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Johannes Ernst

If you are wondering what legal obligations you might have as an operator of a #Fediverse server that might be used by Europeans, IFTAS produced this handy guide.

/cc @iftas

Johannes Ernst

Of the first thirty posts in my Facebook timeline today (which I use very rarely), 10 are from friends, and 20 are some other feed that I don't know where it comes from. Like the Calvis & Hobbes account. Or some historical architecture account. Who creates those posts? Recommending other accounts to follow maybe with sample content is one thing, but I'm confused about attribution.

Elena Rossini ⁂

@J12t I disabled my Facebook account 6 years ago (gulp!) but I must confess, I'd be curious to see what my feed looks like now... especially with all the talk of weird AI generated images taking over the News Feed

Johannes Ernst

Thinking of having a little salad for lunch.

This thing is Big! is producing…

Johannes Ernst

Creating an account on #farcaster to figure out where all that money is going to. Let me just say that if people complain about the onboarding experience on Mastodon, they have not tried Farcaster.

I am now successful on attempt number 4 on the second day.

Dave Peck

@J12t It’s so comically bad. I think the term “Rube Goldberg” applies: I can admire the extreme feats of engineering derring-do while mostly just being bemused by the outcome.

Johannes Ernst

Apparently I'm going to @dweb camp in August. In the redwoods. In a tent. With a laptop.

Beats still conferences in overpriced hotels wearing a tie.

Johannes Ernst

XOXO Festival in August. I'm registered!

Probably a bunch of people from here will be there, too.

Johannes Ernst

Wednesday next week (June 5th) at 9:00am pacific, we are going to do another Fediverse Developer Network meetup.

You are all invited, particularly if you are a #developer new to ActivityPub and the #fediverse, or if you have an existing implementation and are interested in the first round of test results from @feditest!

Details are on

Johannes Ernst

So now it's written into law record that the 2016 US election was illegally influenced by the winner. That seems like it should be a bigger deal than anybody is talking about.

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the Amygdalai Lama

he fudged the very first qualifier to lead the party too

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@urbanfoxe Don't ever forget that #45 had the full backing of the RNC in 2016. They created the Monster, and got it into the White House, and covered its ass for 4 years.

Larry Smith

My thoughts exactly. The courts convicted Trump on his illegal actions to influence the 2016 election ( not withstanding the Russian interference), without following the implication.

That Trump was an illegitimate winner in 2016.

Johannes Ernst

Python just cost me half an hour. The problem: a comma instead of a period.

Runtime and two linters said everything was fine. Except it wasn't.

Soapbox: Programming languages should not have syntaxes where something like this is possible. Compact syntax is all nice and dandy, but there needs to be enough redundancy that things like this are easily caught. Otherwise we'd all still write software in hex.



yea, there's probably an argument that the comma is an overpowered part of the syntax given how small and similar to a period it is.

It's probably the buckling point for all the strains that the whitespace-as-syntax design creates.


@J12t wait until you find out python also depends on invisible horizontal spacing characters!!!



@J12t I posit that going back to hex or asm will bring some better quality software about

Johannes Ernst

I was not expecting guilty on all counts. I was expecting that somebody took a million dollars to hang the jury. Good for us all.

Johannes Ernst

Newsmast did an analysis of which communities tend to be on which social networks.

/cc @FreddieJ

Johannes Ernst

Is there a maximum amount of snap peas one can eat in a day before snapeaoisoninig?

Asking for a friend with a hydroponics system that's producing good stuff.

Johannes Ernst

“Farcaster, a crypto-based social network, raised $150M with just 80K daily users”

You can do something with that kind of money. I wonder what they will.

Internet Rando

@J12t well if they're like 99% of all crypto enterprises, "take the money and run", is my bet.

Johannes Ernst

I really got the new espresso machine for espresso. That doesn't mean I can't try making cappuccino. Turns out the "textured" (as they call it) milk can get a structure where it can actually form a half-inch hill. Somewhat amazed at the physics (chemistry?) here.

Elena Rossini ⁂

@J12t I would highly recommend getting a milk frother with different programs (cold milk froth for frozen coffee drinks... warm milk froth for latte... warm froth for cappuccino) etc. I have one from the brand VAVA that I love but it's not available anymore it seems...

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@lennby I think I have at least friend that will be leaning into Mg.

Meaningwhile, I’m still trying to figure out what to use instead of Sir/Ma’am.

KT, who's FINALLY at MFF,


*leans back and ponders this while drinking a can of Mg. Pibb*

Anselm Schüler

@lennby it doesn't fucking end in a vowel sound what are they on about

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