"According to a major new American Enterprise Institute survey, 46 percent of White Gen Z women are liberal, compared to only 28 percent of White Gen Z men, more of whom (36 percent) now identify as conservative. Norms around sexuality and gender are diverging, too. Whereas 61 percent of Gen Z women see themselves as feminist, only 43 percent of Gen Z men do."
by the Editorial Board, Washington Post (2023)
Via @isotopp

My hot take is that perhaps finally sexual selection kicks in and puts some pressure on the white male brain…

There was a similar discussion a while back when it turned out the there are a lot of fascist white men in Eastern Germany and a lot of women just moved to Western Germany.

Now, cause and effect and all that, of course. There are feedback loops, I'm sure. Be a fascist man and therefore have a higher chance of being lonely which makes them maybe a little more fascist, and on it goes. Sadly, compared to political changes, selection is pretty slow. After all, we've had this discussion in 2007.

"Eastern Germany is facing a demographic crisis as huge numbers of women abandon the former communist region leaving behind an underclass of poorly educated, jobless and disillusioned men."
by Kate Connolly, The Guardian (2007)

And things got worse.

"But frankly, for the more vulnerable among us without German citizenship or even a secure residency status, this nightmare may have already begun."
by Fatma Aydemir, The Guardian (2023)