I've taken the original, extremely terse source files from the disks on Ian Bell’s site, and have converted them into a fully buildable source with a full and detailed commentary.
That's 57,000 lines of heavily commented 6502 assembly that explain how this classic game works... on 1977 technology.
My next step will be to add the commentary to my https://elite.bbcelite.com/ website.
When that's done, the site will cover all the official 6502 versions of Elite: BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, 6502 Second Processor, Commodore 64, Apple II, BBC Master, NES…plus Elite-A.
Full house! It’s only taken 5 years. 🫡
I'll also be writing some deep dives into the Apple version, as there are some really interesting aspects to this codebase.
Right on, Commanders!
That's amazing work, congratulations! That's a rather monumental effort. 57 K lines, wow.
> only taken 5 years.
Wow again!
A few days ago somebody announced they retargeted your work for another platform, and I assume that will happen with increasing frequency, especially once someone translates it to (initially super ugly low level) C code.
Perhaps you could have a "See also" for those.