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Alex Schroeder

I was at the Swiss Mechanical Keyboard Meetup. I wanted to get rid of my keyboards and instead I bought one. 😓
Tables by @xtaran and @deshipu Andrew Stephan and others…

Alex Schroeder

So, if VIA (on the web at recognises the keyboard (with Edge or Chrome) and I can switch the way the RGB light works (so it does have an effect) but I cannot switch Alt and Win on this work Windows machine, what's my problem? Do I have to do an extra flash step somewhere? Or is Windows overriding my settings?

Alex Schroeder

Ah, the problem was in fact that the firmware was good enough for some features but not good enough for the rest. Flashed a new firmware and now VIA works as expected. Kept some notes on my blogpost, too. For my future self, so to say.

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