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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@GossiTheDog yeah, I'm aware. I would much prefer a search engine with decent results that is supported by paying customers.


@rysiek What about Mojeek or Kagi (although the latter has some AI elements) @GossiTheDog

⠠⠵ avuko

@ornaled @rysiek @GossiTheDog I’d pay good money for a “simple” indexing and quality rating search engine without any other for-profit or content/people farming incentives.


@rysiek @GossiTheDog

You should check out Kagi. $10 a month for unlimited search. Now, they do have FastGPT and universal summarizer which are LLM based tools but FastGPT provides links from the search as its sources and you do not have to use it. Otherwise it frankly feels as good as a google search. Also supports bangs and custom “lens” which are scoped searches limited to specific sites, like programming documentation. You can also rank results so you can pin good ones and lower bad ones.


@rysiek @archliberal @GossiTheDog Their "AI crap" is just a summary assistant that doesn't automatically activate unless you end your query with a '?'. And they're only using Brave's API to pull some search results from them to supplement results from Google, Bing, and their own index.

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