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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

Oh wow, a website listing AfD members and the shit they've been saying… (German)

Alex Schroeder

"According to a major new American Enterprise Institute survey, 46 percent of White Gen Z women are liberal, compared to only 28 percent of White Gen Z men, more of whom (36 percent) now identify as conservative. Norms around sexuality and gender are diverging, too. Whereas 61 percent of Gen Z women see themselves as feminist, only 43 percent of Gen Z men do."
by the Editorial Board, Washington Post (2023)
Via @isotopp

My hot take is that perhaps finally sexual selection kicks in and puts some pressure on the white male brain…

There was a similar discussion a while back when it turned out the there are a lot of fascist white men in Eastern Germany and a lot of women just moved to Western Germany.

Now, cause and effect and all that, of course. There are feedback loops, I'm sure. Be a fascist man and therefore have a higher chance of being lonely which makes them maybe a little more fascist, and on it goes. Sadly, compared to political changes, selection is pretty slow. After all, we've had this discussion in 2007.

"Eastern Germany is facing a demographic crisis as huge numbers of women abandon the former communist region leaving behind an underclass of poorly educated, jobless and disillusioned men."
by Kate Connolly, The Guardian (2007)

And things got worse.

"But frankly, for the more vulnerable among us without German citizenship or even a secure residency status, this nightmare may have already begun."
by Fatma Aydemir, The Guardian (2023)

"According to a major new American Enterprise Institute survey, 46 percent of White Gen Z women are liberal, compared to only 28 percent of White Gen Z men, more of whom (36 percent) now identify as conservative. Norms around sexuality and gender are diverging, too. Whereas 61 percent of Gen Z women see themselves as feminist, only 43 percent of Gen Z men do."
by the Editorial Board, Washington Post (2023)

Alex Schroeder

“Where did the fucking button go?”

I feel it. At work we’re all in on Microsoft. Where did the fucking button go? Is OneNote different online, in the app, in Teams? Where did the fucking file go? Network drive? Sharepoint? Teams? What the fuck does all of this even mean? No permissions? I want to eject the fucking cloud to the moon.

Alex Schroeder

I was reading a web page about Forth by @ratfactor and ended up learning about dc as an alternative (or predecessor) to bc. I didn't know. How cool is that.

Alex Schroeder

The app is called “Chess NO ADS” and I like it. Their privacy policy is also great:

“For this reason, as a company, we do not want to have anything to do with the business of collecting and selling personal data.
With this in mind, our privacy policy is extremely simple: this app collects absolutely NO personal information.”

Do you have a favourite Chess app for iOS? I fear my dad wants me to do chess riddles and I’m just not good at it.

The app is called “Chess NO ADS” and I like it. Their privacy policy is also great:

“For this reason, as a company, we do not want to have anything to do with the business of collecting and selling personal data.
With this in mind, our privacy policy is extremely simple: this app collects absolutely NO personal information.”

Alex Schroeder

The Germans like to smash words together. Here’s one I think about often as it applied to my grandmother when she grew up in Lübeck: Trümmerkinder
“Kids of the rubble” – children growing up in bombed out cities.

I think about rubble kids a lot, these days.

Alex Schroeder

Somewhat related to the Trümmerkinder thought: one of the current fascist party in Germany's talking points are the "memorials" for the victims of the bombings 80 years ago. Bombing people might win you a war today, but you can't bomb your way to peace.

Alex Schroeder

Somewhat related to the Trümmerkinder thought: one of the talking points for the fascists in Germany are "memorials" for the victims of the bombings 80 years ago. Bombing people might win you a war today, but you can't bomb your way to peace.

Alex Schroeder

« As the planet warms, new authoritarian movements in the West are embracing a toxic combination of climate denial, racism and misogyny. Rather than consider these resentments separately, this article interrogates their relationship through the concept of petro-masculinity, which appreciates the historic role of fossil fuel systems in buttressing white patriarchal rule. Petro-masculinity is helpful to understanding how the anxieties aroused by the Anthropocene can augment desires for authoritarianism. The concept of petro-masculinity suggests that fossil fuels mean more than profit; fossil fuels also contribute to making identities, which poses risks for post-carbon energy politics. Moreover, through a psycho-political reading of authoritarianism, I show how fossil fuel use can function as a violent compensatory practice in reaction to gender and climate trouble. »
by Cara New Daggett

« As the planet warms, new authoritarian movements in the West are embracing a toxic combination of climate denial, racism and misogyny. Rather than consider these resentments separately, this article interrogates their relationship through the concept of petro-masculinity, which appreciates the historic role of fossil fuel systems in buttressing white patriarchal rule. Petro-masculinity is helpful to understanding how the anxieties aroused by the Anthropocene can augment desires for authoritarianism....

Alex Schroeder

The sun is out and I went for a run. I feel better now. 😄

Alex Schroeder

"two thoughts one mind is possible"

This really should be part of every process where people get to read words by strangers.

Alex Schroeder

I am a cis het white man, and I too think about the Roman Empire every day. Specifically, how it crumbled, how people were unable to change and nobody seemed to be able to stop it. And also how the people living the fall just continued working and having families, not really understanding how this time it really was the fall of Rome and not that brutal civil war they just survived a few years ago. Like, how does it even feel to be part of a slow apocalypse? I think about this every day.

Alex Schroeder

The feeling when you look at your windows and their title bars are so full of stuff you can't move the window without activating any of the gazillion widgets. A bit like trying to find a spot of whitespace on a status on fedi that you'd like to expand but there are so few words and so many links and buttons and the phone is small and your fingers are large and life is short and then you die.

Tempted to tag this hashtag user experience. Of life, I guess.

Alex Schroeder

When I see the kind of replies people with thousands of followers get, I promise myself to nuke my account or limit the number of followers to 1000 or whatever it takes to come back the quiet life.

Alex Schroeder

By chance, Tom Waits’ Road to Peace (2006) comes up… and it’s depressing how it still applies.

Alex Schroeder

Today I read an article by Daniela Janser (via @woz) about petro-masculinity and climate-fascism (Cara New Daggett), turning progressive arguments into their opposites (Sylvia Sasse) and how believing to know the current apocalypse allows people to ignore it (Alenka Zupančič). So good. In German.!Z67H75R5HX3C

Alex Schroeder

I'm surprised to find how useful this is for a quick local backup of your working directory.

d=$(basename $(pwd))
t=$(date --iso-8601)
echo Creating a snapshot of $d in ../$d-$t
rsync --link-dest "../$d" --archive . "../$d-$t/"

if you're in directory bla/foo and run it, you'll get a sibling directory bla/foo-2023-11-20 with links pointing to the originals in bla/foo while you don't edit them. Doesn't take a lot of space, gives you the peace of mind you need before running that global search-and-replace operation on all your files.

I'm surprised to find how useful this is for a quick local backup of your working directory.

d=$(basename $(pwd))
t=$(date --iso-8601)
echo Creating a snapshot of $d in ../$d-$t
rsync --link-dest "../$d" --archive . "../$d-$t/"

if you're in directory bla/foo and run it, you'll get a sibling directory bla/foo-2023-11-20 with links pointing to the originals in bla/foo while you don't edit them. Doesn't take a lot of space, gives you the peace of mind you need before running that global...

Ed Davies

@alex Doesn't this depend on how you “edit” the files? If you use a normal text or image editor then, yes, it'll probably write a fresh file when you save which will be separate from the linked version but if you do something like update a sqlite database then it'll update in place and both “versions” will be updated. Worth bearing in mind.

Alex Schroeder

Today is backup day! Every day is backup day. But today is the day I'm actually doing it.

Alex Schroeder

I have an external monitor from 2014 that supports HDMI 1.4 up to 1920×1080 or 2560×1440 via DisplayPort (DP) or DVI Dual Link. The Librem 13 supports HDMI 1.4 up to 1920×1080 which doesn’t look sharp and has no DP out, and the USB-C port is USB 3.0, non-Thunderbolt, non-USB-C PD. Just a USB 3.0 type-A port with a different connector. Soooo… fuzzy 1920×1080 it is!

Alex Schroeder

The joy of USB-C is that it is one plug to rule them all, an end to all the different plugs! But now each USB-C plug has different capabilities, so shit remains shitty but now it all looks the same, on top of it all.

Alex Schroeder

The feeling when you got to a website and see a "linkdump" sidebar and can't stop yourself from skimming over it and then you end up reading a long post by the Kiwi Hellenist on the Iliad.
"If you take a class on the Iliad, one of the first things covered is to avoid that kind of puerility. They’re all awful people — in all senses of the word. Homeric heroes aren’t people who are good, they’re people who have an extraordinary impact on those around them. They’re larger than life. They’re powerful enough that they don’t need to care what you think of them."
Whenever I hear somebody loving the Iliad I always wonder. Which part did they like? The spears going through the eye sockets and into the brains and other disturbing details? The looting of fallen opponents? The pervasive theme of slavery underneath it all? The over the top emotions and human folly? When I read it, I was mostly entranced by the fact that such old texts exist, and by the idle wondering about the reasons people would keep copying that text through the centuries. Something about the elements of human nature that remain with us today, unrecognized. How easy would it be for us all to revert, I wonder – and not in a good way.
(Brought to you by @brennen's linkdump on

The feeling when you got to a website and see a "linkdump" sidebar and can't stop yourself from skimming over it and then you end up reading a long post by the Kiwi Hellenist on the Iliad.
"If you take a class on the Iliad, one of the first things covered is to avoid that kind of puerility. They’re all awful people — in all senses of the word. Homeric heroes aren’t people who are good, they’re people who have an extraordinary impact on those around them. They’re larger than life. They’re powerful...

Alex Schroeder

Today was the first time in a very long time I ended up on a web site with a file I wanted to download using the ftp protocol and I realized the browser no longer handles it. What a shame. Off to the command line!

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