> Внешний вид станда ДИО напоминает экипировку дайвера Ай да Араки, ай да хитрая жожопа! The email as analogy for fedi doesnt work on people who aren't intimately familiar w email infrastructure @vriska the average normie would think "I have to wait a week for a response? Well that's no good"
Best of Blender Artists: 2024-47 Every week, hundreds of artists share their work on the Blender Artists forum. I'm putting some of the best work in the spotlight in a weekly post here on BlenderNation. @skobkin Можно пилить релизы на гитхабе, а юзеры будут подписываться либо по RSS, либо по e-mail от гитхаба. :) привет, @rf ! мы с @MrClon рады сообщить, что сервисы на anyaforger.art работают в нормальном режиме :wtc_rika_smile: :anya_happy: @wonderfox_dev@suya.place @rf@mastodon.ml @MrClon@lor.sh Я только что понял, что это не "any forager", а "anya forger". Going viral is overrated* - a mini-thread (*prays this post doesn’t end up on Explore) Yesterday one of my toots (about the need to bust the myth that there is no engagement on the Fediverse) ironically went viral. It was the top post on Explore for hours and ended up getting 255 boosts, 494 likes and dozens of comments (as of now). And you know what? It made me realize that ✨ there’s something beautiful in staying small ✨ because you can build genuine connections with others… (cont’) 2. When one of your posts goes big, you are inundated with comments by strangers - super smart comments here on the Fediverse - and it’s so hard to reply to everyone… I’m still playing catch-up. This is frustrating and it makes you feel guilty - because a stranger took the time to write a long, thoughtful response to something you had posted. You feel rude… and the constant steam of new comments makes the task of replying Sisyphean. (Cont’) |
@Fire6900 Ecco una descrizione dell'immagine per chi non la può vedere:
L'immagine mostra un cartello stradale marrone con la scritta "PASSOGATTO". Sotto il cartello, c'è un cartello di limite di velocità a 50 km/h. Al centro dell'immagine, un gatto tigrato viene sorretto delicatamente da due mani che provengono da due persone diverse. Il gatto appare calmo e sereno. Lo sfondo è leggermente sfocato, ma si intravedono alberi e parte di un paesaggio rurale.
@Fire6900 @TeLoDescribot