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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

FuckFuckNo. 🤦‍♀️

I just want a search engine that works. I have zero need for a godawful "AI" hallucinating mansplainer in my results. Just… no.

Time to move off of DDG. What else is out there?

Edit: yes, it seems to be for real:

#DuckDuckGo #AI


@rysiek I use @Mojeek but sadly some results for me are bit underwhelming, then I switch to qwant which I find ok but they did have some sketchy things going on from what I remember (misinformation, remembered wrong, they only had partnerships from Microsoft and Huawei which are eh but def not rly super sketchy bad thing).

Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:

@firn SearxNG

Searx is no longer properly maintained


@cyrus @firn SearXNG is a proxy that searches and collates results from several search engines. It's useful, but it's not a search engine per se, and dependent upon them.

There are some open feature requests to add ChatGPT to SearXNG, e.g.,

Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:


1. Yes I know that.
2. This work doesn't necessarily have to make it upstream, ever.


@cyrus I figured you'd know, but I'm seeing the root of this thread getting boosted a lot, and people are clearly looking for options, so I thought it was worth making it clear.

I also think that since it's a feature request, it would help if people pushed back on it. This particular feature request would just add it as one more optional engine among a large number, which can be disabled in the config or by the user, so I'm not terribly worried about it.


Results can be sometimes a bit underwhelming, but it's still my default search engine. Highly recommend


Isn't startpage owned or related to some big advertisement company?

Jessie Nabein :neofox_peek_owo:

@voltar13 @rail_ @rysiek
"In October 2019, Privacy One Group, owned by adtech company System1, acquired a majority stake in Startpage."

That said... their results are often best even vs DDG, and the Anonymous View function is handy. I noticed ad links with uBO off, but otherwise nothing nasty.
However, I'm personally moving to self hosted SearxNG, and testing Yacy.

Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:

@rysiek @Mojeek is often my go-to, but many people dislike it due to how different the search results are.

You may be interested in aggregating results using SearxNG, maybe?


@cyrus @rysiek @Mojeek I'll throw in another vote for SearxNG. Been using it as my default for a bit now and am usually happy with the results. StartPage used to be my default now I only use it as a backup option.


@rysiek they have been using language models to replace the result pages’ titles and summary for a long time already (i think even google didn’t do that?). i switched to startpage at some point because i was fed up with its bullshit, but then it forces me to do captcha every now and then :neocat_baa:

Tissevertfeuille 🌳
@rysiek Is that confirmed ? I can't see it anywhere on the website, is that only on smartphones or something ? I'd hate to have to find a replacement now, but if they start encouraging that shit, I'm leaving right away.

@eliasp @rysiek @jasonkoebler that's a separate feature, not integrated into the search, as far as I know.

James Cridland

@eliasp @cumulonimbus @rysiek @jasonkoebler They have; though I’ve yet to see it in actual Kagi search results.

(I’ve not got an issue with people experimenting with AI, as long as it’s avoidable)


@james @eliasp @cumulonimbus @rysiek @jasonkoebler
As far as I experience, you can switch all the ai stuff off.
I really enjoy using kagi, one of the best features being the search lenses and automatic redirects.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@cumulonimbus Kagi had the Brave kerfuffle:

Kagi's main developer's responses in the thread were… underwhelming to say the least.

magmaus3 SearX(NG) is good enough (i mostly use the instance hosted by disroot)


@rysiek Huh. This is for real? I thought this was an April fools joke…

Emmanuel Revah

I've been using startpage for years.

The Privacy Advocate (

@rysiek and it's partnered with Leo from Brave? Horror

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@Decentralize wait, who's partnered with Leo from Brave?

And who's "Leo from Brave"?

The Privacy Advocate (

@rysiek leo is the Ai of Brave Brower, and someone earlier posted they partnered with duckduckgo. So it's not confirmed, but everything Ai doesn't need to be on my browser anyway


@rysiek It's just a desktop browser option to use a bot. Don't use it if you don't want to? It doesn't say it's related to search results, in the reddit link.


@rysiek Hmm.. Well that's crappy then. Having said that, I just tried a quick search and can't reproduce that result. Maybe different search terms. All the search engines are getting crappy one way or another. Back to books maybe!!!


@pa27 You may joke, but I've been using pretty much only books for my writing research, because finding the same information online hasn't worked out well at all. The information is either not there, or buried in too much trash, and this was the case even before AI.

The idea of using search engines for *factual answers* is wild to me. Yet the sort of things they'd be best for finding - personal sites, blogs, art, etc - are also the things they really don't like to show people.

Eric the Cerise


Still early days, but I'm liking #Stract ... a new stand-alone search engine being developed by one person and (last I heard) run on a server in his basement.

#404Media also just published an article extolling a paid SE called #Kagi ... not sure I'm "there" yet (paying for search), but it sounds promising.

Oh yeah ...

Hmm ... actually, even better, start here ...

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@ErictheCerise I actually want to pay for search, as that's the only way the incentives align correctly for the search provider in this late stage capitalist dystopia, but Kagi had their… Brave moment and also implement AI crap:

Eric the Cerise


This does actually make sense. I've been paying for email service for decades, don't know why search should be different.

Oliwier Jaszczyszyn
@rysiek: we are doing our search engine with our independent index (v2 aka Big Update is WIP) -, but if I would recommend something out of my comfort zone I would go with SearXNG instance.

Edit: corrected the domain
Jo Dusepo (Дусепо, دو‌سپو)

@rysiek I love your description of 'AI' as a hallucinating mansplainer! Perfect :D .

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@dusepo can't claim credit for that, sadly. Been floating around the Zeitgeist for a while. :blobcatcoffee:

Bèr Kessels 🐝 🚐 🏄 🌱

@rysiek How do you know it will be a "hallucinating mansplainer in my results" ?

Why do you think it will?

Jumping to conclusions and then getting angry at those conclusions is not a very good way to get through life....

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@berkes I'm doing fine with going through life, thanks. And anything that touches ChatGPT or any other LLM in the context of a search product to me is super sus.

There's ample evidence of LLM chatbots providing completely made up results. I am not going to wait until DDG decides it's "good enough" and integrates it more into their stuff.

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@berkes @rysiek
> Why do you think it will?

hmmm, perhaps based on countless examples of bullshitting by the LLMs to date?


@rysiek The only truly based search engine that will never betray you is a SearXNG instance some guy is hosting in his basement near you. ​:blobthinkingcool:​


Search Engine that works, private and anonym? No Problem, enjoy:

Simon Hobeck

i don't think its too bad that you should be jumping ship just yet.
The reddit post by DDG says it is just an addon for its browser and aiming for a freemium model.
It does not affects its search results and it allow speople to experiement with LLM whilst still respcting privacy.
I will continue to use DDG so long as their search results are not infected by AI noise.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@Shobeck it's a huge red flag to me and I am not waiting to see where it leads if I can avoid it.


@rysiek you don't have to use it if you don't want to. It only works if you tap on the 💬 icon. That doesn't make DuckDuckGo bad or bloated. And to be honest I prefer being able to use GPT without an account rather.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@MotionToExtendDebate it's a huge red flag that they even consider implementing stuff like that.


@rysiek Why not continue to use DDG but simply don't use the optional experimental functionality there?

This would give them valuable feedback for what percentage of their user base is interested in this technology.

From what I can see it's optional and an experiment, nothing they force on everyone?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@djh the fact that they even consider investing time and effort into this is a huge red flag for me. I am not going to wait until that red flag materializes as something even worse.

Kevin Beaumont

@rysiek I don’t think people realise DuckDuckGo is a Microsoft Bing operation skinned as privacy. It’s why they accidentally filtered terms critical of China at the same time as Bing did. I wouldn’t use it.

jade pixel

@GossiTheDog @rysiek What do you use instead? I’ve been using DDG for years and looking for something new now.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@GossiTheDog yeah, I'm aware. I would much prefer a search engine with decent results that is supported by paying customers.


@rysiek What about Mojeek or Kagi (although the latter has some AI elements) @GossiTheDog

⠠⠵ avuko

@ornaled @rysiek @GossiTheDog I’d pay good money for a “simple” indexing and quality rating search engine without any other for-profit or content/people farming incentives.


@rysiek @GossiTheDog

You should check out Kagi. $10 a month for unlimited search. Now, they do have FastGPT and universal summarizer which are LLM based tools but FastGPT provides links from the search as its sources and you do not have to use it. Otherwise it frankly feels as good as a google search. Also supports bangs and custom “lens” which are scoped searches limited to specific sites, like programming documentation. You can also rank results so you can pin good ones and lower bad ones.


@rysiek @archliberal @GossiTheDog Their "AI crap" is just a summary assistant that doesn't automatically activate unless you end your query with a '?'. And they're only using Brave's API to pull some search results from them to supplement results from Google, Bing, and their own index.


@rysiek I use Kagi, it's paid (so no ads or user tracking needed). It has optional AI, but it's based on sources (and it will mention those, like Wikipedia does).


@thomastospace DDG's "AI" thing is also optional. So if OP wants to stop using DDG because of it, why would they want to move to Kagi, which also has "AI" integration? xP

I tried Kagi a while back and was considering getting a subscription even though the search results were no better for my needs than DDG's, but then they announced their summariser and I stuck with DDG. Guess that didn't last long 🤣

Jill ☁

@rysiek it really sucks! Even #Ecosia has an AI chat now. 🤮​

@ Those responsible for these engines, at least let us choose and give us the possibility to deactivate this crap, please. 🙏​

Jeremy Yap


I feel the question of "what else is there" depends on what you're actually looking for.

If you're just looking to use a large index while minimizing the data you're sending back, then DuckDuckGo still works for that. DuckDuckGo and Qwant use Bing's index, while Startpage uses Google's index, and any of those would work for that purpose.

If you're looking for a independent index for general use, Mojeek probably has the largest index that is not Google, Bing, or Yandex.

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@rysiek goddammit, just when their results started being decent enough for me to not use !g or !s as a crutch! JUST LET ME FIND THINGS FFS


@rysiek Horribly disappointing. Wonder where the money was deposited..?


@rysiek Kagi. I haven’t gone back to Google in months. With DDG that always often. DDG never improved and their quality was stuck with Bing.

Ian Campbell

@rysiek FWIW, Kagi has a well-developed and nuanced take on AI, it's not just "Integrate All The Things!"

The Brave thing is still concerning as hell, and AI in general is harmful, but Kagi seems to be more thoughtful than most as far as I can tell.

(I'm just a paying customer for Kagi, no other connections)

TayFoNay ☕️ :bc:

@rysiek I use StartPage in Firefox with an ad blocker plugin and it works quite well

Starpage has an added benfit of letting you view sites anonymously, which you can totally not abuse by searching for links you know will work, if you were so inclined.

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)


#DuckDuckGo is already pretty useless without boolean search options, and it also ignores dates. So if you're trying to search for something from 2014, you can't. Nor can you exclude all the stupid amazon or pinterest posts, etc. It's useless junk. And now it's useless junk with a heaping pike of garbage on top.


@shekinahcancook @rysiek the lack of exclusion options shocked me. How does anyone find DDG useful without the option to filter stuff out?

I don't even know where to go 😥 I'm so tired on the topic of AI @rysiek

@rysiek I’ve been getting a bit wary of DDG ever since I heard ads for it on the radio, about a year ago. This just confirms that concern…


@rysiek It's too big of an opportunity to pass up when you can basically steal the whole internet

Ciela-An Orca Ally

@rysiek Noo I have trusted DuckDuckGo duck, now they have betrayed my trust. :ohno:


@rysiek fortunately it looks like it's only in the DuckDuckGo browser. So if you're just using DDG in Firefox or something, it's not an immediate problem.

Edit: Other people are reporting that they're also having it advertised to them in mainstream browsers, so guessing there's some limited trialling going on as well?

Tissevertfeuille 🌳
@rysiek @trechnex That would indeed be enough not to trust them anymore but it's there on the website from Icecat/Firefox too (see previous posts).

Oliwier Jaszczyszyn
> fortunately it looks like it's only in the DuckDuckGo browser.

@trechnex: sorry, that's false. Friend of mine noticed that. What's interesting is that they don't use the DDG's browser.

Mike Tyka

@rysiek I've been using SearXNG and I like it - it does seem to cut through some of the BS.
Then there is Kagi, which is really good, but it's a 10$/mo subscription.

Alfred R. Baudisch

@rysiek DDG: disappointment of the decade. Digging their own graves, lol.


@rysiek I use and it seems to have the same thing. Given that both of them use Bing as a back end, at least to some degree, I imagine this is a M$ pushed decision that they have to use. Not a fan, especially for Ecosia, who's whole mission is environmentalism. Very disingenuous.


@rysiek I just stood up a SearxNG instance after reading this

1st Amendment Abuser

@rysiek I'd be down and like it a lot if they used an open-source uncensored AI for t5his, not the MS's garbage. Well, we'll wait and see how they're gonna deal with the backlash from the community


@rysiek Recently I started using Ecosia, and it's not bad :)
It uses results from Bing.
But I believe you can also get results from Google, if you want to give up some more privacy.
And apparently, I planted 3 trees already :)

For Google like search results, I'll use Startpage. And for result not coming from big-tech, I like to use Brave search.

Danie van der Merwe

@rysiek if they'd just called it a search "summary" no-one would have worried ;-)


@rysiek Thankfully "AI Chat is only available in the free DuckDuckGo browser"


@rysiek +1 for stract, it's quite neat. That, plus searXNG and MetaGer are the ones I'm hopeful for.


as a reminder, tell a small hint which is worse.

some could interpret this toot in a way that i go back to google, it's equally bad.

i still think duckduckgo is less worse. actually a lot.

adam solove

@rysiek Kagi has been good. They do have some AI addons but nothing that I’ve ever interacted with or been annoyed by.

M.C.Mengüç 🗻🏔⛰🌋

@rysiek their search results were starting to look more and more like google. Last couple of months the results were lousy and commercial. This explains it.


@rysiek always vpn to your own host running all your happy tools. One being SearXNG.

Goes in a docker easily. It’s nice having a multi engine that cleans and sanitizes along the way.


@rysiek Sick from the AI shit, fuck it.


@rysiek I have to wonder at this point, what was wrong with DDG search BEFORE adding this?



So that's why my DDG results have been shite lately.

Simon W 🙄 🆙 ⚛️

@rysiek it's entirely within their raison d'etre to offer privacy preserving access to services they don't have themselves. Think of this as a VPN for AI access. I've used other search engines that did this for images and maps, at least as an alternative. If they do it then it avoids you being tempted to access them without privacy protections.


@rysiek But, of course. They are Microsoft.


@rysiek is this a genuine reason to leave? It's dumb, sure, but it's also sitting in a corner and can just be ignored or even hidden.


@rysiek I do like searx, but it really is a frontend to a lot of search engines that you can set on your preferences (currently using the instance)

Dianora (Diane Bruce)

@rysiek Oh no :-( Time to bring back webrings...

Henning Deters

@rysiek kagi. It has AI crap, but it stays out of the way.

Estarriol, Cat owned Dragon

@rysiek I do not want AI, I do not want cookies, I do not want vendors buying my searches and webpage visits.


@rysiek I use DDG at home, and realised that I haven't seen some of the odd stuff that so many others have commented on. Because I don't use Google.

I want it to stay that way. Work does use Ecosia, which is better than Google too. But I know they have some issues as well.

If I want an AI answer, I will use an AI. If I want a web search, I want to use a web searcher. If there are none that will do that job, then the web is unusable.


@rysiek Eh, search engines stopped working roughly 4 years ago, and they are just getting worse. It's back to webrings and directories for us. It's time for the 90s to be in vogue again anyway.

It's not the engines' fault, it's a billion scammers small businesses flooding the web with 'content.' And yes affordable LLMs made it worse, but when I wanted a detailed test run of some IT products in 2019, it was already a lost cause - hundreds of adware pages with machine-made content (like mined user manuals and suchlike), and fake customer reviews on webstores.

@rysiek Eh, search engines stopped working roughly 4 years ago, and they are just getting worse. It's back to webrings and directories for us. It's time for the 90s to be in vogue again anyway.

It's not the engines' fault, it's a billion scammers small businesses flooding the web with 'content.' And yes affordable LLMs made it worse, but when I wanted a detailed test run of some IT products in 2019, it was already a lost cause - hundreds of adware pages with machine-made content (like mined user...

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