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Alex Schroeder

I carried my laptop around in a backpack today. Now it no longer boots. At first it switched off when I was about to provide my login password. I started it again and it switched off sooner, as soon as I had typed the disk decryption password. Now it switches off as it is about to show me the disk decryption password. Like… no power? Batteries super low? But it’s connected to the power and “charging” according to the light. It is also not based on a timer: when I hit ESC to get into the boot menu, I can look at stuff. Running memtest now, for example. So… perhaps the power key is stuck but the boot menu ignores it? I’m confused.

Alex Schroeder

I can plug in a USB stick with a Debian installer on it, and move around in the menus. As soon as I boot the system and the disk is accessed (?) the laptop shuts down. What the hell.

Alex Schroeder

I wonder whether this is a borked (unintended) hibernation…

Alex Schroeder

Here’s a video of how it looks when the laptop attempts to boot and crashes.

Alex Schroeder

Current status: installing Debian on an old MacBook Pro so I’m not laptopless.

Alex Schroeder

Update on the current laptop situation: @deshipu opened it up, looked it over with the binoculars and applied the sysadmin touches and … and he found a lose screw wedged into a corner of the laptop's innards so that it wouldn't rattle and betray itself. We recovered the screw, located an empty place that looked like it might be missing a screw, put it all back together, and it worked!
And then we switched the disks of PowerBook Pro and Purism laptops. I'm writing this message from the laptop I feared was toast!

Alex Schroeder

Oh, and for no reason at all… Today is backup day!

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