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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

Free email for all, if I understand this correctly. The goal is to make it easy to set up new Delta Chat accounts.

"You may peek at, and after installation of a Delta Chat app, simply tap or scan the below QR code to get a address"

And you set up such a site yourself. Email-in-a-box:
"This repository helps to setup a ready-to-use chatmail server comprised of a minimal setup of the battle-tested postfix smtp and dovecot imap services."

Although to be honest, I was unable to figure out how they control the remote. I see that the deployment script needs root access to the server, but I haven't seen any distro-specific installation scripts so I guess they assume it's all there? And if so, does that mean I can run it for my own server? But if I use Apache and they talk about nginx, some stuff is bound not to work… Interesting nonetheless!

Free email for all, if I understand this correctly. The goal is to make it easy to set up new Delta Chat accounts.

"You may peek at, and after installation of a Delta Chat app, simply tap or scan the below QR code to get a address"

Alex Schroeder

Made something like Rave music on the synths and then I learned about and now I must sleep. Noooo!

Alex Schroeder

My sister in Germany asks how to best get a domain with a .ch ending. I'm looking at and there are soo many in Germany. I don't know how one would pick one of them. Do you?

Alex Schroeder

If you had a blog with images, and you include images as relative links, just the filename for example, no domain, nothing, that is to say a perfectly valid URL, and everything looks as expected, what would you expect the feed to contain? My naive idea is that I can send the same HTML to the feed and it is up to the feed reader software to resolve relative links relative to the original URL of the blog post (which is hopefully part of the feed). One thing is for sure, though: the images of the blog post cannot be rendered as-is since the links won't work without some extra effort. From my perspective, it would be just as valid to just render the blog post without the images. I guess I'm curious about your expectations.

My own feed reader reduces every feed item to a small extract of uniform size with no images. If the extract catches my interest I will click through and read the actual blog post on the remote site.

If you had a blog with images, and you include images as relative links, just the filename for example, no domain, nothing, that is to say a perfectly valid URL, and everything looks as expected, what would you expect the feed to contain? My naive idea is that I can send the same HTML to the feed and it is up to the feed reader software to resolve relative links relative to the original URL of the blog post (which is hopefully part of the feed). One thing is for sure, though: the images of the blog...

Alex Schroeder

Looking at the download options of this image after following a few links:

Full Res (For Print), 11694 X 13392, TIF (173.29 MB) 
Full Res (For Display), 11694 X 13392, PNG (152.97 MB) 
1746 X 2000, PNG (4.71 MB) 

Uhhh. I think 4.71 MB ist going to do just fine.

Alex Schroeder

My take is that more and more people have Covid but nobody is testing so we don't know the numbers. And since we don't know the numbers and the sick people just stay home we don't see how household budgets are strained, how parents struggle with their kids and their jobs when their partner comes home from work and collapses on the couch, and we don't know how much decision-making deteriorates as a society due to brain fog spreading. Two of our friends suffering from Long Covid just got Covid again.
I found this page about SARS-CoV-2 in the Zurich waste water via @xtaran

My take is that more and more people have Covid but nobody is testing so we don't know the numbers. And since we don't know the numbers and the sick people just stay home we don't see how household budgets are strained, how parents struggle with their kids and their jobs when their partner comes home from work and collapses on the couch, and we don't know how much decision-making deteriorates as a society due to brain fog spreading. Two of our friends suffering from Long Covid just got Covid again.

Alex Schroeder

A new bot behavior I'm seeing on my site: my wiki software allows you to fetch a feed for every page. Either it contains updates to the page, or a feed of the pages linked, it depends. It's for humans. Of course some shit engineer decided that it was a good idea to scan the web for all the feeds that are out there (so rare! so precious!) and to download them all, forever (uncover the darknet! server our customers). Now I have to block IP number ranges, add user agents to robots.txt files (not all of them provide some), or block user agents (not all of them provide a useful one). I block and block and block (for the environment! to avoid +2.0°C and the end of human civilization). Knowing that all these shit requests exist out there – a hundred thousand requests or more per day, wasting CO₂ – makes me sad.

A new bot behavior I'm seeing on my site: my wiki software allows you to fetch a feed for every page. Either it contains updates to the page, or a feed of the pages linked, it depends. It's for humans. Of course some shit engineer decided that it was a good idea to scan the web for all the feeds that are out there (so rare! so precious!) and to download them all, forever (uncover the darknet! server our customers). Now I have to block IP number ranges, add user agents to robots.txt files (not all...

Alex Schroeder

And so the load on my tiny little server dropeth from 80+ to 0.5 again. What fuckery.

Alex Schroeder

I wonder whether there is a witty phrase one can extract from this. "Do not make requests on the Internet if a human does not need it right now. If you fetch things now because somebody might need it someday, you are a planet killer."

Alex Schroeder

I was at the Swiss Mechanical Keyboard Meetup. I wanted to get rid of my keyboards and instead I bought one. 😓
Tables by @xtaran and @deshipu Andrew Stephan and others…

Alex Schroeder

So, if VIA (on the web at recognises the keyboard (with Edge or Chrome) and I can switch the way the RGB light works (so it does have an effect) but I cannot switch Alt and Win on this work Windows machine, what's my problem? Do I have to do an extra flash step somewhere? Or is Windows overriding my settings?

Alex Schroeder

I should have a funputer feed that basically removes hashtag programming and hashtag administration from the feed on my blog.

Alex Schroeder

Abies alba’s live around 500–600 years on average. I think about that a lot around Christmas time.

Alex Schroeder

Found some old pictures from my living room in 2004 and 2005.

Alex Schroeder

I'm trying to find a current all-in-one CSS3 PDF so I can look stuff up without being online all the time. What the hell is this list of modules?

I think I'm going to stick to CSS2.


@alex have you seen it's compatible with anything dash (the macos version) consumes and I'm pretty sure has CSS in its standard set out of the box.

Alex Schroeder

Reading about LogoFAIL on and thinking back to those innocent days when I was annoyed that people wanted to show a logo during system startup where as I loved to see all those messages scroll by…

Alex Schroeder

No I want to replace the boot image in my UEFI BIOS whatever. It's still the Purism white rectangle on black background even though I'm running Debian 12. I'd love to see a logo of mine, or my face or something silly like that. How do I get that installed? Or no image, like in the good old days. I feel like the answer is somewhere in here:

Alex Schroeder

I feel so old. Will young people even know what I'm talking about when I tell them to press the play button? Do they know that there used to be buttons on devices with these symbols on them?
I guess somehow these symbols made the jump from those little tape records I used to have as a kid, and then walkman, diskman, minidisk, stereo with tape deck to MP3 player…

Alex Schroeder

OH: How do you search your static site? Go to the git website and search the source files.

Alex Schroeder

What a glorious rant about DocBook.


"In fact, the devastating quality of DocBook does not come as a surprise. It is essentially a design by committee product steered by big corporations: O'Reilly, AT&T, Sun, Novell, DEC, Fujitsu, HP, Hitachi and many others. Bloat, redundancy, lack of attention to detail, portability nightmares, and lack of design and architecture are the natural and expected outcomes of such a situation. … So, the executive summary about DocBook is pretty simple: never use it for anything.

This also made me laugh:


"However, for an input format that is as crappy as DocBook in the first place, we couldn't care less whether the input is valid or not. Also, erroring out was as hostile towards the user as we could possibly be: the poor guy already knows the input is in an undesirable format … They just want to get the damn text out of it no matter what. So why should we ever throw up on them? Even the worst kinds of violations of XML well-formedness should not hinder recovery of the text. … So i wrote the XML parser from scratch, in ISO C. It's now 180 lines of code grand total (function parse_file() in file parse.c). That probably took less time than figuring out how to write the glue code to integrate libxml2 or a similar library, and it's certainly simpler and more flexible. Needless to say, don't do that when you write your next web browser."

Ingo Schwarze, 2019-04-19
via @Sandra

What a glorious rant about DocBook.


"In fact, the devastating quality of DocBook does not come as a surprise. It is essentially a design by committee product steered by big corporations: O'Reilly, AT&T, Sun, Novell, DEC, Fujitsu, HP, Hitachi and many others. Bloat, redundancy, lack of attention to detail, portability nightmares, and lack of design and architecture are the natural and expected outcomes of such a situation. … So, the executive summary about DocBook is pretty simple: never use it for anything.

Alex Schroeder

In my many years of using wikis and working in projects or just being alive in this day and age, I can confidently say that labelling something as "this needs attention" does not invoke helpful gnomes coming out of the woodwork and doing the actual work that needs doing.

Inspired by this category on Emacs Wiki but applicable to everything in life:

Alex Schroeder

I still remember that moment when my wife came home from work one day and told me that in a corporate message at the office they had replaced "work-life balance" with "life balance" since obviously work is part of life and not in opposition to it.

Sometimes I try to imagine the kind of self-denial and subservience it takes for people to say these things.

I shudder at the thought.

Alex Schroeder

Still listening to the David W. Niven Collection of Early Jazz Legends, 1921-1991. He gives short intros and then every track is a like a mixtape – 600 hours or more! Currently listening to Oscar Peterson. At the time I used an elaborate torrent setup documented on my website to download them all. But there’s also a list of URLs to Ogg files, if you prefer that. Getting them all takes time but three years later it’s still paying off.

Still listening to the David W. Niven Collection of Early Jazz Legends, 1921-1991. He gives short intros and then every track is a like a mixtape – 600 hours or more! Currently listening to Oscar Peterson. At the time I used an elaborate torrent setup documented on my website to download them all. But there’s also a list of URLs to Ogg files, if you prefer that. Getting them all takes time but three years later it’s still paying off.

Alex Schroeder

I carried my laptop around in a backpack today. Now it no longer boots. At first it switched off when I was about to provide my login password. I started it again and it switched off sooner, as soon as I had typed the disk decryption password. Now it switches off as it is about to show me the disk decryption password. Like… no power? Batteries super low? But it’s connected to the power and “charging” according to the light. It is also not based on a timer: when I hit ESC to get into the boot menu, I can look at stuff. Running memtest now, for example. So… perhaps the power key is stuck but the boot menu ignores it? I’m confused.

I carried my laptop around in a backpack today. Now it no longer boots. At first it switched off when I was about to provide my login password. I started it again and it switched off sooner, as soon as I had typed the disk decryption password. Now it switches off as it is about to show me the disk decryption password. Like… no power? Batteries super low? But it’s connected to the power and “charging” according to the light. It is also not based on a timer: when I hit ESC to get into the boot menu,...

Alex Schroeder

I can plug in a USB stick with a Debian installer on it, and move around in the menus. As soon as I boot the system and the disk is accessed (?) the laptop shuts down. What the hell.

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