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632 posts total
WerySkok :verified_think:

Today marks four years of #Owncast! Can you believe it? For fun, let's take a short look back at what that looked like.

Nate Gullion

@owncast this was a great read! Know that we really appreciate what you've made, especially in the face of constant "Why haven't you done this?" or "Why doesn't it do this?" I really wish I knew web dev better, but I am learning more and more about app development, so who knows maybe in the future I can help with a native mobile app :) keep that passion going, and again, thank you!


@owncast Thank you for all your hard work on this project. It's a great addition to my self hosted services!

WerySkok :verified_think:

I have now made a Fediverse-only lane sign and a end of Fediverse-only lane sign, compliant with the internationally-agreed Vienna Conventions on Road Signs

(this is a modification of the bus-only lane and end of bus lane signs in the UK)


WerySkok :verified_think:

@yassie_j hm, in Russia we have such signs for bus lanes:

WerySkok :verified_think:

Here’s a Fediverse Zone sign, compliant with the internationally-agreed Vienna Conventions on Road Signs

(This is a modification on the Low Traffic Zone sign)


AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Это изображение представляет собой скриншот записи в социальной сети. На белом фоне чёрным шрифтом написан текст: «В деревне Кукуево столкнулись Бентли и Ламборджини. Прибывшие на место сотрудники ДПС два часа фотографировались».

📝 Текст на картинке

В деревне Кукуево столкнулись Бентли и Ламборджини. Прибывшие на место сотрудники ДПС два часа фотографировались.

WerySkok :verified_think:

Even if you last tried Linux say 2-3 years ago properly, it's quite a different world. Thinking on the rise of Flathub / Flatpak, getting apps is *so much* easier now across nearly any Linux distribution:

That's one thing I thought we were missing some time ago, that is close to solved now.

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@gamingonlinux Maybe. But sometimes I struggle with accesing my own files (Sandbox) and the really ugly file path that is used inside the app.


Wow, I just used flathub on my Linux Mint to install XIVLauncher...
Da F*ck ? I just needed to point it to a pair of repertories, added some permissions here & there with Flatseal, copied my character folder...
And it just works. IT WORKS.
I'm flabbergasted (in a good way) 😲

Andrew Wedlake

@gamingonlinux Assuming that is isn't already a feature I don't know about - the missing feature I'd like to see Flatpak add is a version rollback feature. Would be handy at those times when a new flatpak update fubrs the application, and one wants to go back to the previous working flatpak version. It's happened to me a few times, and I end up waiting for fix.

WerySkok :verified_think:

«Если жизнь даёт вам лимоны - делайте из них говно»
©Алишер Усманов, бывший владелец холдинга Group

WerySkok :verified_think:

volume warning but hell yeah pedro this is absolutely brilliant!


WerySkok :verified_think:

So, #Smithereen no longer requires a username when signing up. You instead get assigned one automatically, of the form "idXXX" where XXX is the ID for your user record. You can change it later in settings if you wish. Current Mastodon versions handle this change no problem.

The username is only visible in two places:
- The URL of your profile
- When someone mentions you
So it's not very important. Definitely not important enough to be a required field when you register.

#activitypub #mastodev

So, #Smithereen no longer requires a username when signing up. You instead get assigned one automatically, of the form "idXXX" where XXX is the ID for your user record. You can change it later in settings if you wish. Current Mastodon versions handle this change no problem.

The username is only visible in two places:
- The URL of your profile
- When someone mentions you
So it's not very important. Definitely not important enough to be a required field when you register.

Данила Горелко

Here I have a first and last name. I have an email. I have a phone. And there's no nickname. Where can I get a nickname? Where is it given out?

It is believed that I have to come up with it. But why? What is the use of a nickname? Can't you generate a UUID and write your first and last name in the message?

WerySkok :verified_think:

If you don't use Bing with Edge, Microsoft will tell you your computer needs repairing.

They are not wrong.

To mend your machine:

1. Ditch Windows
2. Install Plasma
3. Your computer is ready.

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I love KDE so much. If I didn't rely on certain creative software for work, I'd ditch macOS in an instant.
And I think that's one of the reasons people just aren't able to switch over from Windows.

But hey, every other computer in the house that isn't a Mac runs Fedora KDE. 😃

Ԏєηυкι, 手抜き🚀🐧♏🔭
I remember decades ago when a US court convicted Microsoft to seperate their browser from windows. The court wrote the verdict that Microsoft ilegally tried to prevent competion . Since Microsoft lost it shouldn't be difficult to file the next suit .

Matúš :ferris: :nixos: I am already running KDE on my desktop and GNOME on my laptop with Fedora. Maybe when I will have tome, I will package KDE for #MatuushOS.

WerySkok :verified_think:

Заготовил стикеров к наступающей эпохе господства AI

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Dan Palmer

@vas3k amazing! Where did you get them, or do you have the artwork for anyone who might want to print their own?

Vladimir Garvardt

@vas3k можно у тебя пару этих стикеров подрезать за пиво/соки/воды/шоколад?

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