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Johannes Ernst

#AI as a topic is a marketer’s dream. Great promise! Great peril! Ban it! No, invest more in it! Everybody will be fired! No, we will all be gods! No, the new gods will exterminate us! The Americans / Chinese / … / but not us will use this to take over the world!

Everybody can have an opinion. Headline topic in every governmental meeting and board room and the pub at the corner. Even the pope gets quoted. With almost nobody having any idea what they are actually talking about.

Johannes Ernst

What an amazing story about the history of VLSI design. I remember that book on the desk of my professor many years later!

Johannes Ernst

In Mastodon, I can create a "private mention" post and accidentially not mention anybody. A new version of the ever-swallowing void, I guess...

free ideas

@J12t lol that cracks me up.
Johannes, listening to your interview on flipboard dot social inspired me to get involved here. And being pretty new... Im almost afraid to ask this but do people want anyone to respond to their void posts?

Johannes Ernst

Apparently I live in a neighborhood where walking the dog can have you return with a gifted dwarf banana plant.

I had meant to replace the one I had in my office and that died 20 years or so ago. And here we are.



But did you still have the dog, or was it a swap?

Johannes Ernst

NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations

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@caseynewton democracy dies in darkness - especially when it’s deliberate.



#stanford endowment can cover the ongoing litigation cost, and they can countersue or request that the acku intercede. they can also ask alumni for grants specifically to protect this vital work.

vile things loathe bright lights. don't let them go out!


@caseynewton This is typical of fascists. They are enemies of education, science and anything which helps people instead of giving them more power over others.

Johannes Ernst

Note to self: do not file a bug against your own code for missing functionality if you just implemented that functionality and it is checked-in and working.

Ray C. Keith

@J12t unless you also mark it fixed at the same time.

Johannes Ernst

If I type "Tell me the history of the Roman empire" into an #AI chat bot like #ChatGPT and hit return, it HTTP POSTs that to one of their web servers, and then ... what?

How many computers are involved in producing my response? What are their responsibilities? How is the response assembled from those parts?

It's a bit like the old interview question: if I type " into a browser, what exactly happens?" I can answer that one, but I'm unclear on the AI chat version. Anybody know?

Johannes Ernst

Interesting post on the future or lack thereof of Generative AI.

Microsoft is ""... shifting our focus on GPTs to Commercial and Enterprise scenarios and are stopping GPT efforts in consumer Copilot." Translation: Microsoft isn't making enough money from consumer MS365 subscriptions to pay for the cloud costs of an OpenAI-based service."

Johannes Ernst

He continues: "So now they're pushing those sales teams to try and sell these capabilities to gullible and vain CIOs and CEOs. Who are unlikely to move any of this bullsh*t past the "pilot" phase."


@J12t finally.

(But I’m sure I’m not going to like the next hype cycle any better)

Johannes Ernst

Tried out something. Worked exactly as expected / hoped for. What does that ever happen??!?

Johannes Ernst

Seeing the job title "Principle Software Engineer", I never know whether they actually meant exactly what they wrote or the mis-spel-checker got in the way.

Johannes Ernst

This is such as cool video that explains that Mastodon is not just a Twitter Replacement. Gonna try and show this to people that haven't got into Mastodon before.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #ExplainerVideo

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Nice entry with the Ford-Musk comparison.
By the way: Henry Ford was a frenetic antisemite and he first published the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in the US in his own newspaper "The Dearborn Independent". Ford bought the newspaper 17 years after its establishment.
And (I didn't know that until now) Musk also bought Twitter 17 years after it was established and then he published #antisemitism
This means nothing of course, but it'd be funny if it wasn't so awful :blobconfused:

Lauren Weinstein

@sam The problem is that for most people who want to leave #Twitter/X, as close a replacement as possible (minus Musk) is EXACTLY what they want.


Aaaand here is the (presumably original) #Peertube link:

But admittedly, it doesn't load as quickly for me 😅

Johannes Ernst

Who is going to #DWebCamp in August under the California redwood trees? I'm registered.

Wondering what kind of #Fediverse contigent there will be, and whether anybody is up to doing something together. Reach out if you are!

Danny O'B

@J12t lots! including some of the OGs of the fediverse @cwebber

Johannes Ernst

Sounds like the #Apple "personal intelligence" built into the OS will dramatically change the character of computers.

One of the big things of UNIX back in the day was that you could chain programs together, with things like pipes. And uniformity with a single "file system" that contains a lot more things than files.

This does something similar. You interact with "the intelligence" and it ties together the data and applications on the device in rather tight and novel ways.

Johannes Ernst

I'm very impressed by #Apple's "Personal Intelligence" architecture. Not much detail in the keynote, but the hints are tantalizing.

A "semantic index!" Ha!

And externally audited servers as a core feature of the product!

Johannes Ernst

The market for "personal AI" has just shrunk by half.

#apple #ai #personalai

Johannes Ernst

So Apple just coined a new term. Instead of "Personal AI" it's "Personal Intelligence".


Johannes Ernst

I'm super-early-bird registered for IIW (Internet Identity Workshop) in October.

Johannes Ernst

Got to have a word with that squirrel.

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