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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

Go problems still exists.

I found a link to it on a copy of my old Geocities page.
"Last change: 2001-03-09" šŸ˜‚

Alex Schroeder

Iā€™m still fascinated by the idea of optimistic merging. I try to do it more and more. It still feels weird but the arguments make sense to me.
ā€œOne person asked me later to explain why I recommend to merge quickly, without waiting for Continuous Integration testing to finish, and without review of the code. I'm going to call this strategy Optimistic Merging or OM. Here's the reasoning behind OM.ā€

bouncepaw šŸ„

@alex damn, Wikidot blocks Russia. Will read it later with VPN on

Alex Schroeder

I just love reading about the intersection role-playing games, history, art, King Arthur, 1001 Nights, and so on.

(Also be sure to follow the links to the two previous blog posts: Pre-Raphaelite Arthur, part 1: Arabian Nights, Authenticity and the Arche as well as Pre-Raphaelite Arthur part 2)

Alex Schroeder

Me starts skimming a site about convivial tools. ā€“ most articles from 2007. I don't see why they shouldn't be relevant 15 years later.

Alex Schroeder

I don't like GitHub but today I discovered that dependabot had some good upgrade recomendations waiting for me. Interesting. Is there a command line version I could run myself, at home?

Alex Schroeder

These days Iā€™ve seen a bunch of sites that look like personal pages (blog or wiki or digital garden or Zettelkastenā€¦) running software the authors wrote themselves or got from a friend. I think it would be neat to list them all somewhere, with a link to the site, screenshot or two, a link to the software and some comments by the author. Or maybe we could have a webring linking such pages. No screenshot required. Weā€™d call it ā€œThe text and the code go hand in handā€ (or something shorter) with the tagline: ā€œPeople with a tool tailored to their specific needs to present themselves and their projects on the webā€.
#blog #wiki #DigitalGarden

These days Iā€™ve seen a bunch of sites that look like personal pages (blog or wiki or digital garden or Zettelkastenā€¦) running software the authors wrote themselves or got from a friend. I think it would be neat to list them all somewhere, with a link to the site, screenshot or two, a link to the software and some comments by the author. Or maybe we could have a webring linking such pages. No screenshot required. Weā€™d call it ā€œThe text and the code go hand in handā€ (or something shorter) with the...

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Devine Lu Linvega

@alex Hey Alex, maybe my approach might have some value to people.

So my site is written in a language targeting a virtual machine with only 64kb of memory, it runs on near anything with a CPU. Allowing me to carry the site along with me would my access to technology change.

It's written directly in the assembly language targeting the VM, the entire site has no other dependency than the runtime.

@alex Hey Alex, maybe my approach might have some value to people.

So my site is written in a language targeting a virtual machine with only 64kb of memory, it runs on near anything with a CPU. Allowing me to carry the site along with me would my access to technology change.

It's written directly in the assembly language targeting the VM, the entire site has no other dependency than the runtime.


@alex Not web related, but back in the day I wanted to have a simple time controlled lamp for the burbs so they'd have a regular day and night cycle which they prefer. I didn't want to run a full Home Automation setup, so I wrote a coaps client for tradfri lamps.

Alex Schroeder

Following a recommendation by 99% Invisible Iā€™m now listening to The Big Dig. Itā€™s about car politics in Boston and state decision making and great project planning, I think. I listened to the first episode which is about protesters organizing, something I feel sadly unknowledgeable in. It was also good to hear a Republican concede an error and stop the highway construction plans at the time.

I should find such podcast about local issues here in Switzerland, now that I think about it. Like how we got the New Railway Link through the Alps.
ā€œThe total projected cost of the project was CHF 12.189 billion at its 1998 start; in December 2015, its final cost was projected to be CHF 17.900 billion.ā€

Following a recommendation by 99% Invisible Iā€™m now listening to The Big Dig. Itā€™s about car politics in Boston and state decision making and great project planning, I think. I listened to the first episode which is about protesters organizing, something I feel sadly unknowledgeable in. It was also good to hear a Republican concede an error and stop the highway construction plans at the time.

Alex Schroeder

Reading my own blog post about my inability to write well and thinking to myself: nothing ever changes.
Ā« Perhaps I hear my words in my own voice, see myself sitting in a coffee house with friends, and we donā€™t qualify every statement. Those qualifications are implied by the simple fact that we are people talking to each other. Other people are probably hearing those words like they read the newspaper. ā€œNewsā€ is supposedly ā€œuniversally trueā€ or aims to be. I think. Ā»

Also one of the pages that makes me doubt my decision to no longer allow comments on my site. I still sometimes think that this is due to my reaction to the pandemic, a general loss of trust in other people. And being unable to trust other people seems to be a social and a personal problem in the long term.

Reading my own blog post about my inability to write well and thinking to myself: nothing ever changes.
Ā« Perhaps I hear my words in my own voice, see myself sitting in a coffee house with friends, and we donā€™t qualify every statement. Those qualifications are implied by the simple fact that we are people talking to each other. Other people are probably hearing those words like they read the newspaper. ā€œNewsā€ is supposedly ā€œuniversally trueā€ or aims to be. I think. Ā»

Alex Schroeder

I think when I switched from the old OS to Debian, something about the printer config got lost because now, printing always leads to paper being stuck. But when I print from my wife's Mac on to the same printer, no problem. It's 2023 and printer problems are still a thing.

Alex Schroeder

Now I'm reading a blog post I wrote myself on 2006-04-14 about the same printer, with the same driver, and the same setup. Oh wow. One net positive surely is that it's still the same printer. Thumbs up for that ol' brother HL-5030.

Alex Schroeder

Not as sophisticated as what @phf is talking about but I recently made two new little jingles for my podcast. The first one was created using my favourite app on the phone, PixiTracker.
The other one I recorded after random fiddling on the machinesā€¦

Alex Schroeder

Somehow reading up on pikchr has me ending up reading "Rebase Considered Harmful".
But really, all I know is that at the office I use PlantUML and I don't like it. I don't know whether I like PikChr, but I like the mission statement:
"Pikchr generates diagrams for technical documentation written in Markdown or similar markup languages using an enduring language that is easy for humans to read and maintain using a generic text editor."
The keyword is "enduring".

Somehow reading up on pikchr has me ending up reading "Rebase Considered Harmful".
But really, all I know is that at the office I use PlantUML and I don't like it. I don't know whether I like PikChr, but I like the mission statement:
"Pikchr generates diagrams for technical documentation written in Markdown or similar markup languages using an enduring language that is easy for humans to read and maintain using a generic text editor."

Alex Schroeder

Ā«The origin of the term bankers' rounding remains more obscure. If this rounding method was ever a standard in banking, the evidence has proved extremely difficult to find. To the contrary, section 2 of the European Commission report The Introduction of the Euro and the Rounding of Currency Amounts suggests that there had previously been no standard approach to rounding in banking; and it specifies that "half-way" amounts should be rounded up.Ā»

Alex Schroeder

The whole page about rounding is mind blowing. And then the comments about different programming languages and number representations in computers and so much more.

Alex Schroeder

I spilled some curcuma in the kitchen and now I habe emoji coloured hands. Hands šŸ¤²

Alex Schroeder

Apple TV going from CHF 8 to 11 per month. Where are the Foundation and Silo equivalents that would make it worth paying, or is there an alternative you would recommend? šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø I feel OK paying 10/month, not more, not to multiple services, I think. Do you have a monthly media budget and how high is it? I guess in terms of hours spent listening and watching, free podcasts feels like 95% of what I do.

Alex Schroeder

Listening to @sarahtaber and her guest Maria talk about grain. ā€œā€¦ what really happened in the 2022 panic over food supplies ā€¦ grain futures and crop yield data ā€¦ā€ and comparing the wheat market with tomatoes and rice and why grain is so popular (easy to store, easy to transport, can be used in four very different ways), the fact that ancient Athens grew grain in Ukraineā€¦ ā€“ a lot of stuff that I had never thought about.

Alex Schroeder

I just reread an older blogpost of mine that discusses the problem of recommending not buying a thing being difficult in a world where buying things greases all the wheels: people making the things, people selling the things, people buying the things ā€“ they all get a little something. But if there is nothing to do, or the stopping of something to do, then itā€™s hard. I canā€™t help but feel this is related to our inability to deal with the unfolding climate catastrophe. At least the blog post is about peanuts, in comparison.

I just reread an older blogpost of mine that discusses the problem of recommending not buying a thing being difficult in a world where buying things greases all the wheels: people making the things, people selling the things, people buying the things ā€“ they all get a little something. But if there is nothing to do, or the stopping of something to do, then itā€™s hard. I canā€™t help but feel this is related to our inability to deal with the unfolding climate catastrophe. At least the blog post is about...

Alex Schroeder

What really weaned me off buying more mechanical keyboards was that the two I bought have key-switches that need replacing: some are too sensitive, repeating keys, key events getting lost, occasionally, but not enough to make it unusable, just enough to make it annoying. And I am annoyed. So now I have a laptop keyboard and two external mechanical keyboards that Iā€™m unhappy with.
This brought to you by me remembering why the Mode 01 isnā€™t quite working out for me.

Alex Schroeder

I really wonder whether I should sanitize the HTML and SVG I wrote myself in that site generator or wiki service I wrote.

I mean, in theory multiple people could get an account and violate each other's trustā€¦ But perhaps that's not a problem that can be safeguarded against using sanitizing HTML and SVG, so who cares. šŸ¤”

Alex Schroeder

WTF does this even mean. "Weā€™re not only sailing past the editor, we are now culminating the entirety of our Copilot offerings and personalizing them with the full context of your entire codebase with GitHub Copilot Enterprise."

Alex Schroeder

I discovered M-x play-sound-file in #emacs because this Emacs doesnā€™t have EMMS installed. As it turns out, this command plays the sound file in the foreground and C-g has no effect. Well, at least I picked a good and short track: Daniel Perret singing Schubertā€™s Ave Maria. šŸ˜‡

Alex Schroeder

And for the curious: this is my work laptop with Windows installed. Most days I just M-x eshell and cd to the correct directory where I tun ā€œmpg123 *.mp3ā€ (this is an old mpg123 version 1.24.0!)

When I feel more up to it, I open wsl (which is where postgres and dictd are running) and use cmus. There, however, I often run into an issue. I think then problem is that when cmus dies for some reason, the audio bridge isnā€™t freed so from then there is no more sound from wsl.

Alex Schroeder

And for the curious: this is my work laptop with Windows installed. Most days I just M-x eshell and cd to the correct directory where I run ā€œmpg123 *.mp3ā€ (this is an old mpg123 version 1.24.0)

When I feel more up to it, I open wsl (which is where postgres and dictd are running) and use cmus. There, however, I often run into an issue. I think the problem is that when cmus dies for some reason, the audio bridge (?) isnā€™t freed so from then on there is no more sound from wsl. And Iā€™m back to mpg123 from the command line.

And for the curious: this is my work laptop with Windows installed. Most days I just M-x eshell and cd to the correct directory where I run ā€œmpg123 *.mp3ā€ (this is an old mpg123 version 1.24.0)

When I feel more up to it, I open wsl (which is where postgres and dictd are running) and use cmus. There, however, I often run into an issue. I think the problem is that when cmus dies for some reason, the audio bridge (?) isnā€™t freed so from then on there is no more sound from wsl. And Iā€™m back to mpg123...

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