@collinsworth@hachyderm.io I feel this so much. A lot of what is taught today assumes unlimited funding. It's all great and all to teach people abstract concepts and scaling of microservices at a scale such as Netflix, Facebook, Amazon but it's another for people to learn to improvise and work with what they got. What happens if you don't get funding approved for something like redhat customer portal? What happens when you don't have access to paying out the ass for stacks like VMware with ESXi + vSphere. Why does everything have to be perfect? Accounting for every issue that may arise down the line? Not every corporation is going to be as mission critical as them. Focusing on high cost hardware + saas solutions prevents you from having proper test/stage/prod... People often skip that going "Well, we'll get to that when we get to it". No, what happens when VMware is bought out by a big company like broadcom and your licensing is going through the roof? What do you do in that situation, do you continue holding out? Do you spend the time to look at other stacks and remain competitive?