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Johannes Ernst

Interesting post on the future or lack thereof of Generative AI.

Microsoft is ""... shifting our focus on GPTs to Commercial and Enterprise scenarios and are stopping GPT efforts in consumer Copilot." Translation: Microsoft isn't making enough money from consumer MS365 subscriptions to pay for the cloud costs of an OpenAI-based service."

Johannes Ernst

He continues: "So now they're pushing those sales teams to try and sell these capabilities to gullible and vain CIOs and CEOs. Who are unlikely to move any of this bullsh*t past the "pilot" phase."

Duncan Hart 🇮🇲 🇦🇺 🌏

@J12t I’m expecting Microsoft to go ‘pop’ anytime soon. And when I say ‘pop’ I mean Enron-style implosion.

/usr/PLE ░ XX :~$ nova

@J12t the pop of the bubble is going to be so sweet


@J12t finally.

(But I’m sure I’m not going to like the next hype cycle any better)

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