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@collinsworth Been there, done that, but since I don't have FAANG or whatever in my C.V., people don't believe me.

I'll keep doing such things in the shadows I guess, like I have, for decades?

Might be nice to get paid half a million dollar salary.

Me *best* paid job was $130,000/year but with 24x7 on call, which if you do the math is like $15/hour, which is less than minimum wage in San Francisco right now.

And did I ever get paged 24x7. Even when on "pager rotation" which sucked, because it meant my coworkers were either too incompetent, or actively malicious and preferred that they didn't answer calls so they would get escalated to me for resolution, rather than let me have anything approaching a reasonable sleep schedule.

I'm still burnt out and still contend with insomnia.

But, most (all?) of my past employers are still up and online and chugging along merrily.

Much to my chagrin, sometimes I even email my old coworkers to let them know about vulnerabilities in what they are running if I see a CVE or whatnot that may impact them, and (this is the bad part) they often write me back thanking me, but even YEARS later, I can see they still haven't patched. ;-/

Keith Gable :whyfox:🇺🇦🌻

@teajaygrey @collinsworth I’m inside the belly of the beast and still don’t get believed sometimes (it’s assumed we must have no traffic because of how simple our topology is, but often we do more traffic than the team of the person making the assumption).

I will say though - FAANGs choose the architectures they do because they consider butts in seats to be a proxy for size/complexity/ambition/etc. and want to turn the head count knob as a proxy for more or less investment.

Keith Gable :whyfox:🇺🇦🌻

@teajaygrey @collinsworth Conway’s Law and all, so you end up with architectures which create more baseline work to justify more baseline headcount. Eventually this creates a death spiral and there becomes a project to replace this system with one that does half as many things but is simpler to maintain.

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