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Johannes Ernst

"It will be amazing if we end up with ActivityPub search engines ... that are not just returning [summary] results but [the entire] content"

I'd love to know about this line of thinking by @johnonolan in (finally getting around to listening to more of it)

You mean kind of like Mastodon search that you can follow like you can follow accounts and hash tags today? If so, that'd be really cool -- people-based follows and topic-based follows in user-controlled harmony!

"It will be amazing if we end up with ActivityPub search engines ... that are not just returning [summary] results but [the entire] content"

I'd love to know about this line of thinking by @johnonolan in (finally getting around to listening to more of it)

Johannes Ernst

"What we [at Ghost] are focusing on is a reader as well as a publisher" [unlike other long-form publishing platforms that integrate with ActivityPub.]

"So when you put something out in the world you can see what happens and people can respond back to you... you are part of a network ... and not just pushing stuff..."

@johnonolan in


@J12t @johnonolan

but it will require a FOSS reader app designed around articles shared via #ActivityPub ala @pocket_recommends. as open as the ecosystem of podcatchers are today.

Johannes Ernst

"ActivityPub establishes a human connection as a source of discovery [of interesting content, of interesting writers, creators etc]"

@mike in

Johannes Ernst

"The lack of a social interaction layer has always been the hardest sell about having your own website. It's been lonely."

@johnonolan on why #Ghost is implementing #ActivityPub and why they are doing it now.

Johannes Ernst

Pondering the today's "AI" and this famous saying:

"If after ten minutes at the poker table you do not know who the patsy is—you are the patsy."

Given the amounts of money involved, #AI looks like the biggest poker game of all times.

Johannes Ernst

Sustained winds of 130 miles per hour. Wow. I have no idea how one would prepare for that.

I'm sure happy I don't live in #hurricane country. #beryl

Johannes Ernst

I participated in a geek meetup earlier this week where people jointly try to learn about a new technical subject every couple of weeks.

This week: ActivityPub.

It's always fascinating what kind of information about this topic people came across, what kinds of questions that produces, and misconceptions. I think I was able to address some of those.

And every time the refrain: this could be big! Why aren't more people talking about this??

I don't actually have an answer for that one.

Johannes Ernst

Imagine you wanted to create an election system in which entertainment matters more than substance. How would you go about it?

Apropos nothing, a bunch of people will turn on their TVs soon.

Elena Rossini ⁂

@J12t ah yes! Basically, Neil Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death" which came out in 1985 I wish Postman was still around today to give us a commentary about the current state of affairs, with his brilliant analyses (but he would be crushed by what has been happening since 2015-2016)

Johannes Ernst

There is bullshit.

Then there is really bad bullshit.

And then there is #AI bullshit.

Apropos nothing in particular.

Johannes Ernst

@johnonolan: “The time for the Fediverse is now.”

On @mike s podcast.

Couldn’t agree more.

Johannes Ernst

For the state of understanding by this thing misleadingly called "AI", here's a fun story by my friend Doc:

Johannes Ernst

The #nostr guys are systematically recruiting independent journalists and creators to their platform. That's a smart idea.

Elena Rossini ⁂

@J12t very smart strategy. My biggest takeaway from @taylorlorenz's book Extremely Online is that platforms need to nurture relationships with creators and top users in order to grow and scale.

#Vine didn't do that and eventually faltered... conversely, #YouTube actively worked to solidify these relationships and became a behemoth

Johannes Ernst

I miss CORBA.

Btw, why didn’t they ever make CORBA remote object references http URIs, and essentially define a rich object interface model on top of REST?

Or did somebody and I missed it?


@J12t because it was pure paper spec I'd guess

Johannes Ernst

People actively turning away from news.

Maybe good for your mental health. Not good in all other aspects.

Suzanne Aldrich (she/her)

@J12t The constant barrage of evil, violence, and outrage was completely unhealthy for me. It was quite noticeable how much my anxiety improved after giving up cable. Years later I got the same effect from quitting social media. I wish I could just get the news without being exposed to constant violent imagery, which is incredibly upsetting to me, to the point that I can’t function.

Johannes Ernst

The Apache Software Foundation has an X logo right at the top of but no Fediverse logo. Really!

Who has some influence there?

Johannes Ernst

TIL that R.F. Knucklehead had a disastrous career in the US Air Force during WWII.

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