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Alex Schroeder

These days I’ve seen a bunch of sites that look like personal pages (blog or wiki or digital garden or Zettelkasten…) running software the authors wrote themselves or got from a friend. I think it would be neat to list them all somewhere, with a link to the site, screenshot or two, a link to the software and some comments by the author. Or maybe we could have a webring linking such pages. No screenshot required. We’d call it “The text and the code go hand in hand” (or something shorter) with the tagline: “People with a tool tailored to their specific needs to present themselves and their projects on the web”.
#blog #wiki #DigitalGarden



there is a curated list of static site / blogs generators, usually the author also uses it for their own site 🙂 not the best source, but for starters...

Devine Lu Linvega

@alex Hey Alex, maybe my approach might have some value to people.

So my site is written in a language targeting a virtual machine with only 64kb of memory, it runs on near anything with a CPU. Allowing me to carry the site along with me would my access to technology change.

It's written directly in the assembly language targeting the VM, the entire site has no other dependency than the runtime.

@alex Hey Alex, maybe my approach might have some value to people.

So my site is written in a language targeting a virtual machine with only 64kb of memory, it runs on near anything with a CPU. Allowing me to carry the site along with me would my access to technology change.

It's written directly in the assembly language targeting the VM, the entire site has no other dependency than the runtime.

Alex Schroeder

@neauoire Ah, that's right. I remember at one point it was a C program and then you rewrote it again for uxn? Very cool. I tried to add a few more links and hope I didn't mess it up…

Devine Lu Linvega

@alex it looks great, I'll share this page from my wiki as well, I think it's nice to see various approach at organizing personal digital data.


@alex Not web related, but back in the day I wanted to have a simple time controlled lamp for the burbs so they'd have a regular day and night cycle which they prefer. I didn't want to run a full Home Automation setup, so I wrote a coaps client for tradfri lamps.

Alex Schroeder

@oliof love the fact that you did it for the birds! 😍

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