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Alex Schroeder

I’m still fascinated by the idea of optimistic merging. I try to do it more and more. It still feels weird but the arguments make sense to me.
“One person asked me later to explain why I recommend to merge quickly, without waiting for Continuous Integration testing to finish, and without review of the code. I'm going to call this strategy Optimistic Merging or OM. Here's the reasoning behind OM.”

bouncepaw 🍄

@alex damn, Wikidot blocks Russia. Will read it later with VPN on

Alex Schroeder

@bouncepaw Is it really wikidot? I remember some strange error because I had HTTPS Everywhere installed. This site may be HTTP only.

bouncepaw 🍄

@alex yeah it is. Also look at the URL. blog: is namespace, common in many a wiki software.

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