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Josh Collinsworth

I think we're focused on the wrong thing when we look at what tech works for a company like Amazon or Facebook or Netflix.

We should be looking at what tech works when you *don't* have a small army of staff engineers optimizing it. I want to know what I can scale *without* paying someone a half million dollar salary to do it.

There should be more case studies on things that don't have a billion-dollar company propping them up, humming along quietly on a cheap-ass VPS somewhere.

Jeff Palmer

@collinsworth omg 100%. I used to have this conversation a lot with folks. It's true of a lot of things: the tech they use, the processes they follow, the way that they allocate time, etc.

Stay nimble, watch costs, and focus on what will make you and your team successful. 🔥

AJ Sadauskas

@jeffpalmer @collinsworth Getting a bit cynical, a lot of business tech case studies are written by the PR department of some vendor with a product to sell.

Of course they're going to focus on large enterprise-scale customers with big budgets to do a custom deployment of their product.

And of course they're not going to highlight how a small- or medium-sized business can get away with an some self-hosted network drives, or some WordPress plugin that basically achieves the same thing...

millennial falcon

@collinsworth yes.

code bloat, administraive bloat, opex bloat, feature bloat, design bloat, staffing bloat, and UI bloat are neither golden nor standards. they are waste.

efficiency is not glamorous and often not even visible, as you say.

this is a valuable idea you've put into our heads to look for it.


@collinsworth @danilo this is the kind of tech that I try to build in my open source work, and… it’s really hard, and people *say* they want it, but it feels like swimming upstream. The nine-layer architecture diagrams suck up all the oxygen in the room


@collinsworth @danilo “why call a function in a library when instead you could spin up a kubernetes pod that consumes $1500/mo of AWS spend”

Guido Kollerie

@glyph @collinsworth @danilo > “why call a function in a library when instead you could spin up a kubernetes pod that consumes $1500/mo of AWS spend”

This is a question I've asked so many times at so many companies, though phrased slightly differently (why does this have to be a micro service partitioned by the network and living in a separate repo, instead of a simple function in a module) and hardly ever gotten an intelligent answer to. It generally boils down to perceived needs that never materialize. Or because they think they're following best practices.

All they are doing is increasing accidental complexity. Exactly the thing they should be minimizing. It's frustrating.

@glyph @collinsworth @danilo > “why call a function in a library when instead you could spin up a kubernetes pod that consumes $1500/mo of AWS spend”

This is a question I've asked so many times at so many companies, though phrased slightly differently (why does this have to be a micro service partitioned by the network and living in a separate repo, instead of a simple function in a module) and hardly ever gotten an intelligent answer to. It generally boils down to perceived needs that never materialize....

aburka 🫣

@collinsworth nah, Google once wrote some overly optimistic quarterly goals on a whiteboard and then they took over the world, so now we all have to make OKRs, that's just how it works

Andrew (bookseller era)

@collinsworth Having worked in a big (multi-billion dollar, hundreds of millions of concurrent users) I concur so hard.

Scale is a trap.

I am, at this point, something of an expert of doing a lot with very very little, and this is the skillset I am the proudest of.


@ajroach42 @collinsworth we call this "scale" yet this doesn't scale, Big Tech serves primarily shareholders at the expense of everyone else. When we have technology that actually scales it means putting power back in the hands of you and me, serving stakeholders interests, on our terms.

Duchamp Pérez

@collinsworth @ajroach42 Scale is also a moat. If the right way of building something costs thousands a day, a couple of university students and their professor won't come along and take out an existing company


@collinsworth This is one of appeals of writing servers in Rust to me. It has a better chance of just working really well by default. Granted I'm not sure if I could deploy to a VPS though. I think Svelte on the front end is a similar appeal.


@erickjm @collinsworth im really interested in those two technologies…

unfortunately i dont have time to learn them because im busy running meetings where three separate stakeholders argue over what a single line of code should be.


I love Svelte + Rust too. Both awesome but together a dream.

I'm working in a demo with them now which will help illustrate how things are about to change dramatically in the direction the OP describes, and I've not been this excited about tech since the early days of the web, when we were emailing http server IP addresses, visiting just to see what loaded from the other side of the world.

Those were amazing times and things are going to blow minds again soon.

@erickjm @collinsworth

I love Svelte + Rust too. Both awesome but together a dream.

I'm working in a demo with them now which will help illustrate how things are about to change dramatically in the direction the OP describes, and I've not been this excited about tech since the early days of the web, when we were emailing http server IP addresses, visiting just to see what loaded from the other side of the world.


@happyborg @erickjm @collinsworth thats amazing! is there a way i can learn more about the project?


The project is #Autonomi, a secure, privacy focussed peer-to-peer network (no blockchains!). It is autonomous and aims to restore autonomy, hence the name and I'm building a demo app to show developers and users some of what it can do.

You can read more in the White Paper linked at and there's a friendly knowledgeable community to ask anything at
@erickjm @collinsworth


A lot. Eventually everything, but much will depend on what apps arrive when.

At a base level it delivers privacy and secure access to your data from any device without logging in to a service, being spied on etc. Just you and the network, no gatekeepers.

We'll see everything we have, and things we haven't in time because developers will be freed and can build apps that scale without VC backing.

I'm building a web publishing app. Others music, social etc

@djsf @erickjm @collinsworth

A lot. Eventually everything, but much will depend on what apps arrive when.

At a base level it delivers privacy and secure access to your data from any device without logging in to a service, being spied on etc. Just you and the network, no gatekeepers.

We'll see everything we have, and things we haven't in time because developers will be freed and can build apps that scale without VC backing.


@happyborg @djsf @erickjm @collinsworth

A PROTOCOL would be something useful. Depending on what it actually does.

But a "data and communications network "?

What even IS a "data network"?

What is a "A network token sale"?
Do you need a token to access this "network" and purchase them?

Why would any developer want to rely on someone else's "communication network" instead of just opening an TLS encrypted, certificate-pinned IPv6 TCP connection to your server/NAS/... .
Because that's where "your data" is.

Offering space needed for your own data for sombody else's and entrusting your data to random computers with the risk of loosing it?

@happyborg @djsf @erickjm @collinsworth

A PROTOCOL would be something useful. Depending on what it actually does.

But a "data and communications network "?

What even IS a "data network"?

What is a "A network token sale"?
Do you need a token to access this "network" and purchase them?

Why would any developer want to rely on someone else's "communication network" instead of just opening an TLS encrypted, certificate-pinned IPv6 TCP connection to your server/NAS/... .
Because that's where "your data" is.


I should have said "data storage and..".

The network is the protocol of course, but without incentives to run nodes data would not be secure.

So you pay to upload. But that's it. Data is stored forever. No subs, egress, or access fees.

Devs can use the only features they want. There will always be pros and cons, but using a foundation built for security and privacy makes it easy, and lowers the bar for secure apps and services for everyone.

@djsf @erickjm @collinsworth

I should have said "data storage and..".

The network is the protocol of course, but without incentives to run nodes data would not be secure.

So you pay to upload. But that's it. Data is stored forever. No subs, egress, or access fees.

Devs can use the only features they want. There will always be pros and cons, but using a foundation built for security and privacy makes it easy, and lowers the bar for secure apps and services for everyone.

the cake is offline

@collinsworth I used to do exactly this for a living. But then the market fell out from under classic content marketing and I couldn't afford to be an indie, SMB-focused blogger. Everyone else I know was driven out at the same time. By the end of 2018 there were almost none of us left.

David Purdy

@collinsworth 100%. More discussion and case studies would help a lot with evaluating tools against the kind of situations I might actually encounter. On the business as well as the technical side: one of the reasons I’ve been using Laravel is the business model seems much more closely aligned with my goals, giving me hope the direction will be more aligned longer term.


@collinsworth I get what you’re saying, but if people weren’t constantly trying to break in to systems, the need for these knowledgeable people whose salaries are based on the costs of getting the knowledge to some degree. Scaling is easy. Securing the contents is hard. And system updates need to be tested for breaking changes (Windows 11 has some big ones coming up that break a lot of third party tools for instance)
It’s a great idea damaged by bad actors.

Dmitry Borodaenko

@collinsworth This is why I converted all my websites to SSG and started


@angdraug This webpage is an absolute delight, a masterclass in explaining a project

Dmitry Borodaenko

@danstowell Thank you!

As you can see from the commit logs, I haven't touched it in a while. Next time I work on it I'm going to remove the Packer dependency.

In retrospect, it was more an excuse to learn Go and play with HashiCorp stack than filling an actual need. I can call debootstrap from shell just fine.

Jonas Reich

@danstowell @angdraug I love that it clearly states what it is in the first paragraph. I've lost track of all the countless package managers and ecosystems and magic libraries that don't say what they are or do on the landing page of the website, nevermind in a way that is intelligible to uninitiated readers

Borjan Tchakaloff

@angdraug @collinsworth really cool project! I love the simplicity you highlight in the introduction (yay to PXE boot and in memory OS).
One day I'll take it for a spin at home.

Alex M. Dunne :ally:


Coincidentally I was at #AdvancedLigo this weekend and heard one (tax-payer funded) programmer share "most of my work is #bash and #Python because it's the best for processing large amounts of data..."


@alex @collinsworth can vouch first hand for that one.
But can also attest for some limits of the approach.

Dr Daniel Eriksson 🇸🇪🇦🇺

@alex @collinsworth I'm in charge of the software side of a scientific instrument project. Mostly Python with some Fortran mixed in for when we need to go _fast_.

Alex M. Dunne :ally:

@DanielEriksson @collinsworth

Little-known fact: FORTRAN invented by Dr. Charles Forbin who used it to program COLOSSUS for the US government in the 1970's. There's a movie about it I think...


Kevin Granade

@collinsworth totally, the vast majority of tech inside Amazon makes zero sense for anything smaller.

Thomas Depierre

@collinsworth There are. Ask the erlang/elixir folks. We have tales.

I can tell you the 99% result if you want. It gets killed. Because it does not fit the growth view of the world. And not spending money faster is a death sentence for a VC startup.

Also means managers cannot easily use metrics proxy, because you cannot ignore the complexity.

The biggest recent case is Bleacher Report

Magnus Ahltorp

@Di4na @collinsworth Ericsson is definitely a billion-dollar company. Of course you could debate whether they “propped up” erlang or treated it like shit.

Chema Hernández Gil :sf:
Couldn't agree more. I outsource my email and cloud storage to Proton (who have zero access to the encrypted data), but everything else, including this fediverse instance and my website, run off my own home servers. I spend a few dollars a month to keep them going and it's been working very well so far.
Kote Isaev

@collinsworth Today I seen news that Firefish development is continued etc. Took a look at how it looks and decided that It would be nice to try to get running a single-person or family-scale instance of this.
Took look at that and ended up discouraged as it require some complicated flow of setup. This is surely not for "single-person or family-usage" scenario, it seems. Everyone uses "corporate-scale" tech like postgresql and other "heavy" stuff from the start, and as result, it get "too big".

Ralf Lenz, BOFH Emeritus 🏴‍☠️



I'm this case study.

I'm the guy who built a global >100gbps network spanning 8 locations on 3 continents, based mostly on SME FTTP, secondhand eBay hardware, and a couple of strategic colocated racks.

If you want this case study, talk to me.

[edit: now that VyOS is more mature, I probably would need half the hardware]


@collinsworth @bjoreman I’d say we need to redefine ”scale” to mean a relevant number of users - nobody has a billion users, few have millions of users, most have thousands of users on a good day.


Reminds me of this:

But given the size of the big three the marketing pushing everyone to the cloud is massive. And the messaging is clear; if you don't move all workloads to the cloud you are stupid, a laggard and old fashioned and will never be able to compete.

Matt Palmer

@collinsworth @tychotithonus but if our architecture isn't webscale, how will we ride the hockey stick from zero customers to... umm... zero?


@collinsworth Been there, done that, but since I don't have FAANG or whatever in my C.V., people don't believe me.

I'll keep doing such things in the shadows I guess, like I have, for decades?

Might be nice to get paid half a million dollar salary.

Me *best* paid job was $130,000/year but with 24x7 on call, which if you do the math is like $15/hour, which is less than minimum wage in San Francisco right now.

And did I ever get paged 24x7. Even when on "pager rotation" which sucked, because it meant my coworkers were either too incompetent, or actively malicious and preferred that they didn't answer calls so they would get escalated to me for resolution, rather than let me have anything approaching a reasonable sleep schedule.

I'm still burnt out and still contend with insomnia.

But, most (all?) of my past employers are still up and online and chugging along merrily.

Much to my chagrin, sometimes I even email my old coworkers to let them know about vulnerabilities in what they are running if I see a CVE or whatnot that may impact them, and (this is the bad part) they often write me back thanking me, but even YEARS later, I can see they still haven't patched. ;-/

@collinsworth Been there, done that, but since I don't have FAANG or whatever in my C.V., people don't believe me.

I'll keep doing such things in the shadows I guess, like I have, for decades?

Might be nice to get paid half a million dollar salary.

Me *best* paid job was $130,000/year but with 24x7 on call, which if you do the math is like $15/hour, which is less than minimum wage in San Francisco right now.

Keith Gable :whyfox:🇺🇦🌻

@teajaygrey @collinsworth I’m inside the belly of the beast and still don’t get believed sometimes (it’s assumed we must have no traffic because of how simple our topology is, but often we do more traffic than the team of the person making the assumption).

I will say though - FAANGs choose the architectures they do because they consider butts in seats to be a proxy for size/complexity/ambition/etc. and want to turn the head count knob as a proxy for more or less investment.

Keith Gable :whyfox:🇺🇦🌻

@teajaygrey @collinsworth Conway’s Law and all, so you end up with architectures which create more baseline work to justify more baseline headcount. Eventually this creates a death spiral and there becomes a project to replace this system with one that does half as many things but is simpler to maintain.



Similarly, when you participate in a forum on Stack Overflow or Reddit and get criticised because the tech you are using doesn't scale on million node clusters and takes a few seconds to run.


@rrwo @collinsworth

Most of the time, the tech that scales to the million node cluster takes a lot more than a few seconds to run and burns a substantial amount of CPU cycles while managing itself.

I used to use K8s but for small-scale workloads it was just not the right tool. And the distribution I used (k3s) had quite a few subtle bugs, that took hours to debug.

A lean setup based on Ansible and a mix of Docker and bare metal is now much easier to manage and a lot faster.


@collinsworth so true. A very real requirement in some markets/use cases is the ability to scale *down* and the kind of highly distributed solutions which work at Amazon scale just do not do small scale efficiently

Howard Chu @ Symas

@collinsworth what Amazon and Google won't tell you is they run all their own infrastructure on #OpenLDAP. And it doesn't need armies of engineers to optimize because it already scales perfectly linearly across arbitrarily many CPUs without any tuning.


Yes, and there will be examples of exactly this, scaling without infrastructure costs - so a single part time person can create an app that scales world wide without spending a cent on hosting.

#Autonomi is a secure, privacy focused platform that will change the rules, expectations and possibilities in favour of developers and users.

Macumba Macaca

@happyborg ouch, someone picked an unsearchable product name there 😬


@collinsworth ...back in 2016, and after over two decades of working for big telco names, we decided to go 'solo' and put all that wireless exp to good use...omg what a wild ride of thinking all was gonna be a 'piece of cloud cake' (it wasn't, nor it is reliable or cost-effective), with dozens of proprietary solutions tried-n-tested TO having no alternative but to do ALL ourselves, in-house with the strictest of budgets, open-source, non-proprietary tools - and the results are just beautiful

Jeremy Visser

@collinsworth So much *this*. Small, self–contained binaries that store all their state in a SQLite database, where you backup those two files onto a removable disk you physically put somewhere safe.


@collinsworth the ideal usecase is a practice-oriented business running out of a server a nephew set up ten years ago before going off to college and forgetting all about it

Harry Wood

@collinsworth My favourite philosophy for these tech stack choice questions is "Choose Boring Technology" Similar to what you're saying, but it's not exactly about targeting the "cheap-ass VPS somewhere". If you want room to grow that may be a mistake (yes, maybe you have some cringeworthy optimism about having 1000 times the number of users some time soon) but then again the well-established well-used boring technologies are usually good at scaling down as well as up.


@harry_wood @collinsworth

Definitely. I used some of the hot new cloud-native projects in the OpenID connect / identity aware proxy / identity management space.

Some had glaringly obvious security bugs that remained undetected for months, only partial support for the required standards and a crappy documentation.

In the end it turned out apache with mod_openidc and keycloak were the boring but ultimately best (by far) solutions to the problem.

Jan Vladimir Mostert

@collinsworth this is the way!

The inefficiencies in the industry is probably by design to generate more revenue out of training, cloud costs, etc.


@collinsworth @joel I would absolutely (pay to!) subscribe to that magazine.

Sean Randall

@collinsworth The #NVDARemote project for the #NVDASR screen reader is a brilliant example of this.
JAWS, the only viable commercial competition to the #opensource NVDA can cost up to £2,100 for an employee to use it given the right (or rather wrong) conditions.
JAWS has a feature called Tandem to let you control another machine.
A £12,000 croudfunding campaign in 2015 provided an opensource
alternative to this control for NVDA users.
Given the number of servers I've had to spin up over the last decade at work, I'd have spent about half of that on JAWS licensing to do my job. This software sits there, running on the cheapest VPS's or smallest Pi Zeros. It took investment, but I and hundreds of blind people use it daily now.

@collinsworth The #NVDARemote project for the #NVDASR screen reader is a brilliant example of this.
JAWS, the only viable commercial competition to the #opensource NVDA can cost up to £2,100 for an employee to use it given the right (or rather wrong) conditions.
JAWS has a feature called Tandem to let you control another machine.
A £12,000 croudfunding campaign in 2015 provided an opensource
alternative to this control for NVDA users.
Given the number of servers I've had to spin up over the last decade...

Peter Ludemann

I've worked at both huge-scale companies and small. Both require very competent people to avoid tech failure - although huge vs small require different competencies.

Janet Vertesi

@collinsworth @dsalo seriously this is my next academic project :) it’s been a huge part of my opt out experiments, seeing such maintenance and care as a value and part of how tech can knit us together meaningfully instead of shred our social fabric.

David Moles

@collinsworth @dsalo there was a time when Amazon and Twitter were scrappy startups that had genuinely figured out ways to move rapidly and build lightweight scalable systems without “enterprise” baggage, and that time was 20+ years ago

Cameron Purdy

@chronodm @collinsworth @dsalo This is the truth. Anyone who goes to work at one of these companies today might as well go to IBM or Oracle instead. Amazon and Google haven't been providing any opportunities in innovation for 99% of their employees for decades at this point.


@collinsworth Small things that can run forever on a small box in someone's cupboard make me happy.


@collinsworth This (ancient) piece on a dating site run by one person from about a single rack for about 6 billion pageviews a month is memorable for me.


@ambrosen @collinsworth this reminds me of the stackoverflow servers

Robert Kingett on hiatus

I love this exact kind of tech you describe! The #SmallTech and the #SmallWeb and, by extension, the #IndieWeb @collinsworth

Al Abut

@weirdwriter @collinsworth the indieweb has been 1,000% inspiring for this on the maker side of things. There’s also been a movement in the startup world of no code tools to build functioning businesses.

Zach Leatherman :11ty:

@collinsworth and some jamstacks were too efficient to be profitable

Eric Portis

@zachleat @collinsworth I feel like I'm gonna spend my whole career wondering if, instead of making supply more complex/expensive, we could somehow grow demand for cheap simple things

Zach Leatherman :11ty:

@eeeps @collinsworth I remain hopeful that the answer is yes, for a typical relationship of efficiency <=> profitability!

VC funding complicates this—especially when an inefficient thing is more profitable. Incentives!

laurent oget

@collinsworth hadoop and kubernetes have certainly been great technology for staff engineers. so many years of job security.

Ryan Townsend

@collinsworth this was essentially my message from my PerfNow talk: – I included how my teams were burned by this, so somewhat of a case study.

Jeremy Kun

@collinsworth this is a big part of the book I'm working on, at least as far as math is concerned

Matt Stephenson

@collinsworth this is challenging me in a healthy and uncomfortable way.

Amber I feel this so much. A lot of what is taught today assumes unlimited funding. It's all great and all to teach people abstract concepts and scaling of microservices at a scale such as Netflix, Facebook, Amazon but it's another for people to learn to improvise and work with what they got. What happens if you don't get funding approved for something like redhat customer portal? What happens when you don't have access to paying out the ass for stacks like VMware with ESXi + vSphere. Why does everything have to be perfect? Accounting for every issue that may arise down the line? Not every corporation is going to be as mission critical as them. Focusing on high cost hardware + saas solutions prevents you from having proper test/stage/prod... People often skip that going "Well, we'll get to that when we get to it". No, what happens when VMware is bought out by a big company like broadcom and your licensing is going through the roof? What do you do in that situation, do you continue holding out? Do you spend the time to look at other stacks and remain competitive? I feel this so much. A lot of what is taught today assumes unlimited funding. It's all great and all to teach people abstract concepts and scaling of microservices at a scale such as Netflix, Facebook, Amazon but it's another for people to learn to improvise and work with what they got. What happens if you don't get funding approved for something like redhat customer portal? What happens when you don't have access to paying out the ass for stacks like VMware with ESXi +...

Martijn Faassen

I think people use shortcuts when evaluating tech that's similar to how bikeshedding works.

Compare frameworks on benchmarks only rather than how they help structure applications, as the latter evaluation is much harder.

Use something that is used by big tech because they surely have thought it through and our tiny app is a temporarily embarrassed web scale app, right?

Nobody got fired for buying IBM is also a classic.


@collinsworth yes, that's extremely important. But then, the hard question is : how do you identify "what works" when you don't have the vanity proxy of "it is now a billions dollar company"? It's much harder, atomized.
Plus, often these kind of companies really don't have a public relation channel (perhaps b/c of there focus on other things).

That being said : I co-run since ~15 years. It's a small company, but we're profitable since year 1, the product is appreciated, ND we're still able to massively evolve it for the better. Ford it qualifies for "tech that works without a army of staff eng"?

@collinsworth yes, that's extremely important. But then, the hard question is : how do you identify "what works" when you don't have the vanity proxy of "it is now a billions dollar company"? It's much harder, atomized.
Plus, often these kind of companies really don't have a public relation channel (perhaps b/c of there focus on other things).


If you're talking about "per year" and US salaries, half a million dollars gets you maybe 3 people, not a small army.


@collinsworth Check out #Haxe, my favourite languages, transpiles everywhere and built entirely by enthusiasts.

dgoemans 🦄

@collinsworth we're literally this case. i get annoyed when i see people (mostly DHH) shit on serverless tech or the cloud, saying it's cheaper to run your own data center. Not when you're a small agile tech team with tight budgets, it's not.


@collinsworth Agree, but the incentives to find such tech are just not there.


@collinsworth I regularly say something similar, which is "why are you trying to imitate a company that literally has more money than it knows what to do with"?

Jens Oliver Meiert

This also looks “so frontend development.”

For 15–20 years we’ve been looking at how big companies are solving their big problems, instead of learning how those of us with small problems (individuals and SMBs) best solve their small problems.

That’s our Occam’s razor why frontend devs know Bootcamp/Tailwind, jQuery/React, bundle/deploy, and have every 10-visitor site sit on all edge servers—but for whom HTML is `div` and CSS is broken.

The craft died in Big Tech.

#frontend #html #css #craft

Earth Notes

@collinsworth My current hobby-horse is the 99%+ waste in how Apple and Amazon currently handle podcast feeds. 1 engineer day each and some thought could eliminate most of that without breaking the the tricky corner cases that they certainly deal with. And would lighten bandwidth and CPU load on 100k+ sites (and the Internet) at a guess. But no glamour in that work! No case study, unless to burnish their green credentials.

#RSS #Amazon #Apple #podcast #efficiency

@collinsworth My current hobby-horse is the 99%+ waste in how Apple and Amazon currently handle podcast feeds. 1 engineer day each and some thought could eliminate most of that without breaking the the tricky corner cases that they certainly deal with. And would lighten bandwidth and CPU load on 100k+ sites (and the Internet) at a guess. But no glamour in that work! No case study, unless to burnish their green credentials.

Matt Wilcox

@collinsworth THIS THIS THIS.

Honestly, it was incredibly dispiriting to hear the words "we don't know if big websites will use this feature so arent sure we should develop it" from a member of the Safari team this week.

Like... can we please stop developing web tech *specifically for giant sites and corporate entities*. That is explicitly *not* what the web was built for.

It feels like such a betrayal.


@mattwilcox honestly i've seen that very same thing for a feature i was very hopeful firefox would adopt... it's straight-up angering how the corporate web is all anyone cares about or caters to.

Tom Insam

@collinsworth @ash you can do a lot by picking boring technologies but all the cool blog posts on ci systems or whatever are written by people with tools teams.

Those boring tools lock you into other decisions. Use GitHub? You’re probably locked into the GitHub issue tracker as well (unless you want to do integration, so you need a tools team). And their ci. Etc.

And this is _good_. These tools scale cheaply because you make fewer decisions. But it makes them hard to adopt incrementally.

Pete Wright
I don’t think this is an accident if you look at the proliferation of SaaS and PaaS startups out there. The whole VC funding model is based on the premise that if you aren’t building FANG scale infrastructure you aren’t a serious company. Mostly because investors are also invested in keeping that hype cycle propped up.

It’s ludicrous tho - I run infra at an enterprise SaaS company on a handful of VMs and DBs, and skeleton crew of software developers. You just need to avoid the hype and have a leadership team disciplined on being cost efficient.
I don’t think this is an accident if you look at the proliferation of SaaS and PaaS startups out there. The whole VC funding model is based on the premise that if you aren’t building FANG scale infrastructure you aren’t a serious company. Mostly because investors are also invested in keeping that hype cycle propped up.

@collinsworth but there are - the high availability blog for example (used to?) have tons of those and if you look into a lot of scaling articles they also show how amazing lots of tech is in the hands of a tiny team of 2-4 people

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@collinsworth seriously most startups and small businesses using cloud to "scale" could actually try to do it on a VPS for a change, to see how much of a bloated clusterf*ck cloud services really are: makes sense to no-one except to those selling them and people drinking their expensive kool-aid.


@collinsworth heh, i was just wondering this morning whether those nightly batch perl script that have been running successfully for 20 years should be considered tech debt or an astounding accomplishment in continuity



But who would pay for that case study then?


Daniel Hardy

@collinsworth “100 amazing technologies you can setup in a day and then never worry about again”.

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@collinsworth after hearing this reasonable take being ignored through my entire professional career, I gave up. Excited engineers will always follow "industry leaders" without criticism. Dissent is confused with ignorance.

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