Home Assistant released 'Voice Preview Edition' today— a $59 hardware voice assistant — but will I actually use it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRtyC0mi5fs
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Home Assistant released 'Voice Preview Edition' today— a $59 hardware voice assistant — but will I actually use it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRtyC0mi5fs You know it's serious business when btop needs to fullscreen just to display all cores... @geerlingguy at some point you're gonna need an 8k monitor to get enough pixels to display all the cores AMD 7000-series graphics cards now work on Raspberry Pi. 4K Doom Eternal. 4K Crysis. OBS hardware video transcoding. It all works!!! It's not perfect, but what graphics card driver is? Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qx_bdFSSuc (more details on my blog). Oh boy. I had clicked off MKBHD's latest video a minute in since I realized it was full sponsored and just hitting DJI talking points. But doing driving reckless for a short clip in a video is always wrong. Don't drive 60 over the limit. Not ever, esp for content.
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@geerlingguy it’s been a while since I’ve seen any of his videos but what happened to him? This and that wallpaper app thing is not doing his name any good… @geerlingguy 96 mph in a 35 is almost 3x the speed limit! At least that's where the video cuts, maybe he went even faster.. The wallpaper fiasco was bad enough, but this even surprised me. @geerlingguy I'm not watching his videos anymore and encourage others to do the same. This also goes for *anyone* putting other people in potential danger as a stunt to get more views. Re: Arm announcing they'll pull Qualcomm's Arm license in 60 days 1. I don't think either of them are 'morally' correct in how they're going about things wrt licensing 2. RISC-V is not a viable replacement for Arm in mobile/desktop. 5-10 years off *with* massive investment.
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@geerlingguy I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger on that snapdragon laptop... I'll keep limping along on x86_64 for now 😅 @geerlingguy I thought it was just their license to use their chip-designer software to expand their feature set of their Oryon ARM line. @geerlingguy you're saying computing as a whole is now doomed?
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@geerlingguy giggity giggity miniKVM! If you don't have a few of these, GET THEM. Maybe not this exact model as I don't know it, but... They're bloody amazing, and often cheaper than buying iLO or iDRACs or other RACs. Some fancy schmancy ones even have virtual CD ISO/vhd support! I had to go log into my Wordpress.org account to make sure this wasn't just some joke. And it isn't. I don't *think* I'm affiliated with WP Engine in any way, but I guess any chance of ever contributing to #WordPress again is out the window if I can't guarantee it. They stole my voice with AI Elecrow—an electronics company that makes Pi and ESP accessories—used an AI voice for multiple tutorial series which sounds _almost exactly_ like me. I never consented to have my voice used to promote Elecrow's products.
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@geerlingguy I’m pretty sure this is the YouTuber equivalent of a Weird Al parody—a sign you’ve made it—except there’s nothing to laugh about. Bummed you’re dealing with this. @geerlingguy I wrote this story in 2011. http://www.gregstolze.com/fiction_library/EmilySpeaks.PDF Update: The CEO of Elecrow responded to my email about the unauthorized voice cloning early this morning. I will be posting a video with more details and my reaction either tomorrow or Wednesday, but here's a snippet of the email. A cheap 5 Gbps Ethernet adapter has finally arrived — the $35 WisdPi USB-C adapter. Here's my review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRG_I_3VeTc @geerlingguy This 1GbE —> 2.5 GbE —> 5 GbE —> … creep reminds me of the days of dial-up modems with frustratingly slow and small speed incremental changes. A RISC-V Stick-on — that controls your computer *anywhere*! Check out the Sipeed NanoKVM, a tiny $50 IP KVM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riDd6d0Vmy0
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@geerlingguy weird to see yt comments be so hostile abt the open sourcing, I feel like that's a lot better than it being proprietary? "But you can't make local infra as resilient as the cloud!" Pfft, I think we have a decade of proof that statement is false. Local's also faster, and cheaper, if you invest anywhere near the same resources and don't just have a revolving door of contractors.
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@geerlingguy Agreed. Biz I managed for 3 years was all on-prem with redundancy, a local spares stock and 2 or 4 hr call-out for critical outages not fixable from spares. Cost was reasonable. Our only major outage was an HP battery-backed cache controller that took itself offline due to a spurious cache confidence error. We had the board swapped and the server + storage array back online in 12 mins. My successor moved many systems into Cloud and suffered the uptime and cost consequences. @geerlingguy "The Cloud" is just someone else's computer. There is no reason your systems can't be as resilient, all a matter of how much effort and money you're willing to put into it. > I think we have a decade of proof that statement is false In some cases, very literal proof, as in a decade of uptime on a local server. @geerlingguy My Dad and I are getting into Meshtastic in St. Louis - what advice do you have for us? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Akj5qF-3Q
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@geerlingguy Do you think the mini whip antenna would be good for something low profile, or is it not worth it?
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@geerlingguy Well, I mean, Daniel Niels-Sanderson could be behind the commit. Just sayin’. WOAH! Fractal released the official case design files for the Baby North Pi case! https://www.fractal-design.com/north-pi-3d-files/ — this is so cool, now you can print one of your own!
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@geerlingguy you should print a case that you can put 4-6 in and then a rack to hold some drives as well - nice and neat and modular #rackable @geerlingguy Perfect. Was hoping we could get our hands on this. I wonder if some clever person with wood working skills could provide some tips on making those wooden pieces. I have a NIB router I am just dying to use but haven't got a clue. Thanks for pointing this out! I remember seeing you refer to this recently and wishing they were available. Now to go home and choose some print colors.
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@geerlingguy I'm switching to AT&T fiber next week. I am leaving the one that rhymes with "inity" cos of a recent string of outages, multiple days, several weeks in a row. @geerlingguy I can't get AT&T fiber on my side of the street. But I can get kale at the market. Just got a care package... and it's gonna be a fun week next week! So many boards to test (and this is _only_ the ones from @Pineboards...) My own Pineboards are presently somewhere between Poland and England. Looking forward to being able to use them 😀 @geerlingguy those pine board boards are certainly quite interesting. @geerlingguy you should think about adding to cluster - a scalable cluster - imagine how many you could fit into the tiny rack - 2 discrete clusters each with its own ups - they could probably do some real work and be reliable - you could always sin up some vms to join cluster if you have workload spikes 4-way NVMe RAID comes to Raspberry Pi 5 https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2024/4-way-nvme-raid-comes-raspberry-pi-5 @geerlingguy https://www.friendlyelec.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=294 Is Pi 5 enough to utilize NVMe SSDs?
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My Dad and I achieved the unthinkable. With the power of radio, we made a hot dog talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgDxXDV4_hc #radio #engineering #SafetyFirst 12
@geerlingguy will it dress me in boxers shorts and get me beer? really though i think you want something to see it all (multi domains) on bigger scales going forward #easy button.sh