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13 posts total
Jeff Geerling

Just got a care package... and it's gonna be a fun week next week! So many boards to test (and this is _only_ the ones from @Pineboards...)

Richard Ibbotson

My own Pineboards are presently somewhere between Poland and England. Looking forward to being able to use them πŸ˜€


Xavier Knol :verified_paw: :donor:

@geerlingguy those pine board boards are certainly quite interesting.


@geerlingguy you should think about adding to cluster - a scalable cluster - imagine how many you could fit into the tiny rack - 2 discrete clusters each with its own ups - they could probably do some real work and be reliable - you could always sin up some vms to join cluster if you have workload spikes

Jeff Geerling

Testing out this tiny little guy currentlyβ€”RISC-V in a cute little cyberdeck package. What do you want to know about it? I'll work on a video soon! (Disclosure: This laptop was provided for review by Sipeed)

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Linh Pham

@geerlingguy Have they used better screws than the ones that other review units have (too soft and extremely prone to stripping)?

Also, does it automatically boot off of the NVMe drive, if installed?

Would be love to see other compute modules come out for it in the future to support faster chips or even more efficient chips depending on use case.

Gregory P. Smith (he/him) :python: 🚲🦝 :donor:

@geerlingguy does it work with 100% mainline Linux without special forks and patches for their hardware?

Jeff Geerling

GitHub feels extremely down right now. Can't even ping any part of it πŸ‘€ (image from

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Arthur Rosa :happymac:

@geerlingguy there’s some sort of AT&T routing issue going on in the midwest region. seems to be impacting only some sites.

Dr. Curiosity πŸ’»πŸ”¬

@geerlingguy Isn't it great the way we've got this source control system that allows for multiple remotes, mirrors, backups, etc., and almost everyone uses it on the same centralised servers? πŸ˜…

Mike Elston

@geerlingguy yup. AT&T in Kalamazoo, same issue.

Jeff Geerling

DRM and backwards-thinking media companies mean we can't have nice things.

Alexey Skobkin

Yes, it's quite fun (and sad) that we shouldn't be needing physical media for a long time anymore, but it's still the ONLY way to own content in most cases.

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Joe Wein


$ cat /usr/local/bin/when
if [ -z "$(echo "$1" | egrep "^[0-9]{10,19}$")" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 epoch" 1>&2
exit 1


date -d @$t "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

Jeff Geerling

RISC-V isn't killing Arm (yet)

But the Mars CM is a nifty little board!


Jeff Geerling

Cool tool - C2C caberQU USB-C cable tester.

Finally easy to see which cables do data, or just USB 2.0, etc.

@geerlingguy love this! I have a growing pile of usbc cables... I even have one that delivers power only.

Gina HÀußge

@geerlingguy I have a more basic variant of such a tool that has helped me getting rid of some power only cables.

Yours looks more fun though ^^

Jeff Geerling

We've reached the stage where defenders of corporate open source (vs FOSS supporters) are attacking my character and motivations.

If arguing on merit doesn't work, attack the person?

Jeff Geerling

I think the thing I dislike about Mastodon the most is kind of a core part of the federation:

There are so many times I end up on a toot page on some instance that's not my primary instance, and I go to 'retoot' (boost) the thing, then up pops the whole "you have to copy this address, go to your instance, paste it in search, then you can retoot it there" schpiel

Too much cognitive overhead, and the workflow is terrible on touchscreen, so I just don't do it.

Jeff Geerling

Centralization would solve it... but then that's kind of antithetical to the whole fediverse.

Also I remember there's a Mac client for Mastodon now (Ivory for Mac), need to try it out.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@geerlingguy To be honest though, the sheer fact you can do it at all is kind of amazing all in itself.

Alexey Skobkin

This could probably be solved by Fediverse/ActivityPub URL schema. Then your instance could register itself as a web handler.

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