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Open on rail :neofox_flag_nb:Pronouns:
they/them :neofox_flag_trans:
Europe/Warsaw 🇪🇺🇵🇱
["pl_PL", "en_IE"]
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Your local femby-fox-thing 🦊 :nonbinary: that's overly into trains 🚆 also linux 🖥️, networking 🌐, photography 📷 and stuff Bi/pan, transgender, dumbass, furry. Neurospicy and will likely infodump OwO Cuties I'm normal about: Sometimes posting lewds (with CW), minors do not touch my NSFW stuff
Wall 11 posts
What kind of autism is this when you pay attention to and attempt to recognize as many languages around you as possible while being in a city? I always thought it's just a fascinating, fun exercise that everyone does but apparently no xd
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@rail_ I tend to also do this too, specially when I'm bored in public transit.
@rail_ I have no idea what autism it is, but I can say… I am exactly that…
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I've never been to Poland but I find it incredibly adorable that your largest supermarket chain is called "small toad". O kurwa czy Lewica rękoma AMŻ właśnie zawiesiła najbardziej rozsądną i merytoryczną posłankę tej wesołej zgrai? XD @rail_ i'm actually very good at being a boy but not the kind of boy people want me to be
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@rail_ did you know that you can add a bookmark as a search engine someone converted duckduckgo bangs into firefox native via bookmarks, just import many thousands of bookmarks into your browser Countries where the Police force commander in-chief fired a 90mm anti-tank grenade launcher inside his office at the Police Headquarters
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@rail_ aj tam, poprostu zarzucił ruskim hardbassem i musieli się jakoś wytłumaczyć czemu okna są rozbite xD
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I'll try to do some random and uneducated commentary about the session in this thread btw |
@rail_ they should let me