От себя хочу добавить, что прочитать и понять или "вроде бы понять" не равносильно "действительно овладеть материалом на очень глубоком уровне". @pechorin@mastodon.ml не тупой, а с особенностями мышления :blobfoxgoogly: Getting #GodotEngine oiled up to the state it is now, where development speed is so incredibly fast and there is such good harmony with foundation, contributions and community took many many, _many_ years of refining processes for development, contribution, release management, moderation, etc. I will do a talk about it at GodotCon in a week explaining parts of this process! Pressing the fork button takes a second. Learning to do what we do takes a tiny bit more 😞.
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@reduz That fork was funny. I didn’t want to write about it on Twitter because trolls would come but it’s just obviously DOA because it will have zero technical differentiation. Will chill from Twitter/X until after the US elections. Almost all the hate Godot got over the weekend was pretty much people who had not a clue what a game engine is, what Godot is, or what a FOSS / community made project is. Most of the ones who did were the usual haters. Checking profile of haters, majority pro-trump people with weird religious symbology, or people with avatars/obsession for anime little girls. Sometimes I feel I am too innocent for this world.
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Cuz the CM said something they don't like...that's it
And no i'm not trump or have anime pfp So it seems that #Firefox went ahead and just re-enabled these terrible settings That's 1 strike for the fox.. One more and it's out Maybe i should build my own browser and not made of Chromium crap (no offense)
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@stux Ботинки из Parkour Civilization 🤝 Штаны из Кин-дза-дза In a move that absolutely no one asked for: These widgets are actually zip files with web resources plus some metadata.
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@polyfloyd Awesome! I wish Win10 had this stuff. And desktop sticky notes. And the ability to tablet scribble on the desktop. Windows has had so many sweet features. Плюнул и заказал себе на озоне Anbernic RG35XXSP (ну и названия у них). Приедет как раз перед ДР. Заказал с вполне конкретной целью пройти Resident Evil 1-3 и первый Silent Hill. Теперь ждать уведомления от озона.
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@omgitsmishenka а в чем тут прикол? Всё это прекрасно (нативно) работает на псп. А она копейки стоит на авито. Можно на алишке даже новый корпус заказать. @dexter Here's the AMD w/ CUDA support/library/api/shim/translation/thing that came up the other day: > ZLUDA is a drop-in replacement for CUDA on non-NVIDIA GPU. ZLUDA allows to run unmodified CUDA applications using non-NVIDIA GPUs with near-native performance. - https://vosen.github.io/ZLUDA/blog/zludas-third-life/ #forDiscussion #gpu #ai #cuda #amd #nvidia #zluda #opencl #machineLearning У первой Elite очень приятно сделаны маркетинговые материалы. К выпуску игры был даже рассказ написан "Тёмное Колесо". А если кому интересны технические детали разработки игры, то есть ролик, полностью раскрывающий тему: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC4YLMLar5I #SaturdayNightGaming И мы начинаем! https://peertube.th3rdsergeevich.xyz/w/6VQjPppfz1JpVdTEWLiToA Сегодня будет пробный стрим на моем кастомном инстансе. Если кому захочется, могу скинуть запись на XXIV. А пока мы все еще играем в Saints Row. Жду в 20:00 по МСК по новому адресу для теста. https://peertube.th3rdsergeevich.xyz/w/6VQjPppfz1JpVdTEWLiToA Вот думаю: провести ли сегодняшний стрим #SaturdayNightGaming на XXIV Production или воспользоваться новообретенной силой и провести на своем инстансе? 136 голосование завершилось! Победил вариант предложенный @BigFoxBoss:
1+1 / Intouchables, 2011 Fediverse Movie Night Воскресен… So now that #Playstation has delisted #HorizonZeroDawn from #Steam and so has #EpicGames, you've only got #GOG left now, if you don't want the forced PSN requirement for the remaster. And who knows when that will disappear. Shows the price our #privacy and data has, and now low it actually is. Now countries unsupported by PSN can't buy this game, whether its the non-remastered game (which doesn't require PSN) or remastered. #Sony truly being awful, once again. If you want to have your data be your own, and be able to play a #Sony #Playstation game in a country where PSN is not available? #Piracy is the answer. Download a #repack and enjoy the game. It will play, ironically...even better. Sony won't be losing a 'sale', since it is not available to you to buy. So it sure isn't stealing. #Gaming has taken so many dramatic turns these last two years. So few of them being positive. |
@th3rdsergeevich@mastodon.ml а это не у годо в свое время была валюта enjin?