associated with countries and then allowing domains to be registered with them that have nothing to do with those countries seems like an incredibly fraught framework.

Irenes (many)

@HunterZ @mttaggart @mos_8502 @mwl oh definitely. it's a really strange thing to do in the first place. apparently there's quite a lot of money in it, which is why it happens.......


To be honest I fail to see what these good reasons are.

Just change the registrar and the problem is solved. Give some transition period during which renewal fees are not subject to change.

.su domain seems to exist just fine. As for:

"But ambiguity is the worst thing for a top-level domain. Unknowingly, this decision created an environment in which .su became a digital wild west. Today, it is a barely policed top-level domain, a plausibly deniable home for Russian dark ops and a place where supremacist content and cyber-crime have found cover." feels like a bunch of FUD for me. The registrar is known. The domain is official. What exactly makes it more "wild west" than, say, .ru, .rs or .xyz?

To be honest I fail to see what these good reasons are.

Just change the registrar and the problem is solved. Give some transition period during which renewal fees are not subject to change.

.su domain seems to exist just fine. As for:

"But ambiguity is the worst thing for a top-level domain. Unknowingly, this decision created an environment in which .su became a digital wild west. Today, it is a barely policed top-level domain, a plausibly deniable home for Russian dark ops and a place where supremacist...
Kevin Karhan :verified:

@mttaggart will be interesting to see how long that takes.

Last time I checked #dotSU still allowed registrations!

- Also I think the Islands shoud've been surrendered to their native inhabitants

Monster from the Id.

@mttaggart @mwl

The .io domain rightfully belongs, like the islands themselves, to the Chagossians.

Amin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@mttaggart @mwl

I find it somewhat ironic that this article is on a domain using the Tongan TLD. :P

Isus Ramzy

Really, `.io` doesn't mean anything, it's used for apps that cover a wide range of things, that can be just replaced with .com
And nobody uses it for its real use.


@mttaggart @mwl On the flip side, "Any established public or private organization that meets eligibility requirements anywhere in the world can apply to create and operate a new gTLD Registry."
ie. re-register the `.io` TLD.

Taggart :donor:

@draco18s @mwl Yeah I think the question is whether IANA would allow the rereg of a once-national TLD.

Nicolás Alvarez

@draco18s @mttaggart @mwl One of those eligibility requirements is:
"Two-character ASCII strings are not permitted, to avoid conflicting with current and future country codes based on the ISO 3166-1 standard"

Peter Brett

@draco18s 2-letter TLDs are *explicitly* excluded from this process. All 2-letter TLDs are reserved for ISO country codes. @mttaggart @mwl


@krans @draco18s @mttaggart @mwl when all the sensible US states secede in January they can think of some name that matches IO for the ccTLD.

Iron Bug
sounds crazy and absolutely senseless. a global chaos without any reasons. just out of a thin air.
@mttaggart @mwl i wonder what is gonna do about this...
Eliot Lash

@alienmelon Did you read the part about the heist by Solvenian academics to take control of the .yu ccTLD from the University of Belgrade? Wild.

This is really interesting though, I will be trying to keep an eye on this as it unfolds.

I do think that transitioning this to be a generic TLD (possibly administered by Mauritius if they want the extra income) as others have suggested here seems like the best path forward without breaking the internet, but we'll see what happens.


Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

@Eliot_L @mttaggart lol no i have not heard of the slovenian academic heist wow i have things to read up on now 😆 thank you!

Eliot Lash

@alienmelon @mttaggart Yeah it's mentioned in the article in the OP.

I also found out something else interesting, back in 2021 the Chagos Islanders already filed a complaint with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development "seeking restitution and return of .IO" and "due royalties and payments" from their current manager, an Irish company called Afilias Ltd. So it seems they do want the ccTLD.

You can read more about this on their lawyer's blog:

@alienmelon @mttaggart Yeah it's mentioned in the article in the OP.

I also found out something else interesting, back in 2021 the Chagos Islanders already filed a complaint with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development "seeking restitution and return of .IO" and "due royalties and payments" from their current manager, an Irish company called Afilias Ltd. So it seems they do want the ccTLD.


@mttaggart @mwl

I think this article is clickbait. It's claiming at the top that IANA "will" do all those things and then at the bottom admits IANA might not do those things.

I clicked because I knew .io might be on the chopping block and thought this article was saying IANA had announced formally what they were going to do, and I think I got had.

You might consider editing your post for folks who (most reprehensibly) boost without reading to the end.

Taggart :donor:

@webbureaucrat @mwl That is not how I read the conclusion. It acknowledges the influence of money and the potential upheaval, but does not conclude in any way that IANA is unlikely to apply its own rules.


@mttaggart @mwl

I didn't say the article says IANA is "unlikely" to apply its own rules. What I said is that the article says IANA "might" not, and it is true that it says that:

> The IANA may fudge its own rules and allow .io to continue to exist. Money talks, and there is a lot of it tied up in .io domains.

This contradicts the beginning of the article which says it "will" not allow .io to continue to exist.

Taggart :donor:

@webbureaucrat @mwl Fair enough. I've made what I think is a reasonable amendment.

The Psychotic Network Ferret

@mttaggart @mwl This reminds me that .su is still actively used, despite the dissolution of the USSR well over thirty years ago.

It's almost like, the world recognizes the fact that the USSR basically still exists.


@mttaggart @mwl I think the only reasonable option is to create a .yo top level domain name an move everything there...


@mttaggart @mwl @mcc, does that mean that Chagosians can finally return to their atoll?


@mttaggart @mwl the article only suggests that it might. it is not certain.

if IANA should remove .io , it would be a great case for going opennic and i've been waiting for that to find adoption.

Taggart :donor:

@vekkq @mwl That is a mischaracterization. The article outlines the rules IANA has for these domains and what will transpire if the rules are abided. Maybe they don't for whatever reason, but the established procedure has a predictable outcome.


@mttaggart @mwl The article also outlined cases in which their rules were not abided for decades.

The IANA may decide to act against their rules if it is in contrast with their mission statement "[..] maintaining the trust of the community to provide these services in an unbiased, responsible and effective manner". You could say that It would be irresponsible to shut down .io after it had been widely adopted for other purposes. They may also reclassify .io from a country-code to a generic code instead.
The outcome is not clear.

@mttaggart @mwl The article also outlined cases in which their rules were not abided for decades.

The IANA may decide to act against their rules if it is in contrast with their mission statement "[..] maintaining the trust of the community to provide these services in an unbiased, responsible and effective manner". You could say that It would be irresponsible to shut down .io after it had been widely adopted for other purposes. They may also reclassify .io from a country-code to a generic code instead.


@mttaggart @mwl be careful when picking your top level domain said people on the domain :polarbear:

Lee Benningfield

@mttaggart @mwl Why can't they just convert it to a non-country-based TLD?


@mttaggart @tom This a week after I sign up for!

stony kark

@mttaggart oh no all the dumb tech companies will have to use some other domain now! I suggest .info

Arne Blankerts

@mttaggart What does qualify as a good reason? Why not rather than forcing businesses and open source projects to change tld and maybe name, convert it into a gTLD? We have so many useless gTLDs what's wrong with having one more that's actually useful?

Richard 🔶UK #RejoinEU

@mttaggart @mwl work out uk tax on crypto currency. Pretty good service. Good bye @koinly #Koinly


@mttaggart @mwl Given the impact on the internet infrastructure, and the amount of money it represents, it would be much better to either assign it to Mauritius/Chagos, or the Regional Internet entity (RIPE / ARIN equivalent on the area) and use the benefits to help with internet development in the Indian Ocean.

Steven Hilton

@mttaggart @mwl

Oh no! what will all the tech startups do??

Account: Computers
@mttaggart @mwl So the .su domain is still around. but .io is going away? I call .bs.
🏳️‍🌈🎃🇧🇷Luana🇧🇷🎃🏳️‍🌈 :verified:

@mttaggart @mwl

It will also automatically begin the process of retiring existing ones.

Ugh, that sucks. More link rot.

Taggart :donor:


Yes there's every possibility something will intervene to make IANA not follow their stated policy (again), despite them showing every intention of not repeating that mistake. But that is different than a belief that big things can't happen because they are too big. Do not let a status quo bias overly influence your thinking about the future.


@mttaggart how many iot devices have hardcoded update url's under an .io domain?

Seth :rebel: :fist_raised:

@mttaggart @mwl This is crazy how if the territory changes the domain goes poof. That's insanity to me. Especially with Global Warming .TV is going to be underwater.

Ross Wilson

@mttaggart @mwl Good riddance, if it does disappear. Continued use of .io in spite of the ethical considerations, or most usually the ignorance thereof, has been a source of disappointment.

Vesna Manojlovic

@mttaggart @mwl for those interested in “historical precedents—such as.. breakup of Yugoslavia” : I’ve squirreled more info here : ; plus video “From .yu to .me” cc @mejs

Tom Nardi

@mttaggart @mwl
As somebody who's responsible for a sizable .io site...this is not great news to see today.

your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

ONE QUIBBLE and this is not semantics: the "new owners" of the island are the indigenous people of those islands; many of them forcefully repatriated by the Brits.

they are not new, nor owners. they are the peoples for whom those islands are their ancestral homeland.

@mttaggart @mwl

feistel :cert:

@mttaggart the funniest possible result is browser vendors implement a work-around and put IANA in the same dustbin as the W3C

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