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firefox will now track your searches by default and you'd have no way of knowing they're doing that unless you look for this random blog post on their website: it does look like you can turn it off at least.
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@hi_mayank There is nothing new about this and its mentioned on the privacy link you're shown when you first run Firefox. |
@hi_mayank I've been noodling on solutions for this as well (initially focused on accessing the data cascade in ways that offer type safety); I'd be very interested in learning how you managed the CSS part, since that's another thing I'd been wondering about. Like, I know WebC benefits from asset bundling by default in 11ty; are you able to get that for JSX?
@hi_mayank oooh this is something (jsx in 11ty) i’ve been really wanting to try out recently!
how did you go about it? esp the css-in-11ty?
11ty 3.0 feels so much nicer with the ESM syntax. seriously.
i really hope one day we can kill CJS for good. the `module.exports` nonsense has to stop