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Alex Schroeder

The Germans like to smash words together. Here’s one I think about often as it applied to my grandmother when she grew up in Lübeck: Trümmerkinder
“Kids of the rubble” – children growing up in bombed out cities.

I think about rubble kids a lot, these days.

Alex Schroeder

Somewhat related to the Trümmerkinder thought: one of the current fascist party in Germany's talking points are the "memorials" for the victims of the bombings 80 years ago. Bombing people might win you a war today, but you can't bomb your way to peace.

Alex Schroeder

Somewhat related to the Trümmerkinder thought: one of the talking points for the fascists in Germany are "memorials" for the victims of the bombings 80 years ago. Bombing people might win you a war today, but you can't bomb your way to peace.

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